accordion adj. 折叠的 n 手风琴
accordion: fold
crea: folding= hole: perforating
ace n.. 极小量;佼佼者
ace: amount
inkling: knowledge= modicum: quantity actionable adj. 可引起诉讼的
actionable: indict
smartyou什么意思despicable: contempt= reprehensible: censureado n. 纷乱;小题大做;麻烦
ado对calm welter 翻滚,汹涌对orderly arrangement
aerosol n. 浮质 a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in gas
mist: aerosol 种属关系
banner: flag= incantation: utterance 咒语:意见
calcium: mineral= sugar: carbohydrate afflatus n. 灵感,神的启示afflatus: inspirationanathema: cur= theocracy: state
ajar: open= doze: sleep 微开:开= 小睡:睡
aleatory adj. dependent on chance, luck, or an uncertain outcome 幸运的,侥幸的 对 inevitable alimony n. 离婚后的赡养费;生活费
alimony: livelihood
2020语文高考试卷tuition: instruction= fare: transportation almanac n. 年鉴;历书
almanac: annual= journal: daily
anneal vt. to heat and then cool (as steel or glass) usually for softening and making less brittle; strengthen, toughen 退火,锻炼
annular adj. shaped like or forming a ring 环状的,轮状的annular: ring auctorial adj. of or relating to an author 作者的
arboreal: trees= sidereal: stars fluvial: river= sidereal: star
bathos n. insincere or grossly ntimental pathos; an anticlimax; banality, triteness 假慈悲; 突降法;陈腐,平庸bathos: pity pathos 痛苦,悲伤,哀惋 ethos 社会风潮,民族精神
sanctimonious: devoted= unctuous: earnest 都是假对真
belay vt. to make fast 使固定
bluff n. 峭壁; adj. 直率的,豪爽的 vt. 诈骗 crag blink 眨眼,视而不见
cliff; rough and blunt but not unkind in manner bluff对courtly/suave 温和的 palter对candor 含糊其辞对坦白 bluff是不太拘礼节的率直,candor是诚实,坦白,两者对应的反义词相差极大 表胁迫: intimidate, bludgeon大头棒, bluster怒号,吓唬, browbeat, bully, bullyrag, cow 母牛,威吓, dragoon骑兵,迫害, hector, bulldoze
sunricharm 符咒,魔力 a. an object worn or cherished to ward off evil or attract good fortune 驱邪符amulet: evil= helmet: injury
Cheap shot n. 暗算,卑劣行为 对sportsmanship 正大光明,运动家风范
clergy n 集合名词 神职人员
learning to eretainer: retinue= witch: coven 家臣,随从:一批随员 对 女巫:女巫大聚会考研时间安排
Derail vt. to cau to run off the rails; to obstruct the progress of: frustrate 使停顿,突然停顿,使出轨 derail对accelerate
to male business
dicker vi. To bargain; barter 讨价还价,做小生意
debate: issue= bargain: price
discountenance vt. to put out of countenance; disconcert 使羞愧,使困窘 ,不赞同countenance 面容,脸色,支持 embolden对discountenance 或placate对discountenance
dun vt. to make persistent demands upon for payment 不断索求,尤指讨债、暗褐色的,3微暗的 dun: demand
Badger: bother= belabor: mention
fib n. a trivial or childish lie 无伤大雅的谎言,小谎
miff 微怒: quarrel= foible: flaw,fib:lie
flimflam n. deception, fraud, deceptive nonn 欺骗;胡言乱语;无聊的
aspersion: discredit= canard: deceive
credulous: cozen= tractable: control cozen 欺骗,瞒
nonnsical: drivel= pompous: bombast 无意义的:荒谬的胡言乱语,夸张的:空话
flurry n. a sudden gust of wind; a brief light snowfall; a period of commotion or excitement; a sudden 阵风,小雪,使恐慌occurrence of many things at once;骚乱 barrage 拦河坝,弹幕
shower: rain= flurry: wind
fogy/fogey n. a person with old-fashioned ideas 守旧者,老古板
bigot: advice= conrvative: change
gag n. an official check or restraint on debate or free speech 言论限制,禁止,使窒息
censorship: communication= prervative: decayquarantine: contagion= embargo: commerce
heraldry 纹章 同义词: blazon, armory, 兵工厂,纹章 escutcheon herald 传令官,先驱 alliterate: remove= blazon: efface 押头韵
hymeneal adj. of or relating to a wedding or marriage 婚姻的 nuptial 婚姻的,婚礼的
hymeneal: wedding/ marriage
impassible impassive(冷摸的) adj. incapable of suffering or of experiencing pain; inaccessible to injury; incapable of feeling: