1我们相信,在新的一年里,通过双方的努力,我们的业务和友好合作关系会得到发展。We believe we will be able to develop business relations and friendly co-operation through our common efforts in the coming year.
2黄果树瀑布高68米,宽81米,每秒流量700多立方米,滚滚而下如天河倾泻。The Huangguoshu Cataract is 68 meters high and 81meters wide. With a flow of more than 700 cubic meters of water per cond, huge amounts of water em like pouring from the sky.
3要弄懂喷气发动机的工作原理,最简单的方法是观察空气是怎样从气球里逸出来的。The simplest way to understand how a jet engine works is to watch air escaping from a balloon.
getup4他的计划虽然无懈可击,但却不能付诸实施。His plan is impracticable though invulnerable.
5从山坡上滚下来的石头其动量会越来越大。A rock rolling down the mountainside will be gathering momentum.japan tgp
6晚上我们从中国大使馆回旅馆的时候,天已经完全黑了。In the evening, it was already dark when we were on our way to the hotel from the Chine embassy.
1动物没有水不能生存,植物没有水也不能生长。Animals cannot live without water; neither can plants grow.
2如果汽车发动机在路上出了故障,我们就不得不在汽车上过夜了。Should the engine go out of order on the way, we would have to stay in the car overnight.
3我们还没有来得及把话讲完,接线员就把我们挂断了。The telephone operator cut us off before we had finished our conversation.
4这些昆虫太小,不用放大镜就看不见。The incts are so small that they can not be en without a magnifying glass.flag是什么意思
5专家们认为,这种流行病不是由空气污染,就是由食物污染所引起。The experts believe
电子英文d that the epidemic dia was caud by either air pollution or food contamination.ubic
expert什么意思6一滴水只有放进大海里才能永远不干,一个人只有当他把自己和集体事业融合在一起的时候才能有力量。Only the great ocean can keep a drop of water from eventually drying up; only when he merges his personal cau with that of the collective will a man have strength.
7中国人口的80%在农村。如果不解放这80%的人的生活问题,社会就不会是安定的。Eighty percent of China's population live in the rural areas. There will be no social stability unless their daily needs are met.
1我怀想着故乡的雷声和雨声。那隆隆的有力的搏击,从山谷反响到山谷,仿佛春之芽就从冻土里震动,惊醒。而怒茁出来。细草样柔的雨丝又以温存之手抚摸它,使它簇生油绿的枝叶而开出红色的花。I remember fondly the sounds of my birthplace---the sounds of thunder and of rain. Tho mighty crashes rumbled and reverberated from mountain valle
y to mountain valley, as if the new shoots of spring were shaking in the frozen ground, awakening, and bursting forth with a terrifying vigour. Threads of rain, soft as fine grass, would then caress them with a tender hand, so that clumps of glossy green leaves would sprout forth and red flowers burst open.
2那边是南国风光,山是青的,水是绿的,小溪流更是清可见底!院里四季都有花开。水果是从枇杷、荔枝、龙眼,一直吃到福桔!对一个孩子来说,还有什么比这个更惬意的呢?Over there we have the typical southern scenery with blue mountains, green waters, limpid brooks! There in the courtyard we can always e some kind of flower in full bloom throughout the year. Fruits ranging from loquats, lichees, longans to tangerines are in plenty. Is there anything more palatable to a little child than the fruits?dual core
3谁能否认海的伟大呢?我爱海,并不仅仅因为她的颜色美丽,和藏在海底那许多有趣的玩意儿,而是爱她的胸襟广阔,化污秽为清洁。There is no denying the mightiness of the a. I love her not only becau she has the beautiful hues and many intriguing objects hidden deep underneath her, but also becau she is broad and liberal enough to turn the foul into the pure.
4子曰:“见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。”The Master said, “In the prence of a good man, think all the time how you may learn to equal him. In the prence of a bad man, turn your gaze within!"
练习十四my love mp3
1我选择、我喜欢!My choice, my style!
2喝的就是健康!The water that cares…
3百闻不如一尝。Tasting is believing.
4接天下客、送万里情!Your satisfaction is our final destination.
5给你一个精彩的视界。See the difference.
6无惧阳光,青春飞扬!Block away the sun. All you have is fun!
春运= pasnger transport around the Chine lunar new year 打假= crack down on counterfeit goods 倒爷= profiteer 傍大款= be a mistress for a rich man 奔小康= strive for a relatively comfortable life 背黑锅= to become a scapegoat 吃皇粮= receive salaries or subsidies from the government 放心肉= quality-assured meat 民工潮= farmers' frenzied hunt for work in cities 三农问题= issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers 党风建设= construction of the Party conduct 党群关系= Party-mass relationship 待业人员= job-waiting people 乡镇企业=township enterpris 助学行动=activity to assist the impoverished students 扶贫办公室= Poverty Relief Office 粗放式管理= extensive management 半拉子工程= uncompleted project 经济适用房=(economically) affordable housing 户口管理制度=residence registration system
The typhoon kills 46, and leaves 150 missing in Taiwan
Sinopec heads the list of china’s top 500 earners
American media: the mouthpiece of terrorism
1据信息产业部消息,我国将从明年起启动手机实名制。China’s mobile phone urs will have to register using their real names starting next year, according to the Ministry of Information Industry.
2国家税务总局本周一公布,从明年起,年收入超过12万元的高收入者须向税务部门自行申报纳税。Employees earning more than 120,000 yuan(US $15,000) annually need to report their income directly to the tax authorities from next year, announced by the State Administration of Taxation Monday.
3在经过15天的太空飞行后,我国“实践八号”育种卫星于北京时间9月24日10时43分在四川省境内成功着陆。China’s ed-breeding satellite, shijian-8, successfully landed in Sichuan Province at
10: Beijing time yesterday after a 15-day flight in space.