2013 航海英语模拟题 (综合)
1. Monsoons are characterized by ____.
A. light, variable winds with little or no humidity
B. strong, gusty winds that blow from the same general direction all year
C. steady winds that rever direction miannually
D. strong, cyclonic winds that change direction to conform to the passage of an extreme low pressure system
2. Under threat, ship master activate SSAS system and nd a message to ______.
A. nearby coast station
B. flag administration
C. vesls in the vicinity
D. charterer and sub-charterer
Key: B
3. As the temperature for a given mass of air increas, the _______.
A. dew point increas
B. dew point decreas
C. relative humidity increas
D. relative humidity decreas
Key: D 当某一特定气团的温度上升时,相对湿度下降。
4. During the required periodic abandon ship drill aboard a ship, each person not assigned duties in the muster list is ______.
A. instructed in the u of portable fire extinguishers
B. shown a video demonstrating lifeboat launching
C. instructed in the u of life jackets
D. not required to attend the boat drill
Key: C
5. The company should establish procedures to ensure that ____ related to safety and protection of the environment are given proper familiarization with their duties. Instructions which are esntial to be provided prior to sailing should be identified, documented and given.
A. New personnel
B. Personnel transferred to new assignments
C. All crewmembers
D. New personnel and Personnel transferred to new assignments
Key: D
6. The Company should establish procedures in ____ to identify equipment and technical systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in hazardous situations.
Key: C
fun run术系统。
7. The Beaufort scale is ud to estimate the ______.
A. wind direction
B. percentage of cloud cover
C. wind speed
D. barometric pressure
让杜雅尔丹Key: C
8. A power-driven vesl shall have her engine ready for _____ when the visibility is restricted.
A. immediate stopping
B. immediate maneuvering
C. immediate anchoring
D. immediate going astern
Key: B
9. There shall be _____ into sleeping rooms from cargo and machinery spaces or from g
alleys, storerooms, drying rooms or communal sanitary areas.
A. no direct openings
B. direct openings
C. no more than one direct opening
D. up to one direct opening
Key: A
10. A vesl is equipped with a single right-handed screw. With rudder amidships and cal
m wind, the vesl will most likely back ____
A. straight astern
B. to port
C. to starboard
D. in no particular direction
Key: B
11. Which of the followings does not belong to main maneuvering facilities?
A. rudder
B. propeller
C. radar
D. sider thruster
成人高考专升本专业Key : C
12. The path that a vesl is expected to follow, reprented on a chart by a line drawn from the point of departure to the point of arrival, is the _______.
A. DR plot
B. track line
C. heading
D. estimated cour
Key: B
13. What is NOT an advantage of containership operations over conventional break-bulk operations?
A. Flexibility of operationisabella
B. Greater operational safety
C. Lower stevedoring costs
D. Reduction of cargo damage
Key: A什么不是集装箱船作业优于常规散杂货作业的有点之一?作业的灵活性。
14. The foremost and aftermost spaces of the vesl are the ______
A. forecastle
B. tweendeck
C. hatches
D. peak tanks
Key: D船舶最前和最后的空间是尖舱。
15. ______ provides a lection of commonly ud routes with their distances between principal and important positions.
A. The Mariner’s Handbook
B. Admiralty Sailing Directions
C. Ocean Passages for the World
恒企D. Mariner’s Routeing Guide
Key: C
16. What does SSO stand for regarding ship curity? _____
A. Ship curity office
B. Ship curity officer
C. Ship curity operator
D. Ship safety office
Key: B
17. When hitting a solid object such as ship or an airplane, the radar waves are reflected back ____ they came.
A. in the way
B. the way
C. by the way
D. through the path
Key: D雷达波在击中像船舶或飞机这样的固体物体时会原路返回。
18. Which of the following is defined as static information of AIS?
A. Navigational status