人事制度 英语
Personnel System
Article 1: Objective
This Personnel System is enacted to establish the operational framework for the personnel management of our Company, regulate the rights and obligations of all personnel, promote the coordinated development of the enterpri, maintain production and business order, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of personnel.
Article 2: Principles
1. The Company shall ensure that the recruitment, lection, utilization, asssment and incentives of personnel are fair and proper, and shall promote meritocracy, performance-bad management and respect for knowledge.
2. The Company shall t up a comprehensive skill and ability asssment system, and establish a transparent and open performance evaluation system.
3. The Company shall respect and uphold the legitimate rights and interests of personnel within the scope of laws and Company regulations.
Article 3: Human Resource Planning
convenient的用法 1. The Company shall formulate unified human resource plans and plans for the development of personnel in accordance with the overall development objectives of the enterpri.
2. The human resource plan of the Company shall take into account the following considerations:
a) The Company's organization structure and manpower requirements;
b) The Company's technological development needs and professional requirements;亚利桑那州立大学
c) The Company's economic benefits objectives;
d) The demand for personnel training;
e) The development of personnel potential;
f) The matching of personnel with an appropriate remuneration scheme;
g) The development of personnel and the improvement of personnel skills.
Article 4: Recruitment and Selection
1. The recruitment and lection of personnel shall be bad on the actual needs of the Company, and shall take into account the principles of fairness, open competition, meritocracy and professional requirements.
2. The Company shall formulate a recruitment and lection plan, and announce the recruitment on an online recruitment platform, in order to attract more qualified personnel to apply.
英语名人名言 3. The Company shall establish a lection committee to conduct an asssment of the qualifications and abilities of candidates for the positions.
Article 5: Employment
1. The Company shall provide necessary guidance, training and other support to new employees.
2. After joining the Company, employees shall sign an employment contract with the Company.
3. The employment contract shall include the following items:
会计信息系统 a) The rights and obligations of both parties;
point>瘦的英语怎么读 b) The remuneration scheme;
c) Health insurance and other welfare benefits;
pasrby的中文是什么 d) The terms of appointment and dismissal;
e) Other matters as agreed by both parties.
Article 6: Appraisal and Training
1. The Company shall t up a comprehensive performance appraisal and training system.
2. Performance appraisal shall be conducted at least once a year, and shall include asssment of both the technical competence and personal qualities of employees.
3. The Company shall arrange necessary professional training for employees to improve their competence and efficiency.
Article 7: Regulations
1. The Company shall formulate necessary regulations for personnel management, such as regulations on discipline, incentives, etc.
2. All personnel shall obrve the laws and regulations and respect the relevant provisions of the Company in the cour of performing their duties.
3. The Company rerves the right to make amendments to this Personnel System, and to make additional regulations in accordance with changes of laws, regulations or operational conditions of the Company.。