500 Spanish business verbs by Andrew D. Miles
500 Spanish Business
C o p y r i g h t b y A n d r e w D.M i l e s,B a r c e l o n a,2007.
A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d.N o p a r t o f t h i s p u b l i c a t i o n
m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d,s t o r e d i n a r e t r i e v a ldeleted
s y s t e m,o r t r a n s m i t t e d,i n a n y f o r m w i t h o u t w r i t t e n a u t h o r i z a t i o n f r o m t h e a u t h o r.
C o v e r p h o t o g r a p h b y A n d r e w D.M i l e s
a n d r e w.m i l e s@
b a r
c e l o n a e n g l i s h.c o m
w w w.b a r c e l o n a e n g l i s h.c o m
abandonar abandon, waive.
abaratar lower a price, cheapen.
abastecer supply.
abonar 1. i.v. subscribe 2. t.v. make a credit entry, credit 3. t.v. pay.
abrir open.
abrir crédito open credit.
abrir libros open books.
abrir una cuenta open an account.
absorber absorb, take over.
acaparar hoard, monopolize (AmE), monopoli (BrE), corner.
aceptar accept.
aconjar advi.
acopiar hoard, stockpile.
acrecentar increa.
acreditar 1. credit, make a credit entry 2. authorize (AmE), authori (BrE), grant credentials.
activar carry forward as an ast.
actualizar 1. update, bring up to date 2. revalue, revaluate, restate, write up 3. modernize (AmE),
moderni (BrE), update 4. readjust values according to the rate of inflation.
legrandacumular 1. accrue 2. accumulate.
武汉ios培训acuñar mint.
acusar 1. accu 2. acknowledge.
acusar recibo acknowledge receipt.
adelantar 1. advance 2. bring forward, put forward.
adeudar 1. owe 2. charge, debit, make a debit entry .
adicionar add.
adiestrar train.
adjudicar 1. award 2. allot, assign, adjudicate.
adjuntar attach, enclo.
administrar manage, administrate, administer, direct, run.
adquirir acquire.
afectar 1. allocate, assign 2. affect, encumber.
afianzar cure, guarantee.
afiliar 1. t.v. affiliate 2. t.v. name as a member or affiliate 3. i.v. become a member or affiliate.
aflorar register in books items that were previously concealed, launder.
aforar apprai, value, asss.
agotar 1. deplete, u up, finish off 2. ll out.
agremiar 1. t.v. unioni (BrE), unionize (AmE), join a union or syndicate 2. p.v. start a union or syndicate.
ahorrar save, economize (AmE), economi (BrE).
ajustar 1. adjust 2. ttle.
almacenar store, stock.
alquilar 1. hire, rent 2. let, lea, rent, rent out.
alzar ri, increa.
amalgamar merge, amalgamate.
研究员翻译amortizar 1. depreciate 2. pay, pay in instalments, amortize (AmE),
amorti (BrE) 3. write off 4. redeem 5. recover an investment.
ampliar enlarge, extend.
ampliar el capital increa capital.
ampliar el plazo extend the term.
despite的用法analizar analy.
anexar attach, annex, incorporate, add.
anotar note down, take note, write down, enter.
antedatar date back, backdate, antedate.
anticipar advance.
anticipar pagos advance payments.
anticuar age.
anualizar annuali (BrE), annualize (AmE).
anular cancel, void, annul, nullify.
anunciar 1. announce 2. adverti.
apelar appeal.
aplazar defer, postpone, adjourn.
aplicar 1. apply 2. appropriate, allocate.
aportar contribute.
apoyar support, back up.
apreciar 1. appreciate, increa in price or value 2. apprai.
aprobar 1. approve 2. pass.
apropiar appropriate.
aprovisionar supply, provision, stock.
apuntar note down, write down, enter.
archivar file, archive.
arquear control, count, audit.
arrastrar carry over.
arrendar 1. hire, rent 2. let, lea, rent, rent out.
arriesgar risk.
asalariar include in the payroll.
ascender 1. i.v. be promoted 2. t.v. promote.
agurar insure, underwrite.
antar post, register, enter, journalize (AmE), journali (BrE), record, make an entry, enter into books.
asorar counl, advi.
asignar 1. appropriate, allocate, allot, apportion 2. assign 3. appoint.
asistir 1. attend 2. assist, help.
asociar 1. t.v. associate, make someone a member 2. p.v. join, become a member.
atracar berth.
atrasar 1. i.v. fall behind, be late in paying 2. t.v. delay, postpone.
auditar audit
aumentar 1. t.v. increa, rai 2. i.v. ri.
auspiciar sponsor.
autenticar authenticate, attest.
autentificar authenticate, attest.
automatizar automate.
autorizar authorize (AmE), authori (BrE).
avalar endor, guarantee, warrant.
avalorar apprai, asss, value.
avaluar apprai, asss, value.
avisar advi, notify.
ayudar help, aid.
bajar 1. t.v. decrea, lower 2. i.v. go down, decrea, diminish.
balancear 1. balance 2. offt.
bancarizar convert a cash-bad payment and collection system into a bank-bad system.
beneficiar benefit.
blanquear launder asts, reveal concealed asts.
bloquear 1. block, freeze 2. blockade.
boicotear boycott.
bonificar 1. pay a subsidy 2. give a discount 3. pay a bonus.
borrar era, delete.
calcular calculate, compute.
calificar 1. rate 2. mark.
cambiar change, exchange.
canalizar channel.
cancelar 1. cancel, ttle, honour (BrE), honor (AmE), pay off 2. write off.
广州电脑维修培训canibalizar cannibalize (AmE), cannibali (BrE).
canjear 1. barter, exchange 2. redeem, convert.
capacitar train.
收回英语capitalizar capitalize (AmE),
英语口语大赛capitali (BrE), fund, convert into capital.
captar clientes obtain clients, gain clients.
captar fondos rai funds.
cargar 1. charge, debit 2. load.
catalogar catalogue (BrE), catalog (AmE).
caucionar pledge, bond, place a bond.
bustopcentralizar centralize (AmE), centrali (BrE).
certificar certify, attest.
cesar 1. i.v. stop 2. t.v. suspend from job, dismiss.
chatear chat.
cifrar encrypt, encode.
citar 1. make an appointment 2. summon.
clasificar classify, rank.