一、开头段常用词汇: “显示”“表明”“说明”————show, show,
give, reveal, prent, describe, depict, demonstrate, illustrate, indicate, reflect 。
领域领域 area/aspect/field/region/sphere area/aspect/field/region/sphere
1. 根据这幅图我们可以看出According to the chart, it is clear that…
2. 这幅图描述了…在…(时间起始)的数量变化 the chart shows the changes in the number of sth. over the period from … to …(between…and…)
3. 从这幅图我们看到从从这幅图我们看到从......到到....的数据变化的数据变化的数据变化 the the
chart shows the changes in the number of sth. over the period from… to …
在研究了这幅图之后,在研究了这幅图之后,我们了解到我们了解到我们了解到 when when
we study the chart, it is apparent that
1) We can conclude from the
broken mirror
2) In short ( = In brief), ...
3) In conclusion, ...
4) To conclude, it ems
5) From the table/diagram, we 6) As can be en from the chart/table/diagram, ...
7) It is clear/apparent from the chart/graph/table/
一、饼状图(Pie chart )
1. 常用词常用词
◆percentage 百分比◆proportion 份额份额
占:Compri ,make up, constitute, account for, take up ,consume 占(份额), occupy, compo
is divided into…parts 分为……部分部分
consist of/ be comprid of 由…构成 consume the larges/smallest portion 占最大/小的份额小的份额
compare/comparison/by contrast/ in sharp contrast to 比…多
ektooutnumber/exceed 3)短语及副词)短语及副词
on the contrary 几分之几几分之几
one half/ one third/ one fifth/ two thirds/ two fifths 大约、大概大约、大概
about/around/almost/nearly/roughly/approximately 分别/各自各自
respectively 与…相比:Compared with ,compared to ,in comparison with ,in comparison to ,by comparison with ,by comparison to
2. 常用套句常用套句
1)The graph, prented in a pie chart, 1)The graph, prented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…shows the general trend in…
2)The pie graph depicts(mat)…
3)The biggest difference between the two groups(A+B)is in…,where A makes up 5%while B constitutes 67%.%.
两组之间最大的区别在于……,其中A 占5%,B 占67%。%。
4)The highest percentage of is A, which was approximately 12%…
A 占最高比例,大约12%……
accord是什么意思5)The percentage of A in…is more than twice that of B .The ratio is $%to $%.%. A 在……中的比例是B 的两倍多,比率是$% to $%。%。
6)A greater percentage of A than B is found in…(the former is $%and the latter is $%)
在……中A 所占比例比B 高(前者为$%,后者为$%)。
7)There are more A in…,reaching $%,compared with $%of B . 与B 的$%相比,A 所占比例较高,达$%。%。
8)A, 8)A, which ud to be the…which ud to be the…,has become less important, which declined
(incread)sharply from $%in 1978 to only $%in 1998.
A 从前是……,现在重要性减弱,所占比例从1978年的$%急剧地降到1998年的$%。%。
9)The percentage of A is slightly larger/smaller than that of B .
A 的比例比
B 的比例略高(低)。
10)the highest/greatest/lowest/smallest/ percentage/ proportion of… is…..
二、柱形图(bar chart) 1、常用词、常用词
climb ,go up ,soar ,jump ,increa , ri .grow ,rocket, boom 向下:collap ,go down ,fall ,
drop ,slump .decline .decrea ,plummet ,plunge ,slide .Shrink
2)名词名词 向上:an increa (a marked increa) , a ri ( a sudden/ dramatic ri), a growth, an improvement, an upturn, a surge, an upsurge, an upward trend
向下: a fall (a sight fall ), a decrea (a small decrea), a decline (a gradual/ steep decline) , a drop ( a steady/ gradual /sharp drop) , a downturn , a downturn trend 3)形容词和副词形容词和副词
drastic(ally)(急剧), sharp(ly)(急剧), significant(ly)(显著), , marked(ly)(显著); considerably; abrupt(ly)(突);
alarmingly ; 短语:at an alarming rate, by a massive leap
副词:平稳地uniformly, gradually, steadily, slightly, gently, slowly, moderately, marginally, mildly, smoothly
by the least amount, in a moderate way 2. 常用套句常用套句
1 ) There was _______ in the number of A from 1986 to 1990 ( ars), which was followed by _______ and then _______ until 1998when there was _______ for ars.
从1986年至1990年(今后……年)A 的数目为的数目为
_______ ,后来为_______ 和 _______ ,直到1998年,该数目为年,该数目为 _______ ,以后……年均为年均为
_______ 。 2) From 1990 onwards, there was _______ in the number of A which then
incread/decread _______ at $ % in 1994.
自1990年起,A 的数目为的数目为 _______ ,随后到1994年增长/减低$%到%到
_______ 。 3)In 1990,the number reached(was)$%,but 30 years later there was
_______ 。 4) 4) The trend decrea steeply ;however, it incread rapidly since 2000
The trend decrea steeply ;however, it incread rapidly since 2000 and reached the peak in (2010)
5)The number of A incread rapidly from 1918 to 1990 during the five-year period . 或是There was a rapid increa of A from 1988 to 1990 during the five-year period . A 的数量在五年期间于1988年到1990年上升很快。年上升很快。
6)A has reached something of a plateau, X percent/an average of X percent in the past few years .
在过去几年A 的数目停滞不前,即X %/平均X %。%。
7)In the three years spanning from 1995 through 1998,the percentage of A was slightly larger/smaller than that of B .
在1995年到1998年三年期间,A 的百分比比B 大/小了一些。小了一些。
8)The graphs show a threefold increa in the number of A . 这些图表显示A 的数量增长了3倍。倍。
9)A decread year by year while B incread steadily .
A 逐年下滑,而
B 则稳步上升。则稳步上升。
10)Here is an upward trend in the number of A .
A 的数量呈现上升趋势。的数量呈现上升趋势。
11)…(year)witnesd/saw a sharp ri in A . ……年A 的数量骤增。的数量骤增。
三、曲线图 (line chart)
1. 常用词常用词
横轴,纵轴:horizontal axis 横轴, vertical axis 纵轴纵轴dacom
总体趋势:general trend
底部:reach a low point .
reach the bottom .reach the rock .hit a trough; hit a historic low ;trough n .(曲线上的)最小值;最小值; record low 历史低点历史低点
顶部:reach a peak .peak ,
reach the highest point /the top/the summit .peak in /at ;record high 历史高度历史高度
反弹反弹 rebound; turn the corner; recover/recovery; pick up 不变:
flatten out .Plateau ,level off .remain stable .stay at the same level .constant ,stagnate .steady ,
stabilize . there is little /hardly/any /no change
翻了一番翻了一番 double 翻了两番翻了两番
triple/ three fold, three fold increa 波动:fluctuate (around), a fluctuation in (display /demonstrate a fluctuation)
幅度:considerable adj .相当多的,constant adj. 不变的,remarkable adj. 明显的,相当的相当的
2. 开头概述常用套句开头概述常用套句
1)As we can e from the graph/ As can be en from the line chart, the two curves show the fluctuation of … over the period from…to…
从图中可以看出,这两条曲线展示了从。。。到。。。。的。。。方面的变化。方面的变化 2)The line chart depicts the changes in the number of…over the period from 2000 to 2004.
3)The graph, prented in the curve diagram, 3)The graph, prented in the curve diagram, shows the general trend in…shows the general trend in… 该图以曲线图的形式描述了……总的趋势。总的趋势。 4)This is a line chart showing…
3. 描述曲线常用套句描述曲线常用套句
1)The…in the graph is measured in units 1)The…in the graph is measured in units, , , each of which is equivalent to…each of which is equivalent to… 图表中的……以……为单位,每单位等于……
2) The horizontal axis stands for…
3)The vertical axis stands for… remarkably
4)There was a (rapid/ dramatical/drastic/sharp/great/remarkable/ slight/little/slow) increa/ ri/ decrea/ drop/ fall/decline of A over the period from…to… 从……到……期间A 有快速/急遽/剧烈/急速/很大/明显/很小/几乎没有/缓慢地增长/下降。下降。
5) The curve appeared to level off in 1988.
6)The situation reached a peak/a high(point)at…in 2000.
7) The situation fell down to/reached the bottom in 2000.
8)The figures hit a trough in 2000.
四、表格 table
1. 描述对比常用套句
1) A has almost/nearly/about/over a quarter/half/twice/one third/as many students
as/as much money as B;
A has about/approximately/exactly/precily the same number/proportion/amount of students/money as B.
2) A has something in common with B/the difference between A and B
A与B 的相同之处/不同之处在于……
2. 描述趋势常用套句
1) The number incread/ro
2) During 1990 ~ 2000, there was a
sudden/rapid/dramatic/substantial/sharp/considerable ri/boom in the number of private
3) The ten years from 1990 to 2000 witnesd /saw a steady growth of private
4) The number of private cars incread/ro [ or: fell/dropped/declined/decread] by 20%.
5)The number of private cars in 2000 was 5 times more than that in 1990.
6) The number of private cars was roughly/about/approximately doubled/tripled between 1990 and 2000.
五、流程图 flow chart
1. 常用过渡词
1)firstly, the first step is to, the first stage involves, first of all, to begin with首先
首先 2)condly, the next step is to, in the next stage, in the following stage, next, then, later, subquently然后
3)thirdly/finally, the last step is to, in the last stage最后
4)at the same time, meanwhile, simultaneously同时