●Unit 1
It is a complete misconception that the poor do not need compulsory education becau they do not even have enough to feed on. Without education, how can people ever overcome their poverty?
It was obvious that her rejection of his proposal hit him hard, but in time he recovered from his wounds.
●Unit 2
On Children’s Day, children are entitled to free entry to all city parks. This is a way of compensating them for the long hours they spend in school all year.
There’s no practical reason to perpetuate the custom of opening doors for women, let alone the tradition of “women and children first”.
●Unit 3
We soon grew weary of her constant complaints, and avoided her as much as possible.
If we had more time at our disposal, I’d take you up this mountain. The view from the top is truly awe-inspiring.
●Unit 4
I hope my advice will work with students under pressure—the road ahead is full of unforeen opportunities.
Young people nowadays are growing up old, with the conviction that achievement is measured by how many posssions one owns.
●Unit 5
I came to New York from far away to e him, only to find that he had gone abroad two days before.
He was refud an entry permit to this country on the grounds that he was a dangerous person.
●Unit 6
I wish you could adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the event.
It was 50 years after his death that his accomplishments were acknowledged by society.
●Unit 1
1. Do you think that making music and art compulsory雀斑怎么治 subjects in schools would reduce some children’s enjoyment of them?
2. Bob’s one of tho people who relish risk and danger—he’d be bored in a safe, steady job.
3. Elizabeth is certainly talented enough to succeed in her career; she just doesn’t have enough confidence信服是什么意思 in her own abilities.
4. I’m sorry you’re in trouble, but as you made your decision on your own you’ll just have to face the 爱护公物从我做起conquences.
5. Many educators would be delighted to abolish exams, but they also worry that without them there would be too little 八月 英文incentive for students to work hard.
6. The teacher accidentally hit the boy’s hand with an erar and was henceforth known as “Dead-Eye Bean”.
7. If I had money, I’d invest it all in Internet companies.
8. Psychologists say that our behavior is influenced by many factors too subtle for us to consciously perceive .
9. He’s always had a passion for books. If he could work in a library, it would be a dream come true.
10. Look at tho three whispering in the corner again—they’re scheming something, I just don’t know what !
●Unit 2
1. In a healthy relationship, the partners’ strengths abilities complement each other, rather than being identical.
2. Millions of dollars and lots of famous actors are not indispensable to the production of a successful film, but they help !
3. I never felt I had a right to expect any special privileges becau of my university education. 4. The marketing strategy that Edward propod would be brilliant if only he hadn’t forgotten about good business ethics.
5. It’s true that not having a car impos some constraints, but owning one also complicates life in many ways.
6. According to Chine law, every child is entitled to nine years of free education.
7. Life should consist of more than just a struggle for sweet baby是什么意思中文survival.
8. The sight of the helpless child aroud her maternal instinct.
9. The winners of the contest were chon randomly; no consideration was given to age, gender or income.
10. He has lost the u of his limbs but he is still in posssion of all his faculty.
11. Plea give the highest priority to this very urgent matter.
12. She enjoyed parts of her trip to India, but said she found the poverty she saw there rather depressing.
瑞思少儿英语>wrong是什么意思●Unit 3
1. Colors often have symbolic meanings that vary from culture to culture.
2. All the years that have pasd have not dimmed my memory of our first glorious autumn in Beijing.