ELTU 1001 Foundation English for University Studies
Common English Foundation (CEF) Diagnostic Test
Common English Foundation (CEF) is one of the open resources for ELTU 1001 students to conduct lf-directed language learning in the following areas:
trimming1.aspects of grammar; and
2.academic vocabulary.
In order for you to conduct more needful and focud learning, this “diagnostic test” was compiled for you to try some language items out. Plea complete this test at home without the help of any learning aids. Your class teacher will check the answers with you in class so you can identify your relative strengths and weakness in different aspects of English grammar. Then, you can t you SMART goals for personal learning.
This is NOT an assd test, but rather, a “lf-discovery instrument” for you to plan for your personal learning. Enjoy!
This “diagnostic test” was compiled largely bad on the on-line CEF practice exercis
/practice test prepared by the CEF Team and many ELTU teachers.
Section A was jointly prepared by Dr. Beatrice Ma, Nicola Gram, Allen Ho, Florence Lai and Olive Cheung.
A) Word Forms
Change the form of the given words.
1) Academic Purpos Verb Adjective
Noun/ Subject Person 1 analysis
2 / / asssment 3
/ category/categorization
长沙室内设计培训/ challenge
5 /
/ clarification / 6 / / complexity/complex / 7 /
/ 8 criticism 9
difference / 10 / discrimination / 11 / / elimination / 12 / evaluation
13 / illustration 14 / legislation 15 / / pursuit
16 / simulation/simulator
17 / specification
18 / utilization/utility 19 / ultimatum / 20 / astronomy 21 / chemistry
22 / genetics
23 / history 24 / pharmacy 25 / psychology
26 / /
analy asss
end of the lineclarify
critical critically different
evaluate illustrate
specifiy specificator
chemical chemically genetically geneticsist historian
histirical historically
psychological psychologically psychologist tadioligical radiologist
B)Articles(source: lish.purdue.edu/exercis/2/1/13 retrieved on 5 September 2011)
Put “a”, “an” “the” or “X” (no article is needed) as appropriate.
______ H/hor knows when he is going to race. How does he know? His breakfast was scanty.
(He is angry about that.) He does not have ______ saddle on his back. He is being led, not ridden, to ______ grandstand. He is led under ______ grandstand into ______ unusual, special stall.
______ H/hor is nervous. Sometimes he does not know what to do when ______ starting gate flies open and ______ track is before him. If he does not begin to run instantly, other ______ hors are already ahead of him. During ______ race, when he es another hor just ahead of him, he will try to pass him. Sometimes ______ jockey holds him back to save his energy for ______ last stretch. Eventually ______ hor gets to run as fast as he can. ______ E/exerci boy, watching ______ owner's favorite jockey riding ______ hor he has exercid ______ day after day, says nothing. Secretly, he is planning for ______ day when he will be ______ jockey himlf, and his hor will be ______ first to cross ______ finish line.
C)Nouns (source: elc.polyu.edu.hk/cill/eap/2004/u1/nouncorrection.htm retrieved on 5 September,2011)
Check the nouns of the following ntences critically. Spot the errors and correct them.
1.We need to do more rearches to find out the caus of the problem.
flash flash2.The forthcoming book by Professor Coleman contains many uful ideas for law students and
practising lawyers alike.
3.We can only resolve the conflict by mean of negotiating with patience and sincerity.
4.My flatmate, who is an overas student from Malaysia, speaks four language.
5.If you need helps, plea do not hesitate to contact me or my colleagues.
6.The public are increasingly concerned about the behaviours of some university students.
7.The news of the propod restructuring have travelled quickly within the company in the past
8.The department has purchad three new machineries for the main laboratory.
D)Subject-verb Agreement (adapted lish.purdue.edu/exercis/5/13/34 retrieved on 5 Sept. 2001)
Circle the best option for each of the following ntence.
1.Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
2.Either my mother or my father (is, are) coming to the meeting.
3.The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
4.Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always on the floor.
5.George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to e that movie.
6.Benito (doesn't, don't) know the answer.
7.One of my sisters (is, are) going on a trip to France.
8.The man with all the birds (live, lives) on my street.
9. The movie, including all the previews, (take, takes) about two hours to watch.
10.The players, as well as the captain, (want, wants) to win.
11.Either answer (is, are) acceptable.
12.Every one of tho books (is, are) fiction.
13.Nobody (know, knows) the trouble I've en.
14.(Is, Are) the news on at five or six?
15.Mathematics (is, are) John's favorite subject, while Civics (is, are) Andrea's favorite subject.
16.Eight dollars (is, are) the price of a movie the days.
广州卓越教育培训中心17.(Is, Are) the tweezers in this drawer?
18.Your pants (is, are) at the cleaner's.
19.There (was, were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is, are) only one left!
20.The committee (debates, debate) the questions carefully.
E)Gerunds and Infinitives
mysteriousUnderline the best options for each of the following ntences below.
1.The class agreed (to submit/ submitting) the assignment on 1 Nov, 2011.
2.All students are busy (to work/working) on the projects.
3.Can you show me how (to do/doing) the statistics questions?
4.I enjoy (to sing/singing) but would not like (to dance/dancing) in the party.
5.It is difficult (to estimate/estimating) the cost before we can (project/ to project/projecting) the
6.Our team is responsible (to receive/ for receiving) the guests in the conference.
7.This matter requires immediate attention. I urge you (to go/going) to boss without delay.
8.Most students are tired (to study/of studying) during the mid-term ason but they will start (to
enjoy/enjoying) their studies again when the examinations are over.
9.Your project ideas are so creative. I can’t wait (to e/eing) the launch.
10.I look forward to (receive/receiving) your favourable reply.
F) Prepositions
Choo from the list of propositions and fill in the gaps as appropriate.
about after back by down for
into of off on out round
to through up with without
1. When I phoned the hospital to enquire ________ Ricky, I was told that he'd gone home.
2. I only advertid the car for sale on Wednesday but by the end of the week, people had
phoned to ask _______ it.
3. We can learn a great deal ________ the oceans by studying even a small piece of coral.
4. Professor Owen is giving a talk _______ the Romans in Lecture Hall 1.
production5. I didn't agree _____ a word of what she said.
6. I had to care ________ my elderly parents when they both became ill.
7. For many years we have been arguing __________ changes in the way the college is managed.
8. She didn't know ________ her stepbrother's existence until her mother died.
9. If you want to enquire __________ a motor insurance quotation, plea press 1.
10. I hope your brother's feeling better soon. When you e him, tell him I asked ________ him.
11. I first learned ________ his decision to resign when it was announced on the radio last night.
12. We are going to talk ________ the council about the possibility of planting some new trees in the park.
13. I don't care ________ pop music at all. I much prefer classical music.
14. The teacher says we've got to do the test, so there is no point in arguing _______ it.
15. The government has agreed ________ a public inquiry into the helicopter crash.
16. If you know ________ any reasons why you should not be given medical insurance, you must declare them here.
槐荫教育17. 'Josh can be really stupid sometimes.'
'You shouldn't talk ______ your brother like that.'
18. She's always arguing _____ her parents about what to watch on T.V.
19. I know it's a lot to ask _____ you, but would you look after my puppies while I’m in Japan on