凭证式国债evidence treasury bond
记帐式国债account treasury bond
记名股name share
记名股票inscribed share inscribed stock
股份share stock
股份证书scrip certificate, stock warrant
国债(国库券)treasury bond
考研英语学习方法 股息收益dividend earned
股息收⼊dividend income
记名债券inscribed bond, no-bear bond, registered bond 分红distribute a bonus, profit sharing
住房抵押贷款housing mortgage loan
房产residential holdings
房地产收益estate income
年终股利year-end dividend
年终奖year-end bonus, December bonus
奖⾦incentive pay bonus
住房津贴accommodation/hou/quarters allowance
年租annual rentalemperor怎么读
拆迁费removal compensate
私营企业private business
合伙公司merged company合伙合同deed of partnership 合伙契约articles of co-partnership
纳税单据tax invoice地毯的英语
纳税证明tax certificate
合伙⼈奖⾦bonus to partners
合伙⼈薪⾦partner‘s salaries
营业执照business licen warranty
年营业额annual sale volume
年利润annual returns
纳税后净收⼊net income after tax
财务报表financial report, financial statement
纳税后利润after-tax profits
纳税后收⼊after-tax income
法⼈artificial person, corporrate, fiction person, legal person
会计报表accounting statement, fiscal statement
存款与储蓄deposits and savings
存款余额balance held on deposit
存款余额确认书confirmation of balance定期存款dated deposit, fixed deposit 定期存单time certificate of deposit
活期存单demand certificate
补偿⾦compensation fund
补助⾦allowance, assistance payment, subsidy
活期储蓄current deposit, demand deposit
活期存款checking account, current deposit, demand deposit
活期存款帐户account current, current account
⾃动转期定期存款automatic renewal time deposit
利息单interest bill, interest note
扣缴税额amount withheld香蕉英语
退休养⽼基⾦retirement fund
城市信⽤合作社urban credit cooperation
农村信⽤合作社rural credit cooperation
(⼈⼒资源部)Human Resources Department
总公司 Head Office
分公司 Branch Office
营业部 Business Office
⼈事部 Personnel Department
国际部 International Department
总务部 General Affairs Department
财务部 General Accounting Department
销售部 Sales Department
促销部 Sales Promotion Department
企划部 Planning Department
出⼝部 Export Department
进⼝部 Import Department
公共关系 Public Relations Departmentcfc
研发部 Rearch and Development Department(R&D)
秘书室 Secretarial Pool
⼴告部 Advertising Department
产品开发部 Product Development Department
Philosophy 哲学
Political Economics 政治经济学
Principle of Marxism 马克思主义原理
History of Chine Revolution 中国⾰命史
中共党史 History of the Chine Communist Party
Advanced Mathematics ⾼等数学
Elementary Algebra⾼等代数
Calculus 微积分
Fuzzy Mathematics 模糊数学
Linear Algebra 线性代数
Integral Transformation 积分变换
Functions of a Complex Variable 单复变函数
Functions of Complex Variables 复变函数
Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations 复变函数与积分变换 Computational Method 计算⽅法
Complex Analysis 复变函数论
Equations of Mathematical Physics 数理⽅程
数学分析 Mathematical Analysis
Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础
Computer Interface Technology 计算机接⼝技术
Databa Principles 数据库原理
Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计
Network Technology 络技术
Principle of Microcomputer 微机原理
Programming with Pascal Language Pascal语⾔编程
Programming with C Language C语⾔编程
Visual C++ Programming Visual C++程序设计
Windows NT Operating System Principles Windows NT操作系统原理
Word Processing 数据处理
Experiment of Microcomputer 微机实验
Java Language Programming Java 程序设计
计算⽅法 Computing Method算法语⾔ Algorithmic Language微机原理 Principles of Microcomputer编译⽅法 Compilation Method
系统结构 System Structure
操作系统原理 Principles of Operating System数据库概论 Introduction to Databa
shanya 络原理 Principles of Network
⼈⼯智能 Artificial Intelligence
算法分析 Algorithm Analysis⼈⼯智能及其体系结构 Artificial Intelligence & its Architecture
⾼级数理逻辑 Advanced Numerical Logic
⾼级程序设计语⾔的设计与实现 Advanced Programming Language's Design & Implementation
软件⼯程基础 Foundation of Software Engineering计算机络 Computer Network⾼级计算机体系结构 Advanced Computer Architecture
IBM汇编及⾼级语⾔的接⼝ IBM Asmbly & its Interfaces with Advanced Programming Languages
分布式计算机系统 Distributed Computer System / Distributed System
计算机络实验 Computer Network Experiment操作系统 Operating Systems 4 92
2.1 计算机组成 Computer Organization 5 91
2.1 C程序设计 Program Design in C 4 97
2.2 概率统计 Probability and Statistic 4 95
2.2 体系结构 Computer Architecture 4 92数据库原理 Principle of Databa 4 92
3.2 多媒体技术 Multi-Media Technique 5 96
3.2 编译技术 Compiling Technique 4微机控制 Microcomputer Interface Technique 4 98生气用英语怎么说
4.2 ⾯向对象技术 Object Oriental Technique 4 94
4.2 软件⼯程 Software Engineering 4 94微机原理 Principle of Microcomputer可编程序控制技术 Controlling Technique for Programming PASCAL语⾔ PASCAL Language
C语⾔ C Language
汇编语⾔ Asmbly Language
操作系统 Operating System
微机接⼝技术 Microcomputer Interface Technique
数据结构 Data Structure计算机控制技术 Computer Control Technique
数据库技术 Databa Technique
专家系统 Expert System
Comparative Economics ⽐较经济学
Contract Law 合同法
Cost Accounting 成本会计
Developmental Economics 发展经济学
Econometrics 经济计量学
Economical Efficiency Analysis for Chemical Technology 化⼯技术经济分析
Economy of Capitalism 资本主义经济
Enterpri Accounting 企业会计学
Industrial Economics ⼯业经济学International Business Administration 国际企业管理 International Clearance 国际结算
International Finance 国际⾦融
International Relation 国际关系
International Trade 国际贸易