Chapter 2:
1.Innate capacity: natural ability
2.Sequential bilingualism: when a cond language is introduced after the native language has been acquired.Simultaneous bilingualism: when young children acquire more than one language at the same time.
3.What is the initial state of language development for L1 and L2 respectively? L1-innate capacity L2-L1,world knowledge,interaction skills,possibly innate capacity.
4.What is a necessary condition for language learning (L1 or L2?) Input is necessary for both L1 and L2;social interaction is necessary for L1.
5.Give at least two reasons that many scientists believe in some innate capacity for language. a.Children begin to learn their L1 at the same age,and in much the same way,whether it is English,Bengali,Korean,Swahili,or any other language in the world. b.If children had to actually learn the abstract rules of language,then only the smartest would ev
er learn to talk,and it would take veral years more to learn L1than it actually does. C.children master the basic phonological and grammatical operations in their L1 by age five or six,regardless of what the language is. idpD.Children can understand and create novel utterances;they are not limited to repeating what they hear around them. E.there is a cut-off age for L1 acquisition,beyond which it can never be complete.
brittany murphy6.Linguists have taken an internal and /or external focus to the study of language acquisition.What is the difference between the two? The internal focus eks to account for speakers’ internalized,underlying knowledge of language.The external focus emphasizes language u,including the functions of language which are realized in learners’ production at different stages of development.
7.Chapter 3
1.Briefly explain how language is systematic,symbolic and social. Systematic:Languages consist of recurrent elements which occur in regular patterns of relationships.Language is created according to rules or principles which speakers are usually unconscious of using i
f language was acquired in early childhood. Symbolic:Sequences of sounds or letters do not inherently posss meaning.The symbols of language have meaning becau of a tacit agreement among the speakers of a language. Social:Each language reflects the social requirements of the society that us it.Although humans posss the potential to acquire an L1 becau of their neurological makeup ,that potential can be developed only through interaction with others in the society.We u language to communicate with others about the human experience.
2.Lexicon:vocabulary phonology:sound system
3.2013年大学英语四级morphology:word structure syntax:grammar
4.Contrastive Analysis: Lado Error Analysis: Corder Interlanguage: Selinker Morpheme Order Studies: Dulay and Burt Monitor Model: Krashen Universal Grammar: Chomsky
5.When interlanguage development stop before a learner reaches target language norms,it is called fossilization.石化
6.As they can be understood in Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar,what is the difference between linguistic performance and linguistic competence? Performance is actual u of language in a specific instance,whereas competence is the underlying knowledge of language we posss.
7.According to a Functionalist perspective,what is the primary purpo of language? communication
8. A. My manger say i get rai--Infinite Utterance Organization
B.they have eaten---Finite Utterance Organization
C.girl nice but she not pretty--Nominal Utterance Organization
D.later we talked-- Finite Utterance Organization
permissionE.he call his mother,say”come over”--Infinite Utterance Organization wife restaurant --Nominal Utterance Organization
Chapter 4:
1. Learning process:studies the stages and quences of language acquisition,addressing how acquisition happens.长沙化妆培训 Neurolinguistics: studies how the location and organization of language might differ in the heads of monolingual versus multilingual speakers,addressing what is added and changed in people’s brains when they learn another language. Learner differences:considers aptitude in learning ,how learning is linked to age and x,and address why some cond language learners are more successful than others.
2. Broca ‘s area is responsible for the ability to speak,whereas Wernick’s area is responsible for processing audio input.
3. Coordinate bilingualism:Ursula speaks French and German fluently,but cannot switch readily between the two.She must speak all German with you,or all French,even if you both know both languages. Subordinate bilingualism:Shane speaks English natively and German as an L2. Each time he learns something new in German,he translate it into Engl
in my head
ish to memorize the literal translation and compare it to the English meaning and structure. Compound bilingualism:Maria speaks French and English fluently,and often speaks FRENGLISH,a mixture of French and English,with her other bilingual friends.She produces and understands this mixture of languages easily.
4. Input if Considered whatever sample of L2 that learners are expod to.However.according to the information Processing framework,what must learners do to make this input available for processing?What is the term for this kind of input?