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第14课 初级商品市场
Soft Commodities非耐用商品
Many prices are at historic lows, and the IMF expects further falls。Yet there are signs that the wor may be over。One key commodity, sugar, has recovered。
Markets Have Lost Their Allure
For Most people involved in the production and trading of “soft” or agricultural commodities, this is proving to be a grim decade.
Prices are in many cas at, or near, historic lows in real terms as markets struggle to cope with floods of surplus produce.And—with most soothsayers forecasting flat, or still lower, prices-the markets themlves have lost much of their allure.
Speculators who profited handsomely from the price volatility of the 1970s have derted soft commodities for the newer excitement of financial futures or the curity and big yields afforded by the equity and money markets.
The contrast with the “resources decade” of the 1970s could hardly be more marked。It is strange, indeed, to obrve that only 10 years have elapd since spiraling commodity prices were the focus of major international concern, and many respected forecasters were warning of impending global shortages of basic raw materials and foodstuffs。
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The shortages never came, and the terms of trade have now shifted dramatically against the commodity producers.Agricultural commodities have been particularly badly hit。Last year alone, the International Monetary Fundstarwood hotels’s indices of food prices and of agricultural raw material prices fell by 15 per cent and 12 per cent respectively。Commodity prices in general were about 35 per cent below their 1980 average in 1985 according to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)。
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What is more, currency movements over the past year have unexpectedly made matters wor for many producers。In the first half of the 1980s, it was conventional wisdom to say that the exceptional strength of the dollar was partly responsible for—and helped to offt—the increasing weakness of 圣诞快乐英语怎么写的dollar—denominated commodity prices。All othe
shut up什么意思r things being equal, so the argument went, a subquent fall in the dollar might be expected to give a compensating boost to dollar commodity prices.
But now the dollar has fallen, and the very rever has happened: commodity prices have continued to tumble from the peak they reached in the cond quarter of 1984.when calculated in a more reprentative basket of currencies, such as the Special Drawing Right, the fall looks even more precipitous.In May of this year, for example, the IMF’s food price index was a further 10 per cent below its level in the cond quarter of 1985。
There are signs that the worst of the fall may now be over; indeed, one key commodity, sugar, has rebounded impressively from the lows of last year, though even the sugar price remains below the most efficient grower’s cost of production, and its rally appears to have run out of steam.For the rest, nobody is bold enough to forecast a major improvement either this year or next。The IMF, for its part, believes that the prices of most commodities will fall substantially in 1986—with only sugar, tropical timber and hides among the softs likely to ri significantly.