美联储的秘密Departmental Legislation
portfolio翻译痉挛怎么读期刊名称: Cambridge Law Journal
作者: Wade E. C. S.
年份: 1933年
期号: 第1期美容培训班>医学培训班
my prayer devotion摘要:The Report of the Committee on Ministers' Powers has now been available for more than a year, and the Committee's recommendations as to how far steps should be taken to cure the sovereignty of Parliament and the supremacy of law in the sphere of delegated legislation and judicial or quasijudicial powers exercid by Ministers of the Crown are well known. The Report has been reviewed and criticized by (inter alios) Dr. W. A. Robson, one of the principal witness before the Committee, and Mr. W. I. Jennings. Both of the writers are teachers of law, and their obrvations should be carefully studied.实现愿望 英文