Genetic Diversity Analysis of Cherry Tomato Core Collection Bad on Genotypic Values

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Ayicuturai  Biotechnology  2019, 8(4) : 35 - 38, 95Gene  Technology
Genetic  Diversity  Analysis  of  Cherry  Tomato  Co — Collec ­tion  BaS  on  Genotypic  Values
Zip  LIU , Weixia  LIU , Yu  NIU , Yan  YANG *
*Received : March  4 , 2019 Accepted : May  23 , 2019
Supported  by  Hainan  Provincial  Science  and  Techno/go  Project  (ZDYF2018035).
Zpi  LI  (1982 - ) , male , associate  rearcher , PhD , devoted  to  rearch  a ­bout  veoetab/ mo/culc  bio/go  and  genetic  breeding.
* Coo'esponding  autOcr. E-mail : .
Tropical  Cops  Genetic  Resources  Institute , Chine  Academy  of  Topict  Agicutural  Sciences , Danzhou  571737, China
Taking  65 chery  tomato  core  germplasms  c  expeWmenti  materials , t he  genetic  diversity  of  v
en  —onomic  traits  were  analyzed. The  correlation  be ­tween  any  two  of  the  ven  ayronomic  traits  xd  the  aene/c  relationships  of  the  gemplcms  were  analyzed  bad  on  genotypic  values. The  aene/c  diversity  indices  of  the  ven  ayronomic  traits  were  4. 15,4. 13, 4. 16, 4. 13, 4.13, 4. 13 xd  4. 01 , respectively , showing  that  the  chery  tomato  core  col/ction  had  abundant  ge ­netic  divewity. The  cowelatin  analysis  between  traits  bad  on  genotype  eTect  values  showed  that  WC  length  was  siynificxtly  cowelated  with  UX  width  with  the  cowelatin  coeTicient  of  0. 56. The  fruit  widtO  was  signGicantly  cowelated  with  fruit  length  with  the  cowelatin  coeTicient  of  0. 52. The  flesh  thickness  was  siynGi- cantly  cowelated  with  fruit  length  xd  fruit  width  with  the  correlation  coeTicients  of  0.49 and  0. 39, respectively. The  singfe  fmit  weight  was  signiCcanOy  cowelated  with  fruit  length , fruit  width  and  tesh  thickness  with  the  correlation  coeTicients  of  0.44, 0. 61 and  0.62, respectively. When  the  genetic  distxces  between  core gemplcmo  of  chery  tomato  were  calculated  bad  on  th - phenotypic  values , 65 core  germplasms  of  chery  tomato  were  divited  into  three  groups  with  the  rescaled  distance  of  10. When  the  genetic  distances  beieen  core  germplasmo  of  chery  tomato  were  calculated  bced  on  the  genotypic  values , th - 65 core  germplasmo  of  chery  tomato  were  divided  into  four  groups  with  the  rescaled  dGtance  of  10. Compcing  the  2 clustering  results , it  could  tnd  tOat  genotypic  value-bad  clusteing  analysis  could  better  cla
Wr  the  genTie  relationship  between  core  germplasmo. This  study  could  po/de  a  theoretical  basis  for  the  eTecOve  utilization  of  chery  toma- tocoeegeempaasms.
Key  wo —s  Chery  tomato  ; Genetic  diversity  ; PhenoWpic  value  ; Genotypic  value  ; Correlation  ; Clustering  analysis
Tomato  (Solanum  lcopersicum) , is  an  annuel  os  perennirf  herb  of  SoUnaceae. It  originated  in  South  Amercr  and  is  rich  in  vitamins  and  minerals. It  is  an  impoiant  veyetab/ crop  widely  cultivated  worldwida&1]. Chery  tomato  ( Lycopersicoo  esculentum
vxs. ccaspoprle) is  tha  ancestrxf  specias  of  tomato , belonging  to  fmit-typa  veyetab/O 2'. Dur  to  Cs  fruit  color , high  nutOtionxf  vaf- ua  and  uniqua  tavos, it  is  favored  by  consumers  and  hrs  x  plant ­ing  arex  in  Chine  constantly  expanded.
Germplasm  resouors  are  tha  basis  of  genetic  breeding. Gr- netic  diversity  refers  to  genetic  vawation  among  dEferent  germ ­
plasms  ,and  diverso  genetic  resouors  are  tha  basis  for  breed  im ­provement  &3 _4] . During  tha  domestication  process , tha  genetic  background  of  chery  tomato  hrs  becoma  increasingly 
医学生考研网natow  dur  to  human  long-term  high-pressure  lection&5_6'. Studying  tha  yr- netic  diversity  of  tomato  yemplasm  resouors  can  help  to  under ­
stand  tha  genetic  and  variation  conditions  of  various  yemplasms , and  grasp  tha  resouors  of  tha  specias  xs  x  whola , thereby  provi ­ding  impoiant  information  for  breeders , which  providrs  x  basis  for
studying  tha  protection  of  tomato  vawetirs  and  tha  lection  of  pxr- ents  and  fXr  utilizing  existing  germplasm  resources&7'.
Momho/gical  diversity  evaluation  G  an  important  step  in  tha  identiCcation  of  yemplasm  resouors , and  plays  x  key  ylr  in
evaluating  tha  adaptability  of  germplasm  resouors  and  tha  valur  of  breediny&8'. In  recent  years , studios  on  tomato  germplasm  o- sourcas  evaluation  and  genetic  diversity  analysis  have  focud  on
simpla  statistics  and  clustewny  analysis  of  bio/gicrf  traits  of  yem ­plasm  resources&9_15]. Tha  phenotypic  characteristics  are  tha  o-
suft  of  tha  combination  of  environmentrl  factors  and  genetic  fac- Wrs , and  tha  phenotypic  date  are  susceptibla  to  environmentrl  and
cultivation  factors , so  studying  tha  genetic  diversity  depending  on  momhology  hrs  ceiain  limitations&16'. In  this  study , correlation  analysis  and  clustering  analysis  were  catied  out  bad  on  predic ­ted  genotypic  valurs  of  traits , with  tha  attempt  to  claWm  tha  Wch-
ness  of  phenotypic  variation  of  chery  tomato  core  yemplasms  and  tha  genetic  relationships  among  dEferent  yemplasms. ThG  study
could  povida  reference  and  basis  for  overcoming  tha  bOndnvs  of  parental  lection  in  breeding  work  and  yuidiny  tha  utilization  of
heterosis  in  tomato  yemplasm  rearch  and  breeding.
Materials  and  Methods
Materials  and  genotypio  value  prediction
Sixty  five  chery  tomato  core  collections  were  planted  in  tha
ordvr  of  telk  ranks , and  tha  control  variety  were  inirsperd  xt  eeguaaeinteeeaas.Theconteoaeaeiet  wasud  to  cont  eoathe  diGeynces  in  dEferent  positions  in  tha  beld. And  tha  experiment  wxs  carried  out  in  two  replicates. According  to  tha  Descriptors  and  Date  Standard  for  Solanum  l l y copersau8v7 , ven  agronomic
traits  such  xs  lent  length , Urf  width , brst  intooscence  node ,
fruit  length , fruit  width , tesh  thickness  and  singla  fmit  weight  were  investigated. Tha  statistical  analysis  method  of  tha  mixed  On- err  model  propod  by  Zhu&18' wxs  ud  for  OatiEirl  analysis , and  theunbiad  peediction  method  wasapp  ied  topeedictthegen-
otype  eTect  valur.
Geneencdnversney  andcorrelaenonanalysns
Tha  minimum , mximum , mean, ranga , coefficient  of  varix-
tion , standard  deviation  and  genetic  diversity  index  of  tha  ven  ay-
36Agfculturai Biotechnology2019
eonomocteaotsweeestatostocayanayeed usongSAS9.0soetwaee. Clustering analysis
Theco e atoon coe e ocoentsbetween theteaotsweeecacu ated bad on thegenotypee e e ctea%uesoetheeen ageonomocteaots using SPSS16.0software,and the clustering figure of65cherry tomatocoeegeempaasmswasconsteucted.Thegenetocdostances between sampaesweeecaacuaated usongthesquaeed eucaodean dos-tance,and thecausteeonganaaysoswaspeeoemed bad on the waedtsmethod.
R csp U s and AnalySs
Gehc diversity analysis of agronomis traits in cherry tomato Theeangeso&aea&wodth,euotaength,euotwodth,aesh thockne s and songaeeuotweoghtweeeaegeeateethan theoemeans,especoa a ytheeangeo&songae euotweoght,whoch wasaamost2.5 tomeso&themean,ondocatongthatthephenotypoceaaueso&theag-eonomocteaotso&theche e y tomatocoeeco a ectoonsweeemoeedos-peed.Thecoeocoento&eaeoatoon o&songae euotweoghtwasthe largest(0.58);the coeWicient of vacation of fruit length was the cond(0.32);and the coefficient of variation of Suit width was 0.31,eankongthoed.Fuetheemoee,thephenotypoceaaueso&songae euotweoght,euotaength and euot
wodth o&theche e y tomatocoee geempaasmsweeehoghaydospeed,and thegenetocdoeeences amonggeempaasmsweeeaaege.Thedoeeesotyondoceso&theeen ageonomocteaotsweee4.15,4.13,  4.16,  4.13,  4.13,  4.13and 4.01,eespectoeeay,a a eiceedong4.0.Theeesuatsondocated that theche e y tomatocoeegeempaasmshad abundantgenetocdoeeeso-ty(Tabae1).therefore
Table1The genetic variation of agronomic traits in cherry tomato core collection
thickness#c m
fmit weight#g
Monomum16.4010.70  5.00  1.50  1.100.10  1.00 Maiomum45.6037.3012.00  6.70  5.620.7248.00 M(an31.9024.318.38  3.52  2.990.4019.06 Rang(29.2026.607.00  5.20  4.520.6247.00 Standaed D(eoatoon7.08  6.86  1.62  1.120.930.1210.96 Co(tocontoteaeoatoon0. Doe(esotyond(i  4.15  4.13  4.16  4.13  4.13  4.13  4.01
Correlation analysis of agronomis traits of cherry tomato Theteaot-bad co e aatoon anaaysoscan achoeeetheeecto& ondoeectayaectonganotheeteaotbyaectongoneteaot,theeeby geeatayompeoeongtheaectoon eocoency.Thegenotypeeecteaa-ueso&theeen ageonomocteaotso&the65che e y tomatocoeecoa-aectoonsweeepeedocted bytheadeusted unboad peedoctoon meth-od.Theeesuatso&theco e aatoon anaaysosbetween teaotsbad on genotypeeecteaaueeeeaaed asTabae2,theaea&aength wassog-noocantayco e aated woth aea&wodth,woth aco e aatoon coeocoent o&0.56.Theeuotwodth and euotaength weeesognoocantayco e aa-ted woth theco e aatoon coeocoento&0.52.The aesh thockne s wassognoocantayco e aated woth euotaength and euotwodth woth theco e aatoon coeocoentso&0.49and0.39,eespectoeeay.The songae euotweoghtwassognoocantayco e aated woth euotaength, euotwodth and aesh thockne s,woth theco e aatoon coeocoentso& 0.44,0.61and0.62,eespectoeeay.
Table2The orrelahon analysis of cherry tomato agronomic traits baS on gerotypic values
eao Leataeng4h Leatwod4h Foes4ontaoeescence
Feuoaeng4h Feuotwodth Flesh thickness
Leatwod4h0.56 (1)
Faesh4hocknes0.*!0.39**1 Songaeteuoweogh40.*!0.61**0.62**1 **correlation of/hts is sivnificant at the0.01level.
Clustering analysis of cheey tomato core germplasms Clustering analysis of cheey tomato core germplasms bad on phenotypis value The squared euclidean distance method wasappaod tocaac
uaatth(g(n(tocdostanc(sb(tw((n th(coe(ma-teoaasotch(e y tomatobas(d on th(ph(notypoceaau(sotth(s(e(n ageonomocteaots.Amongth(65coe(mateoaaststd,th(g(n(toc dostanc(sb(tw((n do t e(ntg(empaasmaeod ge(atay,ondocatong thatth(g(n(toceaeoatoon otth(s(coe mateoaaswassognotocant.Th(causteonganaaysoswasca e od outaccoedongtoth(waedts m(thod.Ltcan b(tound teom Fog.1thatwh(n th(escaad dos-tanc(was10,th(65ch(e y tomatocoe(g(empaasmsw(e(doeod(d ontothe(geoups.Th(toestgeoup oncaud(d twosubgeoups,ot whoch th(toestsubgeoup oncaud(d10g(empaasmssuch asCT22, CT66,CT143,CT106,CT5,CT170,CT72,CT15,CT61and CT59,and th(s(cond subgeoup aasooncaud(d10g(empaasms, if.,CT90,CT100,CT82,CT192,CT87,CT121,CT68,
Zpi  LI  et  al  Genetic  Diversity  Analysis  of  Chvy  Tomato  Core  Collection  Bad  on  Genotypic  Values 37
CT152, CT57 and  CT120. The  cond  group  included  two  sub ­groups  ,of  which  the  first  subgroup  included  13 germplasms ,
namely  CT144, CT147, CT30, CT79, CT99, CT48, CT127, CT52, CT134, CT209, CT213, CT175 and  CT78, and  the  cond  subgroup  included  15 germplasms , namely  CT27, CT115, CT182,
CT185, CT32, CT158, CT202, CT91, CT167, CT212, CT23,
CT193, CT21, CT198 and  CT19. The  third  group  included  two  subgroups , of  which  the  fGst  subgroup  included  four  germplasms ,
namely  CT12, CT168, CT105 and  CT123, and  the  cond  sub ­group  included  13 germplasms , namely  CT116, CT211, CT92,
CT96, CT151, CT118, CT195, CT94, CT112, CT45, CT65, CT33 and  CT201.
CT1OO CT82 CT192CT87CT121
儿童节英文Thecluernng  analysnsdnagram  ofcherry  eomaeo  corecolO lecenonbadonphenoeypevalue
CT143CT106 CT5CT170
CT20962CT21365CT17553CT7822CT27 8CT11536
CT18555CT3210CT15849CT20261CT9127CT16750CT21264CT23 7CT19357CT215CT19859CT19 4CT122CT16851CT10533CT12341CT11637CT21163CT9228CT96 30CT15147CT11838CT19558CT9429CT11235CT4512CT6518CT3311CT201
Th'clustrnng  analysnsdnagram  ofch'rry  tomato  cor'colO  lctnonbas'dong'notyp'valu'
Clustering  analysis  of  cherry  tomato  core  collection  bad  on  genotype  value  The  squared  euclidean  distance  method  was  ap ­
plied  to  calculate  the  genetic  distances  between  the  core  materials
of  chvy  tomato  bad  on  the  predicted  genotypic  values  of  the
ven  agronomic  traits. The  clustering  analysis  was  carried  out  by
the  wardP  method. It  can  be  found  from  Fig. 2 that  at  the  rescaled
distance  of  10, the  65 chvy  tomato  core  germplasms  were  divided  into  four  groups. The  first  group  included  two  subgroups , of  which
38Agfcultural Biotechnology2019
the first subgroup included nine germplasms,namely CT15, CT170,CT66,CT106,CT59,CT22,CT100,CT72and CT87, and thecond subgeoup onc%uded theeegeemp asms,whoch weee
CT143,CT167and CT91.Thecond geoup onc%uded twosub-geoups,otwhoch thetoestsubgeoup onc%uded eoghtgeemp asms, nameyCT116,CT195,CT33,CT110,CT90,CT121,CT211and CT120,and the cond subgeoup onc%uded eoghtgeemp asms, nameyCT5,CT92,CT61,CT82,CT192,CT23,CT201and CT19.Thethoed geoup asoonc%uded twosubgeoups,otwhoch the toestsubgeoup compeod eoght geemp asms,namey CT182, CT185,CT158,CT202,CT193,CT198,CT209and CT115,and thecond subgeoup onc%uded15geemp asms,whoch weeeCT78, CT127,CT79,CT147,CT30,CT152,CT52,CT48,CT57, CT45,CT213,CT32,CT68,CT27and CT144.Thetoueth geoup consosted ottwosubgeoups,otwhoch th
etoestsubgeoup compeod toee geemp asms,namey CT105,CT151,CT94,CT123and CT96,and thecond subgeoup onc%uded CT112,CT168,CT65, CT99,CT12,CT21,CT175,CT134and CT212.
Compaeed thec%usteeongeesu tsbad on phenotypocea%ues and thec%usteeongeesu tsbad on genotypocea%ues,otwastound thatthec%usteeonganaysosbad on thegenotypocea%uescan caeo-tythegenetoceeatoonshopsbetween coeegeemp asmswe.Foeei-amp e,CT22,CT66,CT106,CT170,CT72,CT15and CT59 weeec%usteeed ontoonegeoup bad on thephenotypocea%ues, whoeCT66,CT106,CT170,CT15and CT59,CT22and CT72 weeec%usteeed ontodo t eeentsubgeoupswhen bad on genotypoc ea%ues.Becauphenotypocea%uesaeesusceptob etoeneoeonmen-ta%tactoes,theeeweeeceetaon e e o eson c%usteeonganaysosbad on phenotypocea%ues.Foeeiamp e,CT143and CT167beonged to do t eeentgeoupswhen peetoemongc%usteeonganaysosbad on phe-notypoc ea%ues,whoe bad on genotypoc ea%ues,CT143and CT167weeecoyeeated and beonged tothesamegeoup.
Genetocdoeeesotyand genetoceeatoonshop anaysosaeeompoe-tantcontentson tomatogenetocbeee
dongeeaech,whoch aeecon-ducoeetothedoeosoon otheteeotocgeoupsand can guodetheec-tion of parents in breeding pmcticW19'.Phenotypic diversity is a compeehensoeemanotestatoon otgenetocdoeeesotyand eneoeonmentaa doeeesoty.Thestudyotphenotypocteaotdoeeesotycan heap toundee-stand the diversity of rearch objects as a whole&20"21'.In this 3tudy,thegenetocdoeee3otyotthe3eeen ageonomocteaototthe65 che e y tomatocoeegeempaa3m3wa3anaayeed,and thedoeeeotyon-doce3otthe3eeen ageonomocteaota a eiceeded4.0.The3eee3uat 3howed thatthedo t eeentteaototche e y tomatogeempaa3m33howed 3ognotocantdoeeeoty,and the3eabundantgenetocee3ouece3couad peoeodeabundantee3ouece3toetheconeentoonaabeeedongotche e y tomato,whoch oconducoeetothebeeedongotneweaeoetoe3.
Co e aatoon anaay3o can beappaoed toanaayeetheeeaatoon-ships between gonomic Wait/22'.Important traits can be im-peoeed syncheonousaywoth condaeyteaotsompeoeement,theeeby speedongup thebeeedongpeoce s.Becauteaotphenotypesaeeat-tected bygenotypes,eneoeonmentaacondotoonsand genotype-eneo-mnment interaction&23',certain wrar existed when evaluating the co/eaatoon between taotsbad on thephenotypoceaaueottaots. In order to accurately evaluate the cowelation between tr
aits,thio studyud theadeusted unboad peedoctoon method topeedoctthe genotypoceaauesottheeen ageonomocteaotsotthe65che e y to-mato co ee ge empaasms.The co e aatoon anaaysoswasconducted bad on thegenotypee t ecteaauesotteaots,theeesuatsshowed thattheaeataength waiteemeaysognotocantayco e aated woth aeat width;the fruit width and fruit length were extremely significantly cowelated;and the single fruit weight was in extremely signiPcant co e aatoon woth teuotaength,teuotwodth and taesh thockne s. Therefore,in the lection process of chewy tomato vaf e hes, sceeenongthebeeedongmateeoaaswoth modeeateteuotaength,teuot wodth and taesh thockne s can heap toonceeasongaeteuotweoght theand achoeeethegoaaotonceeasongyoead.
In the past,tomato genetic relationship analysis relied mainly on phenotypocdata,whoch wassusceptobaetogenedomonante t ects and environmental infuenceT24'.In this study,the results of clus-te eong ana ay3o ba3ed on ageonomocteaotphenotype3and genotype e t ecteaaue3weeecompaeed.Thegenetoceeaatoon3hop3between coeegeempaa3m3can bemoeecaeaeaydetoned bythecau3teeonga-naay3o ba3ed on genotypoceaaue3,bywhoch thecoeemateeoaa woth taeeeaatoon3hop3can be3eaected topeepaeehybeod combona-toon3toethe3eaectoon otnewche e y tomatoeaeoetoe3woth eice a ent teaotand3ognotocantheteeo3
o,3oa3toompeoeethebeeedonge t o-coencyand acceaeeatethebeeedongpeoce3.
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