默写不及格作文 默写不及格反思800字

更新时间:2023-06-13 14:32:07 阅读: 评论:0

默写不及格作文 默写不及格反思800字
  1 Businessman 面临着挑战
  Consider businessmen. They are constantly confronted with various chellages ,for instance, competition,decline in market share,drops in profits,fluctuations of stock prices. In each situation ,a successful businessman must keep his hopes high and do the best. Lee lacocca ,against almost impossible odds,convinced the federal government to guarantee a loan ,which saved the struggling Chrysler company.
machinehead  2 学习music and art 有助于academic performance
  First ,the study of music and art can improve students academic performances.It is becau music and art have a soothing effect on students minds,helping them to concentrate better,and improving their learning efficiency.A study can back up this point . The study ,conducted by the USA Today,after following thousands of high school students,f
启德教育ound a causal relationship between playing volin or piano and significantly better GPAs of tho respondents.
  3 outdoor activities 有助于 physical health
  First , outdoor activities improve physical health. By going outdoors people can have fresh air and more physical exerci. There is nothing more refreshing and energizing than a walk in the morning. In contrast ,indoor activities involve less physical exerci and are relatively dentary. A few hours working before a computer caus pains in the back and neck .As a result , it is more likely for people to develop various dias.
  Consider students. It is abvious that the ability to write and the ability speak are equally important. Students should achieve a well-rounded growth,which includes well-developed abilities to write and to speak.In schools, students are required to attend various class and complete different tasks which require both the ability to write and the ability to speak.
打电话英文翻译>四级听力技巧 For instance, in an English writing class,students are required to write an English essay.But if they run for the positions in a student organization, they have to make public speeches to get support from the voters,which requires a strong speaking ability. 5 对于政治家,说更重要
  Consider politations. The ability to speak plays a bigger role.It is becau modern political life makes it necessary for politicians to have a strong ability to make public speeches and debate to get the support from the voters.Barrack Obama won the presidency becau he has a superior ability to debate than his ravals ,McCain. But politicians ldom need to write their own speeches becau their staffs usually prepare all the stuff for them. bother
watch是什么  6 祖父母与我们在entertainment方面的差异
  Consider entertainments. Our grandparents had to watch television which had fixed schedules and could not be stored and watched again. In contrast , we can where we can have access to millions of videos and store them in our comp
uters legally. When it comes to music ,our grandparents had to buy CDs.In contrast,we can buy songs for 99 cents from at iTuners shop and play them in our i-Pods .
  7学生在colleges or universities 可以学习生活技能
  In colleges or universities,students can learn various life skills.It is becau colleges or universities offer students a wider range of extracurricular activities,which teach students communication skills,organizing and planning skills,leadship.For instance,if a student run for the presitent of the student union,he will get a taste of what political life is like:talk to others,understand their needs,build mutural trust,eventually get their votes.In the process,all esntial qualities and skills needed for a successful political career can be developed and honed.
  8 college education 与other factors Compared with college education,other factors play a no less or even greater role in person s success.Many men and women ,for instance,Marie Curie,Abraham Lincoln ,had not attend colleges.Many others dropped out of colleges or universities,for instance,Bill Gates,Steve Jobs.Tho great people s succes
s demostrate that other factors,like independence ,hard work can be more powerful than a college diploma. 9增加老师的工资have undesirable conquences
  Admittedly,increasing teachers salaries has undesirable conquences .For instance,it will make education more expensive becau schools might rai tuions in order to pay their teachers.Suppo an elementary school rais the salaries of the faculty by 50percent.It will be hard presd to strike a balanced budget without increasing tuions .As a result, It is possible that many students from underprivileged families will have to drop out of schools becau they can t afford it.However, schools can obtain more government subsidies and public donations and increa teachers salaries without increasing the costs of education.
  10 digital books 比paper books 更方便
  Digital books are more convenient to u than paper books.For one thing,digital books are more easier to carry than clumsy paper books.The school bags of Korean and Chine students usually weight more than 10 kilograms,taking a heavy toll on students p
hysical health.But if all tho paper books are converted into digital version,all they have to carry is a laptop.For

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