21 Ways How to Find Niche Products To Sell Online (2022)
Last Updated on November 28, 2021 by Adam Enfroy
Covid-19 has both created a steady ri in retail bankruptcies and accelerated the shift to ecommerce by 5 years.
With traditional retailers moving online and the arch landscape getting more competitive, it’s a difficult time to start an online business:
Consumers expect two-day shipping and instant gratification.
Amazon’s vertical integration is disrupting entire industries.
Many product markets are oversaturated with options.
However, carefully choosing the right product will impact everything in your ecommerce business, from logos, web design, and branding, to order fulfillment and the unboxing experience.
Success in ecommerce all begins with an amazing product.
In this guide, I give you 21 tips to find the perfect niche product to start lling online.
Let’s get started.
How Do I Find the Best Products to Sell Online?
First, your product needs to solve a problem for your audience. It should also be niche-specific, unique, fulfill a desire, and have branding potential.
1. Conduct market rearch.
轻音乐 mp3First, narrow down your choices by choosing an industry. What sort of products do you want to ll? Are you interested in fashion, technology, health, food, or fitness? There are products you can ll in any industry.
Once you decide on an industry, hone in on the problem that you’re solving.
Once you have your problem and solution (your product), start to conduct market rearch.
There are many ways to rearch the market – Google, Quora, forums, and social media channels are a good free way to start. If you do a little digging and think your product is still a good fit for your audience, dive deeper.
Send an online survey to potential customers to learn what solutions they’re arching for and understand their buyer personas on a deeper level. Next, try interviewing some respondents to get more in-depth answers or conduct a small focus group in your community.
Talk to people who give both positive and negative respons. Tho who respond negatively may be able to articulate what they’re looking for and inspire a whole new product line.
2. Rearch your competitors.friendster
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If your product niche has some competition, that’s actually a good thing. It’s better to e other people in your niche that are active and lling rather than trying to ll something completely new that no one may want. Competition is healthy.
胃蝇In addition to looking at what your competitors are doing right, look at what they’re doing wrong. Read their reviews and e what customers say they can improve.
Can you take advantage of tho negatives by producing a similar, improved product?
Or can you offer better shipping options? A cheaper price point?
Are there potential customers that their market isn’t reaching?
Can you beat them when it comes to SEO?
U a combination of SEO tools, pricing rearch, customer rearch, and your own instinctive feelings to find competitive gaps in the market.
3. Your products need to solve problems.
The most reliable way to find a successful product is to look for something that solves problems. People want convenience; if you can offer a product that makes things easier, people will line up to give you their money.
drugstore加油的英语怎么说Start by thinking about your own problems. If you find something frustrating, others likely feel the same way and are willing to pay for a solution.
This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to reinvent the wheel. You can make improvements to existing products or introduce an existing product to a new audience of people.