
更新时间:2023-06-14 13:24:15 阅读: 评论:0

在19世纪的英国小说林中 艾米莉 勃郎特唯一的一部小说 呼啸山庄  是颇具 叛逆 性的一部作品 一是其小说结构如同一种叙述圈套 即叙 述中套叙述 叙述者背后还有叙述者 但布局缜密 完全打破了19世纪英国维多 利亚时期小说的结构模式 二是小说主题玄奥 抽象 虽然像当时众多小说一样 呼啸山庄 讲述的也是一个爱情故事 但其内涵却远远超出一般爱情故事所表 述的人与人之间的关系 或是人与文明 人与社会和道德之间的关系 相反 它 将人与整个宇宙关联起来 即将人融入整个宇宙 把人看作形成宇宙系统的一部 分 从而给整部小说带来一种广阔的背景和神秘的意味 正因这种令人费解的小 说结构和玄奥的小说主题 很长一段时间中 呼啸山庄 在英国文学史上得不 到应有的重视和评价
本文主要以结构主义叙述学为理论依据 从读者反应批评的角度论述这部小 说的叙述特点 具体分析它所叙述的故事和故事叙述法 论文主体共分三章 第 一章 论 呼啸山庄 的叙述话语 笔者主要以法国叙述学家
热奈特有关叙述话 语的理论来解读小说的叙述结构 剖析其叙述时间和故事时间的错位 不同叙述 聚焦的转换和不同层次上的叙述者角色变化等特点 并认为这一典型的 中国套 盒 式的叙述结构造成了故事叙述的持续性 第二章 论 呼啸山庄 的叙述情 节 本章则从另一法国叙述学家格雷玛斯有关叙述结构的理论出发 探讨这部小 说的浅层叙述结构和深层叙述结构 笔者认为 在浅层叙述结构上 双重情节线 构成了一个循环的故事 深层叙述结构展示了作者艾米莉 勃郎特对于生与死的 看法 而浅 深层叙述结构则共同体现了 呼啸山庄 中被讲述的故事的连续性 和讲故事的方式的连续性 第三章 论 呼啸山庄 的叙述人物 本章分析了叙 述人物的行为和性格 人物行为与人物性格是相互依存的两方面 在 呼啸山庄 中 它们又与叙述人物的姓名息息相关 笔者甚至认为 正是这部小说中叙述人 物的姓名的相互转换才造成了叙述文本的运动性 纵观全部论文结构 后两章所 论重在 叙述情节 和 叙述人物 它们构成小说叙述的 故事 层次 与第 一章所论述的 话语 层次上的 叙述话语 恰成对照 而这三个层次的论述共 同构成了本论文对 呼啸山庄 这一独特文本的叙述学分析m
作为一部典型的叙述小说 呼啸山庄 以对话体的方式讲述故事 首先 它是讲故事 即 文本中包括讲故事的人 叙述者 故事 听故事的人 叙述 接受者 叙述者将故事娓娓道来 不时地加入自己的阐释 而故事叙述的另一 方 叙述接受者 文本要求他对接受到的故事不仅要去理解 而且更要有自己 的独特的思考 至于真正的小说读者 同样作为 呼啸山庄 这一故事的接受者 文本也要求他像小说人物洛克乌在听纳莉向他讲述自己主人的故事时的情形一
样 要投入到自己的思考中去 然而 读者与洛克乌的身份又有所不同 洛克乌 不但是纳莉故事叙述的叙述接受者 同时也是 呼啸山庄 这个艺术世界里的一 个次要的人物 而读者却仅仅是 呼啸山庄 这部小说的叙述接受者 但是 基 于文本叙述的独特性 对后者来说 阅读这部小说固为愉悦和怡情 更应为思考 与研究 本文最后的结论是 该作品不是讲述某个人的故事 而是一部没有主人 公的故事 并且 故事与故事叙述的连续性由此而生      关键词 叙述话语 时间错位 聚焦 叙述者 叙述接受者 叙述情节 叙 述人物
中英文在线翻译Of the 19th-century English novels, Emily Bronte‘s single novel, Wuthering Heights, is the most treacherous for the academic study. For one thing, its highly wrought structure of narrative within narrative and narrator behind narrator, which is like a narrative circle, breaks away from the 19th-century Victorian novel structure. For another thing, though a love story like most of other novels, Wuthering Heights has an abstru and abstract theme in that it es human beings not as they do i
四级成绩公布时间n relation to other human beings, nor to human civilizations and societies and codes of conduct, but only in relation to the cosmic scheme of which they form a part. The novel is thereby veiled with a mysterious meaning under this vast background. It was due to the puzzling narrative structure and the incredibly incomprehensible narrative theme that the novel had failed to gain its derved honor for quite a long time in the history of British Literature.天道培训
Working on the thesis from the perspective of the theory of structuralist narrative, I describe how the novel exemplifies the story and the storytelling in reader-respon way. The body of the thesis is divided into three chapters. In Chapter One entitled
avast―Narrative Discour in Wuthering Heights‖, I mainly employ a French narratologist G. Genette‘s theory on narrative discour to excavate the structural features of the novel in storytelling: anachronies between the time of storytelling and the time of story, transformation of different focalizations and multiple narrators on different levels. This typical structure of ―Chine Box‖, I believe, enables the story to go on and on without ending. In Chapter Two, ―Narrative Plot in Wuthering Heights‖, I probe into the surface narrative structure and the deep narrative structure of the novel according to the theory of Greimas, another French narratologist. The double plotlines making up a circular story displayed in the surface narrative structure and Emily Bronte‘s views on lif
e and death displayed in the deep narrative structure show the continuity of the story and storytelling. Chapter Three, ―Narrative People in Wuthering Heights‖, analyzes the action and the character of the narrative people. The two aspects are interdependent, but in Wuthering Heights, they are further related to the names of the narrative people. It is no exaggeration to say that it is the permutation of names that generates the movement of the narrative text. To take the thesis as a whole, ―Narrative Plot‖ and ―Narrative People‖ which the last two chapters dilate on constitute the level of“histoire” (story) and they together contrast finely with ―Narrative Discour‖ which is at the level of“recit” (discour), all three
knitting into a narrative analysis of a peculiar narrative text that is Wuthering Heights.
A typical novel of storytelling, Wuthering Heights tells a story in a dialogical way. In the mode of storytelling, a storyteller always tells a story in company with a listener. One is to cling to the story and interpret its meanings; the other is to plunge into the meditation upon what his or her understanding of the story is. For the real reader like me, reading the novel is like Lockwood listening to Nelly‘s telling him the story of her masters, and meditating upon what is on. But Lockwooreflect是什么意思
d and I are not quite the same in that he is not only a narratee of Nelly‘s storytelling but also a minor person in the artistic world of Wuthering Heights while I, a narratee of Nelly‘s storytelling as well as a narratee of the world of Wuthering Heights, read it partly for pleasure and mostly for meditation and academic study. The conclusion I arrive at is that this story does not belong to any particular person, but is in fact a nobody‘s story which ensures the continuity of the story and the storytelling.
Key Words: Narrative Discour, Anachrony, Focalization, Narrator, Narratee, Narrative Plot, Narrative People
Among the people to whom I gratefully acknowledge my indebtedness is first of all Professor Ye Huanian, my supervisor. Without his erudite learning and persistent support, I could not have written this thesis. More commendable is his strict attitude in academic rearch, the attitude that encourages me not only in the accomplishment of this master‘s thesis, but also in my future work.
Thanks should also be given to Pan Guoqing and Cheng Weimin, postgraduates majoring in computi
ng science, who helped me greatly in the drawing of the figures in this thesis. Besides, I owe thanks to Wang Jin, a postgraduate majoring in modern and contemporary Chine Literature. She is always ready to correct my improper understanding and inaccurate expressions in the thesis.
Finally, I extend my sincere gratitude to my teachers, friends, and family in Nanchang and Shanghai, for they have always been there to support me in my learning, work and life; the most faithful of them have been my dear parents and my lovely younger sister, Ji-Ji.

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