
更新时间:2023-06-13 16:09:13 阅读: 评论:0

We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counlor’s Office of the Swedish Embassy in Beijing who have informed us that you are in the market for Textiles. We avail ourlves ofthis opportunity to ap p p roach you for the establ i shment of trade relation s s with you.
2016六级答案We are a stat e e-operated corporation, h a a ndling both the import a n n d export of Textiles. In order to acquaint you wi t h our business lines, we enclo a copy of our Ex p p ort List covering the ma i n items sup pliable at p r ent.
Should any of the items be of interest to y y ou, plea let me know. W W e shall be glad to give y y ou our lowest quotations upon receipt of your det a a iled requirements.
ukraineIn ou r trade with merchants of various countries, we al w w ays adhere to the princi p p le of equality and mutua l benefit. It is our hope to promote, by joint eff o o rts, both trade and frie n n dship to our mutual adva n n tage. We look forward to receiving your enquiries soon. Yours faithfully, E E ncl.
tunerMr Smith
Wish you e n n joy a great day!
I would like to introduce mylf. I am Stone Lee and I
re p p rent Efront Digital Te x x tile company in Hangzhou, China. We are glad to k n n ow that you are a large r etail enterpri in USA t o deal with …… I was ref e e rred by friend in USA re t ail business who is fami l iar with your corporatio n n.
As a professional manu f acturer, I would like to introduce our products t o o you and offer you a quo t e.
We are a manufacturer of houhold textile pro d d ucts, including chenille bedspread, Spanish bedsp r ead, tapestry wallhangin g g, throw, tapestry cushio n n, chenille carpet, uphol s s tery fabric and more whi c c h are all digital jacqua r d machine weaved by impo r t looms. The catalogue I attached includes just s o o me of our high quality p r oducts. Plea visit our website at
We have pass e e d through ISO9001:2000;I S S O14001:XX;ecological tex t ile would be our pleasu r e to begin a business re l ationship with you and s u u pply your stores with ou r quality products,.
Sinc e e rely yours,
Mr. Steven H a a ns,
We get your name and email address from your t rade lead on that you a r e in the market for ball pen. We would
like to in t roduce our company and p r oducts, hope that we may build business cooperati o o n in the future.
We are f actory specializing in t h h e manufacture and export of ball pen for more tha n n six years. We have prof u u designs with ries q u u ality grade, and express l y, our price is very com p p etitive becau we are m a a nufactory, we are the so u u rce. You are welcome to v v isit our website which i ncludes our company prof i les, history and somethi n n g latest designs. Shoul d d any of the items be o f interest to you, plea let us know, We will be h h appy to give you details.
As a very active manufa c c tures, we develop new de s s igns nearly every month,If you have interest in i t, it`s my pleasure to o f fer news to you regular.
Best regards,
Good day!This is Mickel from Chin a a. We are writing to you t o establish long-term tr a a de relation
s with you.
F r om your company web,we g e e t to know that your comp a a ny is an influence compa n n y in your business and a r e dealing with razor bar b b ed would like to take t h h is opportunity to introd u u ce our company and produ c c ts.
We are    a leading com p p any with many years' exp e e rience in wire mesh expo r t business. Our products are razor barbed wire,wh i ch enjoy popularity in M i ddle East & Europe may a a lso visit our online com p p any introduction, which i ncludes our latest produ c c t line.
Should any of th e e items be of interest t o you, plea let us kno w w. We will be happy to gi v v e you a quotation upon r e e ceipt of your detailed l ook forward to receiving your enquires soon. Sinc e e rely,
Mickel Liu
5 Dear Sir,
This is XX from a manufacturer s p p ecializing in producing X X XX in China.
We have bee n n in this industry for ov e e r 10 years,plea have a look at our website:XXX,y y ou will find there are
m a a ny products same as the o o nes you displayed.
Anywa y y,you could find some oth e e r items which you can al s s o put on your market.
An y y inquiries on the XXX pl e e a do not hesitate to c o o ntact us.
We are looking forward to establish win-win business relations w i th you.
Many Thanks & Be s s t Regards
Hello ,
You are quite correct I am extremely b u u sy every day and I would imagine so other busines s s men. I have talked to o t her men in similar busin e e ss to us and they also r e e gard

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