THW require all healthy citizens to register their bone marrow data and donate marrow when needed.
1.save people’s lives;
2. register their bone narrow can help doctor’s find the potential dias of the citizens;
3. according to rearch, donating marrow brings no harm to donators’health;
4.donating your marrow can help the doctor know the zygosity[zai'ɡ?s?ti, zi-] 配型of your own marrow. Once you need the marrow from others, the success of zygosity can be improved, so your behavior in turn also benefit for yourlves.sheet什么意思
1. Registering every healthy citizens
bone marrow date may not protect
the privacy from intended
information disclosure;
2.Local medical condition should be
take into consideration. If the
condition is bad, we can not
promi that the donator’s health
after donation.
3.We should fight against the
monopoly of the marrow
resources. If a single
organization control all the
resources of marrow, it can lead to corruption.
THW grant t ho diagnod with terminal illness t he right to access treatments that have not completed clinical testing.巧克力英文
1.At a point when all ordinary medical
avenues have been expended, and the outcome appears bleak, new
treatments still undergoing trials can
be en as the last hope.It is almost
impossible for tho diagnod
with terminal illness recover from
the dias, so choosing treatments碧昂斯资料
that have not completed clinical testing at least can give them opportunity to
2.We live in a free society, and accept that
people have the right to do as they plea;
including exposing themlves to risk, as long
as in so doing they do not harm others (Mill’s
harm principle).1Tho diagnod with
terminal illness are responsible for小学六年级英语教学计划
their lives. As a patient, you can
choo your doctor and treatment, so
accessing treatments that have not
completed clinical testing is one of the
option for people who have free will.
3.Without the volunteers to access
treatments that have not completed
clinical testing, we cannot make
progress in terms of medical
development, and we cannot make
sure the treatments are safe for
human beings. So tho diagnod
with terminal illness, if they choo
to accept the treatment, whether
success or not, they make contribution to our society.
4.Nowadays, many regulations have
been made to protect the rights of
the patients. For example, before
you access treatments that have
not completed clinical testing, you
should informed connt to treatment, all
the privacy can not be leaked. If any
quelae happened after the treatment, the
hospital is suppod to mitigate your
medical fee without any contidition,you can
even decide to quit during the
treatment .So tho diagnod with terminal illness have nothing to worry about.
1.We have no idea that what kind of effects the treatments that have not completed clinical testing may bring to the patient, what if it caud vere paralysis? What if the patients turned into the zombie just as in American TV the walking dead?Thus, to allow such drugs and treatments to be handed out during the testing process, there is a great risk of giving people fal hope.
2.Not all the patients diagnod with terminal illness have rights to choo their treatments. Such as juveniles 'd??v?nl, psychopath,they can
not think reasonable, may be they don’t know how to cho anything. 3.T his policy enhances the role of
drug reps and advertising, at the cost of evidence-bad medicine. By allowing anyone who is critically ill to u experimental drugs you enhance the already dubious 可疑的role of drug company reps: there is already a problem of patterns of prescription being altered by the techniques of drug reps, rather than by evidence1 Where drugs are for sale before they have completed testing, there is even less evidence available, and therefore less ability for physicians to contest the claims of either reps or their own patients (who may have heard of the drug during their own rearch). Hence you magnify the problem of potentially ineffective of even harmful prescription