Lesson 61 the Maritime Labor Convention

更新时间:2023-06-13 17:49:15 阅读: 评论:0

Lesson 61 the Maritime Labor Convention
The Maritime Labor Convention, 2006 was adopted on February the 23rd, 2006 by the International Labor Organization.国际劳工组织于2006年2月23日通过《2006年海事劳工公约》。
Each Member which ratifies this Convention undertakes to give complete effect to its provisions in the manner t out in Article VI in order to cure the right of all afarers to decent employment,批准本公约的各成员国承诺按第六条规定的方式全面履行公约的规定,以确保海员体面就业的权利。and shall cooperate with each other for the purpo of ensuring the effective implementation and enforcement of this Convention.[1]成员国应为确保有效实施和执行本公约之目的而相互合作。
running running
Each member shall satisfy itlf that the provisions of its law and regulations respect, in the context of this Convention, the fundamental rights to:[2]就本公约所涉事项,各成员国应自行确认其法律和条例尊重以下基本权利:
(a)freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;结
(b)the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor;消除所有形式的强迫和强制劳
(c)the effective abolition of child labor; and有效废除童工劳动;以及
(d)the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.消除就业和职
According to Maritime Labor Convention, 2006, every afarer has the right to a safe and cure workplace that complies with safety standards, a right to fair terms of employment, a right to decent working and living conditions on board ship, and a right to health protection, medical care, welfare and other forms of social protection.[2]根据《2006年海事劳工公约》,每一海员均有权享有符合安全标准的安全且受保护的工作场所;有权获得公平的就业条件;有权获得体面的船上工作和生活条件;有权享受健康保护、医疗、福利措施及其他形式的社会保障。
The Convention compris three different but related parts, the Articles, the Regulations and the Code.本公约由三个不同但相关的部分构成:条款、规则和守则。
The regulations and the Code are organized into general areas under five Titles:规则和守则按以下标题被划归为五个领域:
Title 1 Minimum requirements for afarers to work on a ship标题一:海员上船工作的最低要求
Purpo: to ensure that no under-age persons work on a ship目的:确保未成年人不得上船工作1.No person below the minimum age shall be employed or engaged or work on a ship.低于最低
2.The minimum age at the time of the initial entry into force of this Convention is 16 years.在本
公约生效伊始,最低年龄为16岁。Night work of afarers under the age of 18 shall be prohibited.应禁止18岁以下的海员在夜间工作。For the purpo of this standard, “night”
shall be defined in accordance with national law and practice. 就本标准而言,“夜间”应根据国家法律或实践来定义。It shall cover a period of at least nine hours starting no later than midnight and ending no earlier than 它应该包括从不晚于午夜开始至不早于上午5点钟结束的一段至少9个小时的时段。
The employment, engagement or work of afarers under the age of 18 shall be prohibited where the work is likely to jeopardize their health or safety. 应禁止雇用或聘用18岁以下的海员从事可能损害其健康或安全的工作。The type of such work shall be determined by national laws or regulation or by the competent authority, after consultation with the ship-owners’ and afarers’ organization concerned, in accordance with relevant international standards.这些工作的类型应由国家法律或条例确定,或由主管当局根据相关国际标准与有关船东和海员组织协商后确定。
e visions3.  A higher minimum age shall be required in the circumstances t out in the Code.在守则规定
Title 2 Condition of employment标题二:就业条件
Purpo: to ensure that afarers have a fair employment agreement目的:确保海员取得公平的就业协议
1.The terms and conditions for employment of a afarer shall be t out or referred to in a clear
written legally enforceable agreement and shall be consistent with the standards t out in the Code.[3]海员的就业条款和条件应在一项明确的法律上可执行的书面协议中加以规定或提及并应与守则中规毕业论文答辩开场白
2.Seaf arers’ employment agreements shall be agreed to by the afarer under conditions which
ensure that the afarer has an opportunity to review and ek advice on the terms and conditions in the agreement and freely accepts them before signing.海员的就业协议应在确保海员有机会对协议中的条款和条件进行审阅和征求意见并在签字前自由接受的前提下,取得海员的同意。
3.To the extent compatible with the Member’s national law and practice, afarers’ employment
agreements shall be understood to incorporate any applicable collective bargaining agreements.[4]在与成员国国家法律和惯例相符合的范围内,海员的就业协议应被理解为包括了任何适用的集体谈判协议。
The limits on hours of work or rest shall be as follows:工作或休息时间应作如下限制:
(a)Maximum hours of work shall not exceed:最长工作时间:
(i) 14 hours in any 24-hour period; and在任何24小时时段内不得超过14小时;且
(ii) 72 hours in any 7-day period; or在任何7天时间内不得超过72小时;或
(b) Minimum hours of rest shall not be less than:最短休息时间:
(i) 10 hours in any 24-hour period; and在任何24小时时段内不得少于10小时;且
(ii) 77 hours in any 7-day period.在任何7天时间内不得少于77小时。
Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of which shall be at least six hours in length, and the interval between concutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours.[5]休息时间最多可分为两段,其中一段至少要有6小时,且相连的两段休息时间的间隔不得超过14小时。
Musters, fire-fighting and lifeboat drills, and drills prescribed by national laws and regulations and by international instruments, shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of rest periods and does not induce fatigue.集合、消防和救生艇训练以及国家法律、条例和国际文件规定的训练应以对休息时间的影响最小和不会造成疲劳的方式进行。
Title 3 Accommodation, recreational facilities, food and catering标题三:起居舱室、娱乐设施、食品和膳食服务
Purpo: to ensure that afarers have decent accommodation and recreational facilities on board 目的:确保海员在船上有体面的起居舱室和娱乐设施
Each Member shall ensure that ships that fly its flag provide and maintain decent accommodations and recreational facilities for afarers working or living on board, or both, consistent with promoting the afarers’ health and well being.[6]各成员国应确保悬挂其旗帜的船舶向工作和(或)生活在船上的海员提供并保持与促进海员的健康和福利一致的体面起居舱室和娱乐设施。
Title 4 Health protection, medical care, welfare and social curity protection标题四:健康保护、医疗、福利和社会保障
手动挡驾驶技巧Purpo: to protect the health of afarers and ensure their prompt access to medical care on board ship and ashore目的:保护海员健康并确保其迅速得到船上和岸上医疗
1.Each Member shall ensure that all afarers on ships that fly its flag are covered by adequate
measures for the protection of their health and that they have access to prompt and adequate medical care whilst working on board. 各成员国应确保在悬挂其旗帜船舶上的所有海员均被保护其健康的充分措施所覆盖,并且他们在船上工作期间能够得到迅速和适当的医疗。
2.The protection and care under paragraph 1 of this Regulation shall, in principle, be provided
at no cost to the afarers.按本规则第1款所提供的保护和医疗原则上不由海员支付费用。
3.Each Member shall ensure that afarers on board ships in its territory who are in need of
immediate medical care are given access to the Member’s medical facilities on shore.各成员国应确保在其领土内的船舶上需要紧急医疗的海员能够使用成员国的岸上医疗设施。4.The requirements for on-board health protection and medical care t out in the Code include
standards for measures aimed at providing afarers with health protection and medical care as comparable as possible to that which is generally available to workers ashore.守则中规定的船上健康保护和医疗要求包括旨在向海员提供尽可能相当于岸上工人能够得到的健康保护和医疗的措施标准。
Title 5 Compliance and enforcement t标题五:遵守与执行
1.The Regulation in this Title specify each Member’s responsibility to fully implement and
enforce the principles and rights t out in the Articles of this Convention as well as the particular obligations provided for under its Titles 1, 2, 3 and 4.本标题下的规则确定了各成员国充分实施和执行本公约正文所规定之原则和权利及其标题一、二、三和四所规定之具体义务的责任。
2.Paragraphs 3 and 4 of Article VI, which permit the implementation of Part A of the Code
through substantially equivalent provisions, do not apply to Part A of the Code in this Title.允许通过实质上等效的规定来实施守则A部分的第六条第3和4款不适用于本标题下的守则A部分。
not a bad thing3.In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article VI, each Member shall implement its
responsibilities under the Regulations in the manner t out in the corresponding standards of Part A of the Code, giving due consideration to the corresponding guidelines in Part B of the Code.根据本公约第六条第2款,各成员国应以守则A部分的相应标准所规定的方式实施其在规则下的责任,并充分考虑到守则B部分的相关导则。
4.The provisions of this Title shall be implemented bearing in mind that afarers and
ship-owners, like all other persons, are equal before the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law and shall not be subject to discrimination in their access to courts, tribunals or other dispute resolution mechanisms.[7]实施本标题中的规定时应切记,同任何其他人一样,海员和船东在法律面前平等,有权受到法律的同等保护,不得在诉诸法院、
仲裁庭(The arbitral tribunal)或其他争议解决机制方面受到歧视。The provisions of this Title do not determine legal jurisdiction or a legal venue.本标题中的规定并不决定法律管辖权和法院所在地的选择。

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标签:海员   规定   法律   确保   医疗   成员国   保护   公约
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