To create safe, healthy, civilized operation environment, and maintain a scientific, systematic and standardized production field safety management.
2 适用范围 Applicable scope
This system applies to the workshop, workshop ction and operation field of our company.
3 职责 Duties
3.1各部门一把手对现场管理全面负责,制定并落实管理方案,确保良好作业环境。Every departmental head bears the comprehensive responsibility for field management, works out and implements management plan, and guarantees sound operation environment.
3.2管理处负责生产现场安全监察,发现安全隐患及时开整改单,并跟踪整改结果。 Management Sector is responsible for field safety supervision, issuing rectification order if any hidden safety trouble is found, and tracing rectification results.
4 生产现场管理 Production field management
4.1生产现场地面状态。Surface status of production field
4.1.1 生产现场通道必须保持通畅、平坦、整洁、无积水、油污、烟蒂、垃圾等物,并用白色或黄色线条清晰标出界限。
Channels in production field must be kept open, flat, neat and free of water, oil, cigarette end, rubbish and other substances, and a clear boundary must be identified by white or yellow line.
4.1.2 生产现场人行道宽≥1M(宽度以通道线内侧尺寸为准);铲车通道宽青岛英语≥1.8M;汽车通道宽≥3M。
All pavements in production field must be wide more than or equal to 1m(the width is subj
ect to the dimension inside the channel); all channels for forklift must be wide more than or equal to 1.8m; all channels for automobile must be wide more than or equal to 3m.
4.1.3 生产现场通道原则上不准占道,因生产、维修临时占用,应挂拍注明占道产品、物件、范围、时间等。
In principle all channels in production field can not be occupied; if any of channels must be occupied by production or for temporary purpo, the board containing product or material name, scope and time must be hanged nearby.
Pits and pools in the production field must have the reliable protective guard and cover plate, and must be illuminated at night.
4.2 作业区域 Operation area
4.2.1 作业区域材料、工件应摆放整齐规范。
All materials and workplaces in operation area must be placed neatly.
Internal and external surface of tool boxes in operation area must be clean.
4.2.3 各类吊索具应定点集中管理和摆放,钢丝绳应按规定上架,并符合安全技术要求。
All slings should be managed and placed in a centralized place; all steel wire ropes must be placed on rack according to the given regulations; all safe technical requirements must be met strictly.
Employees must only get off work after maintaining equipments well, cleaning fields properly and disconnecting mains supply.
4.3堆放区域 Stacking area
All raw materials, mi-finished products and finished products in stacking area must be
placed neatly.
All tools, fixtures and jigs must be stacked on the rack, and must meet the safe technical requirements.
4.4其它要求 Other requirements
乔布斯 遗失的访谈4.4.1生产现场内的作业区域和堆放区域应有清晰的标牌,作为区分标志。
The clear signboards must be provided for operation area and stacking area in the production area; which will be ud as the identification mark.
Tool rooms and warehous must meet the prescribed layout requirement, and their accounts, cards and physical objects must coincide each other. 雅虎宝贝鱼在线翻译
5 生产现场监察 Production field supervision
roar katy perry5.1日常监察 Daily supervision
5.1.1 作业环境整齐、清洁,通道畅通,符合定置管理要求。
Operation environment must be clean, neat and have open channels; besides, the fixed location management requirements must be met well.
5.1.2 管道阀门无泄露,气瓶放置固定牢靠;防护装置齐全、有效。橡胶软管接入气体管道必须用抱箍扎牢,不得用铁丝等。
Pipe valves are free of leakage; gas cylinders are placed in the fixed place; protective devices are provided completely and effectively; rubber hos must be wrapped by the hold hoops tightly when connecting with air tubes (do not u iron wire).
collapsSafety protection signal and insurance device are complete, flexible and reliable.
No-violation field (no command against job regulations, no work against job regulation, an
d no operation against labor discipline).
All safe protection devices of mechanical equipments must be in good condition and without hazards.
5.1.6电气设备、设施符合安全技术要求。电焊机接地线采用截面不低于25 mm² 的绝缘铜线制作,接地线的连接部位不能有锈蚀或污物,螺栓、螺母必须有足够的紧固,在有震动的场所应使用弹簧垫圈防止松动。
Electric equipments and facilities must meet the safe technical requirements. Earthing cable of welder must be made from the insulated copper wire not less than 25 mm² ; rust or contamination at the joint of connecting wire is not allowed; bolts and nuts must be tightened enough; u spring washer to prevent from loss in the place where oscillation occurs.