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ABDOMINAL IMAGING 前列腺影像报告和数据系统1.0和2.0中MRI 动态增强对前列腺癌诊断价值的对比研究
龚霞蓉吴昆华'孙昊$李强'毕国力I 金征宇2张洁I
【摘要】目的:探讨前列腺影像报告和数据系统(PI-RADS) 1.0中MRI 动态增强(DCE-MRI)时间信号- 强度曲线类型与2.0中DCE-MRI 阴阳性判断对前列腺癌的诊断价值。方法:对53例经病理证实的前列腺 癌患者的DCE-MRI 结果进行分析,分别比较两种方法对中央腺体、周围腺体的癌灶区及非癌灶区的诊断价 值。结果:对于中央腺体的非癌灶区、周围腺体的癌灶区及非癌灶区的诊断,2.0中DCE-MRI 阴阳性的判 断明显优于1.0中DCE-MRI 时间信号-强度曲线类型,且有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对于前列腺 癌的诊断,PI-RADS 2.0中DCE-MRI 的阴阳性判断明显优于1.0中DCE-MRI 的时间信号-强度曲线类 型的判断,具有更好地临床应用价值。in the end歌词
【关键词】前列腺癌;前列腺影像报告和数据系统;动态增强;时间-强度-曲线;磁共振 中图分类号:R445.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-5741 ( 2019 )-02-0151-05
Comparative Study of the Diagnostic Value of MRI Dynamic Enhancement for Prostate Cancer in Prostate Imaging Reports and Data Systems vl and v2GONG Xia-rong *
稗草日语等级考试网1 2, WU Kun-hua 1, SUN Hao 2, LI Qiang 3, BI Guo-li 1, JIN Zheng-yu 2, ZHANG Jie Chin Comput Med Imag, 2019, 25: 151-1551 MRI Department, The First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province
2 Department of Radiology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Peking Union Medical College, Chine Academy of Medical Sciences
3 Department of Radiology, The Hospital of Traditional Chine Medicine Address: No. 157, Jinbi Road, Kunming. 650032,P.R.C.Address Correspondence to SUN Hao(E-mail: sunhao_robert@ ) Foundation item:Yunnan applied basic rearch project
No.2017FE467(-123); The Health Industry Special Scientific Rearch Project,
No. 201402001> 201402019[Abstract ] Purpo: To compare the diagnosis value of prostatic cancer between DCE-MRI TIC in Prostate imaging reporting and data system vl (PIRADS-1) and enhancement character of DCE-MRI in Prostate imaging reporting and data system v2 (
PIRADS-2). Methods: DCE-MRI data of 53 cas of pathologically proved prostate cancer were retrospectively analyzed. The diagnosis value of prostatic dias cancer between DCE-MRI TIC in PIRADS-1 and enhancement character of DCE-MRI in PIRADS-2 were compared in central zone and peripheral zone. Results: The enhancement character of DCE-MRI is better than DCE-MRI TIC in the diagnosis of prostatie cancer in peripheral zone (P<0.05). Conclusion: The enhancement character of DCE-MRI is better than DCE-MRI TIC in the diagnosis of prostatie cancer. It is uful for the diagnosis of prostatie cancer.
[Key words ] Prostate cancer; Prostate imaging reporting and data system; Dynamic contrast enhancement; TIC (time intensity curve); Magnetic resonance imaging
中国医学计算机成像杂志,2019, 25: 151-155
通信作者:孙昊(电子邮箱:sunhao_ )托福听力评分
卫生公益性行业科研专项项目No. 201402001、201402019globalization作文