1. 给某人让座 1. give / offer one’s at to sb
2. 跳到地上/桌上 2. jump onto the ground/ table
3. 下了一整天雨 3. keep on raining all the day
4. 听到呼救声 4. hear a cry/shout for help
jump then falllondon bridge is falling down5. 把…带到安全地带 5. carry sb to safety
6. 向某人道歉 6. apologize to sb for sth/doing sth
7. 给某人提建议 7. give sb some advice on sth
8. 得到好的治疗 生命中无法承受之轻8. get good treatment
国内托福9. 接受某人的建议 9. take/follow one’s advice
测试题10. 加入球队/俱乐部/小组/委员会/公司
10. join a team/club/group/committee/company
11. 向某人解释… 11. explain sth to sb (explain to sb that …)
12. 治愈某人的病 12. cure sb of a certain illness
13. 匆忙赶往医院/学校/邮局/派出所/火车站/汽车站/飞机场
13. hurry to the hospital /school/post office/police station/railway station/bus stop/airport
14. 提出付100元钱 14. offer to pay 100dollars
15. 收100元钱 15. charge/ take 100 dollars
16. 付100元钱 16. pay 100 dollars(pay the bill)
17. 打车 17. hire/get/call for a taxi (to take sb to …)
18. 浑身湿透了 18. be wet all over/ be wet through
19. 下载文件 19. download the papers
20. 外出钓鱼/爬山/郊游/游泳/划船/野营
20. go fishing / outing / climbing / boating /swimming /camping
21. 转身离开 21. turn away
22. 陷入沉思 22. be lost in thought
23. 返回取某物 23. turn back to get sth / for sth
24. 走过去看一看发生了什么 24. come /go up to e what happens
25. 与某人同住一间房间/同打一把伞/同玩一件玩具/同一志趣
25. share a room/an umbrella /a toy/the same interests with sb
26. 对某人大声喊叫 26. shout to sb in a loud voice
27. 使劲移开那块大石头 27. gather all one’s strength to remove the big stone
28. 背着一个沉重的包 28. bear a heavy bag
29. 去吃饭/开会/晚会/观光/聚会
29. go for a dinner/meeting/party/visit/get-together
30. 背负沉重的课业负担 30. be heavily burdened with homework
31. 约某人 31. call for sb
32. 顺道拜访某人 32. drop in on sb
米奇喵喵屋33. 看家 33. mind one’s hou
34. 跑过去搀扶盲人/老人 34. run over to support the old man
35. 等候某人吃饭/开会/回家35. wait for sb to have dinner/a meeting/ come home
36. 下车 36. get off the bus/ get out of the car
37. 站在门口 37. be stationed by the door/stand by the door
38. 坐在窗前 38. be ated by the window
39. 靠在墙上/树上 39. lean against the wall/tree
40. 逆风而行 40. walk/run/swim/ride/drive/move on against the wind
41. 下大雨/大雪 41. rain hard/snow hard/wind hard
42. 刮大风 42. come to one’s rescue
43. 起雾 43. express one’s hearty thanks to sb
44. 熟睡 44. fall sound asleep
45. 举手 香港中文大学录取分数线45. rai one’s hand
46. 步行回家/开车回家/乘车回家/骑车回家46. walk/ride/drive/take a bus home
47. 突然停止 47. come to a stop
48. 把某人救到河岸上 48. push sb to the river bank
49. 结束 49. come to an end/ put sth to an end
50. 为某人喝彩 50. cheer for sb
51. 登门拜访 51. call at/drop in at one’s hou
52. 真相大白 52. come to light/ come out
53. 伸手去够某物 53. reach for sth/hold out one’s hand for sth
54. 紧紧抓住某人的手/衣领/胳膊54. catch/ize sb by the arm/hand/collar
55. 询问究竟是怎么回事 55. ask about what is the matter
56. 经过公园/邮局/市场/广场/电影院/体育馆/学校/医院/宾馆/剧院/火车站 56. pass the post office/park/market/square/cinema/stadium/school/hospital/hotel/theater/railway
57. 查阅字典/电话号码/住址/网址57. refer to the dictionary / look up the telephone number /one’s address / web address
58. 热情接待某人 58. receive sb warmly/kindly
59. 认真对待某事 59. take sth riously / be careful with sth
60. 小心提防某事 60. be careful of sth
61. 严格要求某人 61. be strict with sb
62. 严格对待某事 62. be strict in sth
63. 在火车站/飞机场接人 63. meet sb at the railway station/ airport
64. 顺道接人 64. pick sb up by the roadside
65. 抓小偷 65. stop the thief/catch the thief
66. 直着往前走 66. go /walk straight ahead坟墓英文
67. 把…冲走 67. wash sth away
68. 破坏心情/假日 68. ruin the holiday/one’s heart
69. 突然转弯 69. make a quick turn
70. 请某人吃饭/喝茶 70. treat sb to coffee/tea/a meal (invite sb to dinner)
71. 从口袋里掏某物 71. draw sth out of the pocket
72. 腾空抽屉/壁橱 72. empty the cupboard/drawer
73. 苦思冥想 73. think hard/twice
74. 做大扫除 74. do the thorough cleaning
75. 往后/四周/上下看 75. look behind/around/up and down日语在线翻译excite
76. 点灯/蜡烛 76. light a candle/lamp
77. 生火 77. make a fire
78. 开灯/电视/收音机 78. turn on the light/radio/TV
79. 关灯/关煤气/水龙头 79. switch off the tap/light/gas
80. 与某人握手 80. shake hands with sb
81. 帮某人一把 81. give sb a hand with …
82. 昂着头 82. hold one’s head high
83. 过马路/桥/河 83. cross the road/street/river/bridge
84. 收拾房间/桌子 84. clear up/tidy up/do up the room