Labor Contract
Party A:
甲方工商注册号/Registered No:
乙方/P rty B:
乙方护照/Passport number :
签订日期/Date of signing:
This labor contract is intended to establish and adjust labor relations between the company and employees. Once this labor contract is signed, both parties should earnestly perform it.
The conclusion of a labor contract shall follow the principles of legality, fairness, equality, voluntariness, connsus and good faith. If anything need to be negotiated, the contracting parties shall fill in the empty column of this contract or attach parate page after further consultations.
This labor contract shall be signed or aled by the legal reprentative or authorized agent himlf
of Party A, and Party B shall fill in the name and date of birth consistent with the res ident ID card and sign it by himlf or herlf. Any other person’s signature is invalid. 4.本劳动合同设定条款不适用的,经甲乙双方协商一致后,在劳动合同书“其他事项”栏中重新
俄语翻译培训If the provisions of this labor contract are not applicable, both parties shall reach an
agreement through negotiation and re-arrange such provisions in the "Other Matters" column of this labor contract.
This labor contract should be filled out with a fountain pen or blue or black signature pen, and the handwriting should be clear. The alteration of this labor contract is invalid.
If "Other Matters", "Labor Contract Modification" and "Labor Contract Renewal" columns in this labor contract were insufficient, the contracting parties can attach additional pages; the
additional content shall be signed or aled by both parties.
甲方/Party A:
法定代表人/Legal reprentative:
注册地址/Registered address:
经营地址/Business Address:
乙方/Party B:
乙方护照/ Passport Number:
户口所在地址/Registered residence address: /
materia在沪居住地址/Residential address in Shanghai:
紧急联系人/Emergency Contact:
紧急联系人电话Contact Number:
According to the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, both parties have agreed on equal negotiation to sign this contract voluntarily and jointly abide by the terms listed in this contract.
一、劳动合同期限Section 1. Term of contract
1.本合同期限为: 固定期限劳动合同,
3)□以完成一定工作任务为期限的劳动合同,工作任务为: /
Article 1 The term of this contract is:
Fixed term, valid from to , of which the probation period is six months, from to .
mingjian□Unfixed term: starting from year month day.
□A labor contract with a deadline for completing certain tasks, the tasks are:
二、工作岗位和工作地点Section 2 Job position and location
Article 2 Party B agrees to take up the position of (work type) upon request or needs of Party A.
During the contract period, Party A may adjust Party B’s position, responsibilities, post and work locations in accordance with Party A’s rules and regulations, business needs, operating
conditions and Party B’s actual work performance.
Article 3 Party B shall meet the requirements of the position (e Party A’s rules and regulations for details of job description and responsibilities), have good independent working ability, complete the required work on time in accordance with Party A’s needs, and assist with other company’s temporary work arrangements, comply with the rvice specifications, operating procedures and quality standards formula ted by Party A, and comply with Party A’s relevant
rules and regulations.
Article 4 During the employment period of Party B, Party A shall have the right to adjust Party B’s job position when one of the following situations occurs, Party B shall obey Party A’s arrangements, otherwi it will be deemed a rious breach of disciplines by Party B. Party A has the right to terminate this contract immediately without liability of compensation to Party B:
1)Party B is not competent for the position;
toddspiewak2)The conclusion of Party A's asssment (monthly, quarterly, and annual asssment) for Party
B shows unqualified;
3)Party B fails to complete the tasks previously promid when he/she is on-job;
4)The objective situation changes causing Party B's position no longer exist;
5)Production transformation, major technological innovation or adjustment of business methods
of Party A;
6)Other circumstances stated by laws and regulations, contractual agreements between both
parties and Party A's rules and regulations.mile
5.乙方工作地点或工作区域为或者甲方指定的其他地域,甲方有权安排乙方出差。Article 5 Party B’s work location is Shanghai or other cities designated by Party A, and Party A shall have the right to arrange Party B’s business trip.
三、劳动保护和劳动条件Section 3. Labor protection and working conditions
Article 6 Party A shall provide Party B with necessary working conditions and labor tools, establish and improve working procedures, and formulate operating procedures, work specifications, labor safety systems and standards.
四、工作时间与休息休假Section 4. Working hours and rest
Article 7 Party A arranges for Party B to implement the standard working-hours system. Party B shall complete all work within standard working hours.
accumulatedArticle 8 If overtime working is required due to work requirements, the following overtime working approval procedures shall be followed: Party B shall submit a written overtime working application signed and approved by the person in charge of the department or rvice ur to the designated reprentative of Party A ("overtime working approver") for signing and approval. Both parties confirm that the overtime working hours confirmed by the aforementioned approval procedure shall be effective. For Party B’s effective overtime working, Party A will arrange compensatory time off or pay overtime wages for Party B in accordance with the law. Matters of overtime working shall be specifically implemented in accordance with the company’s employee handbook.
Both parties further confirm that Party B’s attendance record/check-in record cannot yet sufficiently p
rove the actual situation of Party B’s entry and exit to the office, nor can it be ud to determine whether Party B is working overtime. ※Therefore, the attendance
record/check-in record shall not be the basis for determining that Party B has worked overtime unless Party B submit a written application and get relevant approval from the overtime working approver . *
Article 9 Party B shall enjoy national statutory holidays.
五、劳动报酬Section 5 Labor compensation