P r o c e d u r e f o r FIRST USER of
裤子英文FIRST USER of day
1.Turn on CPU power (inside lower cabinet)
2.Turn on Computer Monitor
3.Login to Windows (no password)
4.Login to S-4800 software by clicking icon PC-SEM to open control panel (no
5.Click box (Vacc, Ie) upper left of Toolbar (if dialog box w/FLASHING button is
not open)
6.Click Flashing.
7.“Flashing Execute ok?” Click Execute (Intensity 2 is normally ok).
8.Repeat steps 5 & 6; Ie will transiently register current – should be between 20 and
40 µA.
9.Check Evacuation Control Panel for ion pump readings (IP1, 2, 3). Values are in
流氓的英文10-3 Pa (For Lab Manager Only)
U s e r S e t-u p f o r ALL
1.For sample exchange, be sure that the sample stage ttings – Rotation (R) = 0.0,
Tilt (T) = 0.0, X = 25.0, Y = 25.0 and Z = 8.0 are all t to the positions as
indicated on the front of the microscope.
privateequity2.Click AIR button on right side of microscope – after a few conds, air is
admitted to the Sample Exchange Chamber (SEC). There is a beep when the SEC is at atmospheric pressure.
3.Pull open and turn black knob CW to UNLOCK position and remove sample
4.While wearing gloves and at workbench, not on stage, install new sample on
sample holder and adjust the height using the fixture console. See pictures taped to wall for details. This will give a working distance of 8 mm when the sample is inrted into the sample stage.
5.Inrt sample holder aligning to dual bayonet connectors in the SEC; rotate black美国之声第七季
knob CCW to LOCK position. Then pull SEC and rod out to guide endpoint.
(Check that rod is pulled out to endpoint). CLOSE SEC door.
6.Press EVAC button – air is pumped out of the SEC. A beep sounds when vacuum
is attained.
7.Press OPEN to open the chamber door – a beep sounds when the chamber door is
open. Visually examine to check that stage is in chamber.
8.Push rod all the way in until the sample holder fully engages the sample stage;immortality
rotate black knob CW to UNLOCK position.
9.Grasp black knob and pull back to end of guides. Then make sure that the sample
holder remains on the stage.
10.Press CLOSE to clo the chamber door. Beep sounds when the door is clod
and the vacuum is ready.
11.To turn HV ON. Click ON (left of gray box on Toolbar) – for normal operation,
V acc=15 kV and I e=10 µA. I e will drop during the first ~30 minutes of usage due to formation of a monolayer of absorbed gas on the tungsten emitter tip. To t Accl Voltage (VAcc) click large black arrow and t KV at .5 to 30. The lower the KV the more surface detail imaged and greater the KV will increa imaging the interior structure/views. Periodically click SET (right side of Toolbar) to re-t the emission to ~10 µA (this will increa V ext).
12.Scan rate is lectable on the toolbar – TV1, Slow1 and Slow3.
13.H/L button on toolbar lects low magnification (30 X – 2 KX) or high
magnification (800X – 500KX) modes. The magnification can be adjusted with the knob on the control box.
14.ABC button on toolbar is Auto Brightness / Contrast. The can also be adjusted
using the Brightness and Contrast knobs on the control box.
15.At the beginning of a ssion, it is important to check the alignment of the
electron beam. Click H/L and t magnification at ~5000X. While increasing magnification Beep will occur at 2000X. The beep is a reminder to click on H/L to ret mag to high. Click ALIGN on the toolbar. A menu box will appear.
Click on BEAM ALIGN and center the beam using X and Y knobs
(stigma/alignment) on the control box. Click STIGIMATION X, and stop
movement of image using X and Y knobs on control box. Click STIGIMATION Y and stop image mo
vement using X and Y knobs. Click APERTURE ALIGN and stop movement of image using X and Y knobs on control box.Click OFF in ALIGN menu box.
16.Adjust coar focus until WD is ~ 5mm. It may be required to click on “ret
focus condition” in popup dialogue box.
17.To obtain the best image resolution, carefully adjust coar, fine focus, x-
stigmation and y-stigmation KNOBS at a high magnification. Adjust brightness and contrast, and obrve image in Slow2 mode (button on toolbar). N.B., t Working Distance (WD) only in Hi Mag mode to ~ 5mm by using the Z adjust knob
18.Set magnification at ~ 1000X. Then lower Z by turning Z knob on scope.
19.Find field of interest by moving X/Y stage. Set to required magnification.
20. Before Image captur, be sure to t slow scan mode for best image quality.
21.To capture an image, click the 1280 button on the toolbar to the right of the H/L
button. This will capture a 1280 x 960 image. The resolution can be changed using the pull-down arrow.
22.When the image is captured, it is displayed in the lower left, highlighted in
23.Click the PCI button in the lower left to export the image to QuartzPCI image
analysis software.
24.In QuartzPCI, click File – can SAVE or EXPORT image (e.g. to a JPEG file).
Clicking SAVE will actually create 3 files of which one is PCI format. EXPORT, which creates 1 file, is more efficient choice.
25.Back in S-4800 software, click RUN on toolbar to resume scanning.
S h u t D o w n P r o c e d u r e
1.Turn off beam
2.Return stage to proper ttings.
3.Press OPEN
4.Inrt rod at unlocked position
5.Turn rod to locked position
6.Pull rod and sample out to endpoint.
7.Press CLOSE
8.Press AIR, wait for beep
9.Slide open SEC
10.Turn black knob to UNLOCK and remove sample
11.If done, clo SEC and press evacuate to pump down chamber
12.Turn off monitor
Common Abbreviations and Definitions
Vext (Extracting voltage) Voltage that is applied between the cathode and first anode.
Electrons are emitted from the cathode.
Vacc (Accelerating voltage) electrons are accelerated by an accelerating voltage.
Flashing- cleansing of the cathode (FE tip) by turning on the flashing power supply in order to remove absorbed gas on the surface of the cathode. This is to be done,
before usage, first thing in the morning or the evening.
Ie (emission current) is generally t to 10 μA for normal operation.
HV (high voltage) Applies HV to the electron gun and controls the extracting voltage to obtain the emission current.
Beam monitor (adjustment of the reference voltage) is provided to reduce tip noi, which is a low frequency noi caud by fluctuations of the emission current.
Dividing the image signal by a reference signal that is proportional to probe current can stabilize it. It is recommended to keep the beam monitor on for normal
Beam indicator (box with cross hairs) to ret image shift to the center, click the
indicator area
Under signal lection box, L.A is low angle. When BSE is lected, the amount of BSE signal is controlled by BSE ratio lection box. Low angle BSE will be detected with L.A0 to L.A100. With the larger number, the amount of SE is suppresd and results in a BSE richer image.
HR is high resolution mode where the short working distance range is limited and it is easier to u at a longer working distance (>5mm).
UHR is ultrahigh resolution mode where the full working distance range is available
Under scan size…Small screen mode has faster frame speeds and in some cas results in better image quality.
Dynamic focus allows you to focus the beam for the entire field of view.xiyu
Condenr lens 1 tting to lower values (1-16 range) results in weaker excitation and larger Probe Current and larger “spot size” and vice versa. Recommended value is 5. Unclicking box will turn off lens and this condition is typically ud for mechanical alignments.
Focus depth is recommended to be t at 1.0 or larger to increa focus depth.
Degauss button should be clicked after changing focus widely or before making the electron optical axis alignment (You can do this by hitting the F2 hotkey)
To lect many images, press and hold down the control key
Layout button opens the Report Generation window for printing the image
SC stands for the specimen chamber
Apt heat should be t at auto. If the objective aperture lens is contaminated, charging will degrade image quality and the image will drift becau of micro discharge. Such problems are noticeable at low accelerating voltages. The aperture is heated to about 150C to remove contaminants to one tenth or less of what it would be at room temperature.
The display switch is on when the line is depresd (a 1 or switch is up is on)
For u at high magnifications or low accelerating voltages, the u of the anti-contamination trap is recommended to prevent specimen contamination by hydrocarbon build-up. Fill the trap with liquid nitrogen (LN2). The Dewar is usable for about 5 hours at room temperature. ** Before introducing air into the chamber, wait for a few hours until the LN2 Dewar has completely emptied so that the trap will not frost up and deteriorate the vacuum. The air introduction value does not have a protection link with the cold trap.
WD (working distance) is the distance between the bottom face of the objective lens and the surface of the specimen. At a shorter working distance, higher resolution is obtainable. At a longer WD, a larger tilt angle and a greater depth of focus are obtainable. To change the WD, move the Z to a lower #, which moves the stage up. Short-Cut Keys
六级报名入口Ctrl O Open SEM Data Manager
Ctrl P Print
Ctrl C Copy Image
Ctrl L Open Captured Image window
F1 Help can be opened
F2 Activates Degauss function
F5 Runs or stops scanning alternately
F4 Changes alignment mode to the next step
Shift F4 Changes alignment mode to previous step
Notes for Administrator
diy美白面膜Password is “hitachi”
To pret magnifications, open the Image Tab of the Setup dialog window and input desired values in the three Pret Magnification boxes. A PM mark is indicated in the Magnification indicator area when the pret magnification is t.
Setting up logins: Option menu, login tting (must be logged in as S-4800) to create or change logi
n names and passwords for each ur. Can also change password tting under Option menu.
When operating at short working distances and experiencing uneven brightness at low magnifications, turn specimen bias voltage off.
Magnetic samples such as iron can cau astigmatism correction to be difficult.
The u of double-sided adhesive tape may cau specimen drift. U the least amount possible to minimize out gassing.
Perform beam and aperture alignment when you change HV value, accelerating voltage, probe current mode, or tting of Cond Lens1. For all alignments, either drag the mou in the grid area of the Alignment dialog window or adjust the英文诗歌朗诵
Sigma/alignment X and Y knobs on the control panel. Set the magnification at 5, 000X for aperture alignment.
The lowest magnification that can be obtained at a WD of 25mm or more is 20X.