Chine Student Handbook of
University of Texas at Dallas
1st Edition
May, 2007
Copyright 2007@ by GCCF,FCASS of UT Dallas
Index 目录
第一章学校简介 (2)
1.1 学校 (2)
1.2 全美第八大城市 (3)
第二章行前准备 (4)
2.1 行李 (4)
2.2 出入境 (5)
2.3.住房 (6)
2.4 机场接送、临时住所 (7)
第三章办理重要文件 (9)
3.1 社会安全号码 (Social Security Number, SSN) (9)nick vujicic
3.2 驾照 (9)
3.3 学生证(Comet Card) (10)
3.4 Texas ID (11)
3.5 办理F2 (11)
第四章学校设施与课程注册 (12)
4.1 重要的日程 (12)
4.2 注册流程 (13)
4.3. International Student Office (13)
4.4. 图书馆(Eugene McDermott Library) (14)
4.5 购书 (14)
4.6学校计算机系统 (15)
第五章银行账户 (16)
5.1 银行概况 (16)
5.2 账户种类 (17)
5.3 信用卡 (17)
美国大学留学第六章保险 (18)
6.1 个人健康保险 (18)
6.2 汽车保险 (19)
第七章购物与吃穿行 (21)
7.1 餐厅 (21)
7.2 购物 (21)
7.3 衣服 (22)
7.4 网上购物 (22)
7.5 机票与长途巴士 (22)
7.6 媒体消息 (23)
7.7 手机与国际通讯 (24)
7.8 买车 (24)
7.8 子女教育 (25)
后记 (25)
1.1 学校
各位亲爱的新同学们,欢迎来到UTD! 除了学校网站的介绍外,这里从Wiki摘编一些学校的关键信息:
yixiaThe University of Texas at Dallas, often called UT Dallas or UTD, is a university in the university of Texas System. Despite its name, the UTD main campus is located in the Dallas suburb of Richardson, Texas, just adjacent to the city of Dallas' northern limits. However, a satellite location (the Callier Center for Communication Disorders) of UT Dallas is located adjacent to the UT Southwe
stern campus, in central Dallas. Known for its computer science, engineering, management, and behavioral/brain sciences programs among others, the average SAT scores of the school sometimes exceed that of UT Austin, the flagship university in the system (the average SAT score of incoming UTD fall 2005 freshmen was 1240). It ranks third among public universities in Texas in the percentage of National Merit Scholars in its freshman class. UTD also is known for its graduate programs in international management, economics and political economy, which offer both masters and doctoral programs. [4] UTD is located in the heart of Telecom Corridor, and has its roots in the development of the Metroplex's high tech industry.appleton
Motto: Disciplina
Type: State
President:Dr. David Daniel
Faculty: 696
Undergraduates: 9,353
Postgraduates: 5,068
Campus Suburban:455 acres (1.8 km²)
Endowment:$222.4 million
Colors:Green and Orange
Nickname: Comets
Mascot:Temoc (别忘了,有次统计课就将这个做附加题!
The university was originally started as a rearch arm of Texas Instruments as the Graduate Rearch Center of the Southwest in 1961. The institute (by then renamed the Southwest Center for Advanced Studies) was later donated to the University of Texas system by its founders Eugene McDermott, Cecil Howard Green and J. Erik Jonsson. By law, UTD conferred only graduate
degrees until 1975. Upper-division undergraduate students were allowed to start enrolling in UTD starting in 1974. Eventually freshmen and sophomores were allowed by legislative decree in 1990.
Although a relatively new campus, it has grown by leaps and bounds. Having more room than the UT System's flagship school, University of Texas at Austin, there is plenty room for growth. Future development for the land can be found in UTD's Master Plan as created in 2003. The area controlled by UTD totals 866 acres (3.5 km²), with half of that (460 acres or 1.9 km²) designated as the real limit to "campus" development. The remainder is held and strategically subdivided and sold over time to increa the University's endowment. 学生主要居住在校内的Waterview公寓。
For Univ. in Texas
The Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex has the fourth-largest university in the state—the University of North Texas—along with two UT System institutions—The University of Texas at Dallas and The University of Texas at Arlington, as well as private universities such as Southern Methodist University, which has the Metroplex's largest law school, University of Dallas, and Texas Christian University.
chaop学校的中文译名,有人喜欢“德州大学达拉斯分校”,但UT at Austin 就直称自己为德州大学,搞得我们成了他们的分校似的(其实我们本科生的录取线比他们还高!),所以在这个版就叫“达拉斯德州大学”。(砖头!)
1.2 全美第八大城市
达拉斯,很多人只知道这是肯尼迪总统被刺杀的地方,以及NBA的小牛队。其实这是一个以石油与高科技在八十年代新兴的城市,很多公司将公司总部设在这里,Fortune 500强今年的第一 Exxon Mobil 就在达拉斯,就在学校边上有信息技术集成商EDS,百货公司
J.C.Penny;全球第三大半导体厂商德州仪器(TI);其他还有Affiliated Computer Svcs;Alliance Data Systems;Kimberly-Clark,西南航空,TXU, Dean Foods, Tenet Healthcare都将总部设在达拉斯。使这个城市非常好找工作。
Dallas is 8th largest cities in US, and if the Dallas/Fort Worth Metropolis were a nation, its GDP wo
uld rank 21st in the world. In 2005, DFW's GDP reached $290 billion, commanding one-third of Texas' GDP. Total world trade in DFW reached $50 billion in 2005, a 67% increa since 2001.
Situated at the crossroads of NAFTA traffic, global business in DFW will increa by leaps and bounds in the years to come. There is no doubt that DFW derves to have a world-class center of excellence in global business.这就在我们大学管理学院去年成立“国际企业研究中心”的宗旨。
共有56家Fortune 500强的公司总部设在德州(去年是全美冠军,今年则让给了纽约州的67家),著名的有Dell (Austin); AT&T (San Antonio)。
由于德州没有收入所得税,物业价格相对加州、佛罗里达要低很多,随着大量高素质移民的迁入,学校周边的Plano 与Richardson区被MONEY Magazine分别评为全美最适宜居住的地区No.11 and No.15。注重教育的华人与印度人使Plano成为全美考分最高的学区!/magazines/moneymag/bplive/2006/snapshots/PL4858016.html
Texas 旅游:
Dallas 景点:
/p-travelguide-2742791-dallas_things_to_do-i;_ylt=AgkB1OV Sw8Sm5OYa6SJMmOy.FmoL
what are words 歌词2.1 行李
行前准备行李方面可多考虑个人需要携带,大部分日常用品都可在此购得,且价格合理种类齐全,建议勿需带太多行李,以免超重增加自己负担。美国药品很贵,可以多从国内带些日常药物。行李打包时一定要作上明显记号及详细地址(可暂写International Student Office 的地址或临时住所地址,如果
已经得到Waterview Park的入住批准,可以写入住的Apartment number),有助于抵达时节省找寻行李的时间,亦可避免拿错或送错。若有超重之行李可事先打包用海运寄来(需 12 个月)。
至于书籍因美国书价昂贵,一般约为中国的 N 倍^_^! 各系书单可向老生打听或上教授的网站(如上课的syllabus)查询,做为购书指南。此外在美医疗费用极为可观,所以务必加入学生保险,但因牙科及眼科不含于保险之中,所以赴美前一定要做好健康检查及注射疫苗,牙齿也需整治完全,外加多配一副备用眼镜(考驾照时极可能需要!),可省去不必要的花费。有戴