UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside Code of Conduct - Checklist UTZ 认证良好内在品质,关于茶叶工厂的行为规范
消极的英文For Tea Factories 关于茶叶工厂
Version 1.0
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Introduction 导言
The UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside Checklist is a tool for organizations to evaluate their performance on compliance with the requirements of the UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside Code of Conduct. To obtain certification for UTZ CERTIFIED Code of Conduct, the organization has to comply with all control points which are applicable to the activities of the organization.
The desired result of this lf-evaluation is an overview of what actions need to be taken towards compliance. On this Checklist you may fill in all actions that you need to undertake to comply with the Code of Conduct Requirements, and when the actions need to be implemented. Plea note that this evaluation is not a test, merely a way to visualize what needs to be done to comply.
When ready for certification, you can apply for certification with a Certification Body that is approved by UTZ CERTIFIED. A list of approved Certification Bodies can be found on the UTZ CERTIFIED website. UTZ CERTIFIED advis you to nd the results of your lf-asssment to the Certification Body that will carry out the inspection. This could make the inspection more efficient.
denpasar太空陨石The Certification Body may also u this document or an adapted version to conduct the audit. More details about the certification procedure can be found in the UTZ CERTIFIED Good Inside Certification Protocol[1]. 当你准备去做这个认证的时候,你要跟认证机构申请一个UZT 通过了的认证表格。在UTZ 的网站可以找到一些通过了的认证机构。UTZ 会建议你把自我评估的结果发给这样的机构,机构回来检查。这样的检查会更有效率。相应的机构可能会用这个文件或是修改的版本来审核。更多的关于认证的程序可以在《UTZ 行为规范》中找到。
UTZ 认证的这个表格是组织机构审评他们的行为是否符合《UTZ 行为规范》的一个工具。为了能得到UTZ 证书,组织机构的行为必须与要求的适用性控制点相一致。doubt是什么意思