red dawn雅思口语范文:影响你的人
我们都知道Part2的话题是时间最长的,需要考生balabala说一分半钟到两分钟。为了防止大家在考场时无话可说,同学们在备考阶段一定需要多积累一些口语话题哦~ 下面小编给大家带来雅思口语范文:影响你的人。
In my life there are veral persons in my family members who made unmatched contributions to help me go ahead and among them my father’s contribution is unforgettable. He is the person whom I love most in this world and I consider him to be a perfect human being with his uncompromid honestly, bravery and responsibility.
I know my father from the very beginning of my life as he is the person who brought me in this world. From my childhood he has raid me with his love, affection and mentorship. He taught me about the world, people and values. He helped me on my education and has devoted his life to properly rai me.
My father is an exemplary person who has led an honest life. As a high ranking government officer he had many chances to pile up the riches but he had always knew what the right things to do. The basic of humanity and the importance of education were something he delivered to me. He is now a retired person and leads his rene and peaceful like with contentment and happiness. He was a brave person who never feared the rough power of the society.
As a father, I would say he has done everything humanly possible to rai me and my 3 others siblings. He spent his earning on our happiness and necessity while he went through hardship. I learned the true meaning of life and started achieving some of the qualities he has. The person who I am now is mostly becau of my parents’ devotion and dedication. To me he is an ideal person whom I often mimic and consider as my idle in my life.
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雅思口语Part2新题范文:someone who has influence on you
Describe someone who has great influence on you.
decision makingYou should say:
who this person is;
how you knew this person
what influence this person has on you
and explain how you think of the influence
In China, the most significant Agriculture outcome in recent decades was hybrid rice,which was developed by a group of scientists whom led by Yuan longping in central China's Hunan province.This outstanding contribution already has been written in the textbooks of my generation.
During the year 1959 to 1961, the most mainland Chine suffered for a nationwide drought along with rious food shortage and famine. Yuan longping found a special kind of natural hybrid rice, which brought him the idea of cultivating a bran-new super hybrid rice for the entire country.With 40 years studies,his creative team finally developed the super hybrid rice,which was especially suitable for inland regions.
Surprisingly he still continues his rearch even nowadays.His creativity and continuity deeply remind me that to be constantly reflect on some little things,do not quit easlly for everything,catch every tiny sparks in my mind,and always try to find out other methods to solve a problem. The influence makes me become much positive when difficulties came,and reminds me that be patient all the time on what I am doing. In order to giving the best outcome,I also review the work I did veral times and ask others for opinions before I turned in.
A person who has influenced youscarf的音标
Plea describe a person who has greatly influenced you
You should say:
Who the person is (was)
How you came into contact with this person
How he/she has influenced you and why
And you have you say whether this person has influenced others
To talk about a person who has influenced me the most, I think there isnone other but my father. Working as a government official, he doesn’t appear tobe extraordinary in any way, but just working faithfully and peacefully raisinghis family, never putting his family or children aside. Yet however regular hemay look, he is never ordinary to me, becau I’ve learned many of the mostbasic and important life lessons from him: family, responsibility,accountability, faithfulness, vision and fulfilling goals, etc.—he is the firstand best teacher in my life. As to influence, people all influence one anotherin one way or another during their contact. But as to whether my father hasinfluenced other people as much as he does to me, I am not sure. Nevertheless Ialways hear people in the neighborhood talking about him as a model husband andfamily head. He must have touched some lives.