
更新时间:2023-06-14 18:06:06 阅读:22 评论:0

lon【摘要】  目的  了解晋宁区梅毒流行特征,为制定晋宁区梅毒防治措施提供依据。方法  对2012-2021年晋宁区梅毒疫情资料进行回顾性描述分析。一分钟英语自我介绍结果  2012-2021年晋宁区共报告梅毒病例894例,梅毒报告发病率由2012 年28.35/10 万增至2019年42.34/10 万,年均增长5.89%;男女性别比例为0.97∶1;病例以(20 ~ 49)岁性活跃期青壮年为主,占67.67%,以隐性梅毒为主占94.97%;职业以农民最多,占65.44%。结论  2012-2019年晋宁区梅毒发病率呈逐年上升趋势,2020年、2021年呈下降趋势,但疫情仍较严重,应积极开展规范诊疗,进一步加强重点人群的梅毒监测和筛查工作,有针对性地开展大众健康教育宣传和行为干预,控制梅毒的传播。
Analysis of epidemiological characteristics of syphilisinJinning District from 2012 to 2021
WANG Xue-fen
Jinning Center for Dia Control and Prevention,Kunming 650600,Yunnan Province,China
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名人英语演讲[Abstract] Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of syphilis in Jinning District, and to provide a basis for the formulation of syphilis prevention and control measures in Jinning District. Methods情人节快乐用英语怎么说>教堂英文 A retrospective descriptive analysis of syphilis epidemic data in Jinning District from 2012-2021 was conducted. Results From 2012 to 2021, a total of 894 syphilis cas were reported in Jining District, and the reported incidence of syphilis incread from 28.35/10杨梅的英文5 in 2012 to 42.34/105majors in 2019, with an average annual increa of 5.89%. The ratio of the male to the female was 0.97:1; the majority of cas were among xually active young adults (20 to 49 years old), accounting for 67.67%, and 94.97% of cas were latent syphilis; the occupation of farmers was the most common, accounting for 65.44%. Conclusion The incidence of syphilis in Jinning District from 2012 to 2019 showed a gradually increasing trend year by year, and a decreasing trend in 2020 and 2021, but the epidemic is still rious, so standardized treatment should be actively carried out, the syphilis surveillance and scree
ning in vulnerable populations should be further strengthened, and targeted public health education and propaganda and behavioral interventions should be launched to control the spread of syphilis.
Keywordssyphilis;epidemiological characteristics;analyze
1  资料与方法
1.1 资料来源  2012-2021年晋宁区梅毒疫情资料来源于中国疾病预防控制信息系统-传染病监测;人口资料来自晋宁区统计局。
1.2  诊断标准  2011-2017 年报告的梅毒病例诊断依照原卫生部颁布的《梅毒诊断标准(WS273-2007)》执行,2018 年后报告的梅毒病例诊断依据国家卫生健康委员会颁布的《梅毒诊断(WS273-2018)》执行。
1.3  病例统计  统计已审核现住址属晋宁区的2012—2021年梅毒确诊病例。
1.4  统计方法  采用描述流行病学方法对晋宁区2012—2021 年梅毒疫情资料进行统计分析。采用Excel 2007软件对数据进行统计,采用SPSS 27.0 软件对数据进行分析,以P<0.05 为差异有统计学意义。
2  结果
2.1  时间分布
汉英翻译2012—2021 年晋宁区累计报告梅毒894例,年均报告发病率为31.67/10 万,报告发病率2019年最高(42.34/10万)、2021年最低(26.54/10万)。2012-2019年年均报告发病率总体呈上升趋势,年均增长5.89%;2020-2021年年均报告发病率呈下降趋势。2012-2021年年均报告发病率差异有统计学意义(X2=23.75,P<0.005)。见图1。

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标签:梅毒   病例   报告   资料   进行   发病率   趋势   流行
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