不存在的女儿电影strida作者:Ong Tee Keat
Ever since China made its commitment toachieving carbonneutrality before2060, its thrivinggreen economy,characterized bythe prevalenceof carbon credittransactions and the emergence ofnew renewable energy technologies, has no doubt provided a modelto emulate for Southeast Asiandeveloping economies also inpursuit of sustainable development. On the other hand, the vast areas oftropical rainforests in the region,as an important carbon sink in thefight against climate change, havemade an ideal resource for carboncredit trading. From this perspective, Hainan, China’s southernmostisland province known for itsproximity to Southeast Asia, is theideally positioned bet for pioneering the green economy collaborationbetween China and the Associationof Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).the river
Maritime tourism, aquaculture,fishery and a-borne logistics areother ctors in which China canoffer its experti and experienceto its Southeast Asian neighborsthrough Hainan. The vision ofcollaboration should not be capped at mere trading of marine produceor the dispatch of tourists as waspracticed in the past. Instead,provision of infrastructure formaritime tourism, aquaculture and fishery through Chine assistance will go a long way to help developthe ctors in ASEAN members.
Hainan’s southward outreach could not have come at a moreopportune time, given that theprovince is poid to become anisland-wide free trade port by 2025,and the China-ASEAN relationshipwas lifted to a comprehensivestrategic partnership in 2021. Theelevation extends beyond economiccollaboration. It provides an idealplatform for both sides to forge acommunity with a shared future.This will greatly befit ASEAN, whichenvisions the inception of the ASEAN Community by 2025.