一、教案背景 1、面向学生: 七年级 2、学科:英语 3、课时:1课时 |
二、教学课题 义务教育课程标准实验教科书(外研版)初一英语下册,皮肤干怎么办Module 9 Unit 1,P56。 |
三:设计理念: 网络是一个巨大的资源库,在我们有效地利用下,它为人们提供着各种各样的简单而且快捷的信息检索手段,为人们提供了巨大的信息资源和服务资源。在平时的英语教学中,作为教师的我们经常通过在网络上的检索,为学生提供各种形象生动的图片、动画、声音和视频等,使课堂更加直观、有效,从而提高课堂效率。本课Once upon a time …也是在这一背景下设计,通过网络搜索,使学生更加了解整个故事,而不是一个片断;更重要的是让学生通过图片学会如何讲故事以及在故事中正确使用规则动词的过去式。 |
四、教材分析 本模块以童话故事为题材,各单元内容由一个童话故事Goldilocks and The Three Bears 贯穿,内容与情节都十分符合这一年龄段学生的兴趣,且故事本身的语言简单易懂,描写细致生动,使学生在听故事、看故事、模仿故事和表演故事等实践活动中学习语言。同时,在实践活动中又能让学生感受、了解并掌握在英语中叙述过去的事情要用动词的过去式,从而实现在语境中学习语法。为了实现这些教学目标,在教学设计中,我根据初一学生活泼好动、喜欢模仿表演等特点,对教材作深入研究后,从学习单词到说句子,看视频,模仿表演等顺序,循序渐进,化难为简,充分借助网络的便捷性及大容量,调动学生各项感官积极主动参与课堂教学,从而达到学生主动学习的目地。 (一). 教学目标: poison什么意思 1.语言知识目标: (1)学会使用规则动词的过去式。 (2田园)能听说读写count, enter, hurry, knock, pick, push, notice, be lost, bowl, flower, hungry (3)按时间顺序描述事情。 2.语言技能目标: (1)听――能听懂简单故事中的主要人物和事件。 (2)说――能用一些规则动词的过去式描述过去的事情, (3)读――能读懂简单的故事,明白其中的主要人物、事件以及情节的先后顺序。 (4)演示与表达――能模仿故事进行复述及表演。 3.情感态度:通过阅读童话故事提高对英语的学习兴趣,感受学习英语的乐趣; 4.文化意识:学会试比较中国童话与外国童话的异同,通过外国童话了解世界不同地方的风俗习惯。 (二)教学重点: 1. To understand the story of Goldilocks told through the pictures and in the conversation 2. To grasp the theme of the story 3. To tell the story briefly (三)教学难点: 1. New words and expressions 2.Past simple regular verbs (四)教具准备:多媒体课件以及课前用百度在网上搜索的与本节课相关的教学材料及视频,让学生从不同角度了解故事。 | 怪物史莱克2插曲
五、教学方法 活动教学法、情景教学法、合作学习法。 |
六、教学过程 【课前指导】 在教学前,先指导学生利用互联网的百度搜索,查找自己最喜欢的英文故事的视频,同时也要求学生查找与本课故事Goldilocks and The Three Bears相关的资料,让他们对本节课中所涉及的故事有一个完整的、初步的了解。如在百度搜索中查阅出以下网页或视频均对学生的自学有所帮助: 【百度搜索】视频/v_show/id_XMjM3NTM1MTI4.html 小红帽 【百度搜索】视频 /v/b/10795316-1349504835.html玛泽的故事;/v/b/10795061-1349504835.html玛泽的故事;/v/b/10795753-1349504835.html 玛泽的故事 【百度搜索】视频/playlist/p/l10641638i45325579.html白雪公主 【百度搜索】视频/v/b/58669510-1741511600.html 仙履奇缘 Cinderella(1950) 【百度搜索】视频/u59/v_NjQ3NTQwNTY.html 三只小猪 【百度搜索】视频 my./u/vw/4415304 金凤花姑娘与三只小猪 【百度搜索】视频 /v/b/42787924-1852853501.html 【百度搜索】视频 /v/b/42780561-1852853501.html 【百度搜索】新闻网页 en.wikipedia/wiki/Goldilocks_and_the_Three_Bears gmat黄历【百度搜索】图片en.wikipedia/wiki/Goldilocks_and_the_Three_Bears /i?tn=baiduimage&ct=201326592&cl=2&lm=-1&word=goldilocks%20and%20three%20bears&z=0&ie=utf-8&fr=map0000 【课内教学(Teaching steps)】 Step One: Warm up 1. See a video Let students e a video. 【百度搜索】视频 my./u/vw/4415304 金凤花姑娘与三只小猪 2. Answer some questions. After eing the video, Teacher asks some students to answer the following questions. 1). Do you know the name of the story? 2).Do you know something about the story? 3).Did your mother often tell you stories when you were children? 4). What stories do you like? 5) Can you tell us the story that you like best? 3. Free talk :The story I like best Students have a free talk about their favorite stories. Of cour they can u the internet, such as 【百度搜索】视频/v_show/id_XMjM3NTM1MTI4.html 小红帽 【百度搜索】视频/u59/v_NjQ3NTQwNTY.html 三只小猪 Step Two: Listen and speak 1.Listen to the tape and check the following ntences(Activity 1): 1). The story is The Three Bears. ( ) 2). Goldilocks lived in the forest. ( ) 3). The story begins: Once upon a time… ( ) 4). She decided to go for a ride in the forest. ( ) 2. Check the answers and correct the ntences 1) .The story is The Three Bears. --- The story is Goldilocks and The Three Bears. 2) .Goldilocks lived in the forest.--- Goldilocks lived near the forest. 4). She decided to go for a ride in the forest. ---She decided to walk to the forest. 3. Listen and number: 1) Look at the pictures and let students describe pictures with Verbs. 2) Correct the answers from the class a----count b----enter c----hurry d----knock e----pick f----push g----notice h---- be lost 3).Students listen to the tape again and number the correct orders of all the pictures. 4. Check the correct order together: e—h—g—c---d---f---b---a Step Three: Speak ----make up stories jevons1. Students make some ntences according to the pictureseds Picture 1: Goldilocks picked some flowers. Picture 2: Soon she was lost. Picture 3: She knocked on the door. Picture 4: She hurried to the hou. Picture 5: She noticed a little hou. Picture 6:softrock She pushed the door. Picture 7: She entered the hou. Picture 8: She counted three bowls. 2. Read all the ntences after the teacher, especially pay attention to the pronunciation猴子捞月英文 of the past simple regular verbs. 3. Ask students to put all the ntences in the correct order. Then ask them to think about the beginning of the story in their own words. At last a simple story is finished. Students do it in a group of four. 4. Ask some students to tell their own short stories orally for all the other students according to the pictures. Long long ago, there was a little girl. Her name was Goldilocks. One day Goldilocks picked some flowers. Soon she was lost. She knocked on the door. She hurried to the hou. She noticed a little hou. She pushed the door. She entered the hou. She counted three bowls. 5.利用 【百度搜索引擎/v/b/42780561-1852853501.html】播放故事视频:Goldilocks and the Three Bears,让学生感知自己所编故事与故事原文之间的差别。 Step Four: Read 1. Students listen to the story with opening the books. 利用 【百度搜索引擎/v_show/id_XMzExNDc5MjU2.html】播放故事视频 2. Students read after the tape. 3. Students read the story loudly and the teacher helps them with some difficulty. 广州瑜伽教练培训 4. A game: Memory challenge. Students answer the following questions with closing the books. 1). What did Goldilocks pick in the forest? ----She picked some flowers. 2). Was there anyone in the hou? ----No, there wasn’t. 3). Where in the hou did she look into? ---- She looked into a small room. 4). Where was the food? ---- It was in the bowls / on the table. 5). How many bowls did she e?---- She saw three bowls. 6). Why did she pick up the bowls---- Becau she was very hungry. 7). Which bowl did she like?----She liked the little one. Step Five: Extension 利用 【百度搜索引擎 /?module=resource&act=viewuploadtext&ResourceID=7777700002006&NodeID=92】 播放故事,学生根据所听内容完成所缺词语的填写,使故事完整。 Goldilocks and the Three Bears Papa Bear, Mama Bear, and Baby Bear______ in the forest. One day they went to Auntie Bear’s hou for ________”. A little girl named Goldilocks lived in the ____________. She discovered the Bears’ hou and went inside. Without asking. She __________ in a chair. She found the __________ chair was just right. She sat down with a flop, and the chair legs _____________ way. Goldilocks _________ the three bowls of stew. The big bowl was much too hot! “Maybe this bowl will be __________,” she said. Goldilocks was right, but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right. Then with a yawn, she headed upstairs to the bedroom. Goldilocks _________ the first bed, but it was too hard. The next was too soft. Goldilocks sighed and _________ asleep as she was lying in the third bed. Step Six: Output---retell the story. 1. Ask students to retell the story according the pictures and the key words that the teachers gave. Maybe it is a little difficult for a student to retell the whole story, so the students can finish it with the partners. Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She lived near a big forest. One day, she decided … Goldilocks walked…, picked…, be lost, looked around…, noticed…, hurried…, knocked on…, pushed…, looked inside…, entered…, Goldilocks looked into…, counted…, small…, big…, biggest…, picked up…, didn’t like… finished…, Long long ago, there was a little girl. Her name was Goldilocks. One day… One day she decided to go for a walk in the forest. There Goldilocks picked some flowers. She played happily. But soon she was lost. She felt very worried. So she looked around. Then she noticed a little hou. She was so happy/ excited that she hurried to the hou. She knocked at the door at once. But nobody was in the room. So she pushed the door and entered it. In the room she found a table . On the table there were three bowls. |
七、教学反思 本堂课教学效果良好,整节课学生都在自然、轻松、和谐、快乐的气氛中习得知识,达 到了预期的教学目的。在教学中做到层层递进:通过故事视频入新课,紧扣课本却又新颖 有趣;在课文的教学中利用视频的展示让学生在潜移默化中学会规则动词过去式的使用, 并学会了正确的发言,在不知不觉中解决了教学难点,让学生在真正的英语语境中学习英语语言本身,充分感知它的读音.之所以能达到这样的效果,主要是因为课前我对教材进行了认真的研究与分析,并充分利用网络资源查询与本课相关的视频、图片、内容介绍等资料,并且在教学过程中进行整合及利用。不过,在这次尝试中我还是发现有很多地方值得我们思考。 第一:能充分整合和利用网络资源。与传统课堂教学相比,网络增加了课堂的趣味性,调动起了学生上课的积极性,提高了课堂效率,并且直观地解决了传统课堂中难以解决的问题,使学生更好地接受知识。第二:但同时又由于网络资料的过度丰富,很容易导致我们进入教学误区:即用无限的网络资源堆积课堂教学.所以我们必须在上课前充分研究与分析教材,在做到心中有数的情况下筛选出适合自己并有利于教学的网络资源,使网络真正地成为教学中的好帮手。 “路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”在网络教学的新课程理念下,我们还将继续探索,使网络真正地为我们的教学服务。 |
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