模联专业词汇扫盲 designation来源: 模联@大工的日志
MUNer-美国节日表模联人,曾经参与过或正在参与模拟联合国活动的人。 People who have participated or are participating in Model UN activity.
Committee - 委员会。“委员会”是一个协商会议,一个由代表组成,按议事程序讨论议题并做出决策的有序组织。模拟联合国会议中的委员会大多模仿联合国主要机构、附属机构、规划署、基金会、调研及培训机构、特殊组织、实体和区域委员会建立。代表需依据所在委员会的职权范围和议事规则讨论相关议题。A committee is a deliberative asmbly, an organization comprising members who u parliamentary procedure for making decisions. In Model UN conference, committees are usually the simulations of principal organs, subsidiary bodies, programs, funds, rearch and training institutes, special organizations, entities or regional commissions of UN system. Delegates discuss relevant topics and resolutions according to the given functions, powers, and rules of procedure of the committees.
Dais– 主席团
Rapporteur– 主席助理
Position Paper(PP)- 立场文件。一份针对委员会即将讨论议题的国家立场阐述文件,需要代表在会前书写完成并提交至主席团。An essay details a country’s policies on the topics being discusd in the committee, usually written and delivered to the dais by delegates before a Model UN conference.
Background Guide(BG)– 背景文件。背景指导是一份关于会议即将讨论议题的调研报告,一般由会议主席团撰写,并在会前分发给各国代表。A background guide is a rearch report of topics on the conference written by the dais and distributed to the delegates before the conference.
Placard– 国家牌。一块写着国家名称的硬纸板,代表举起它回应点名或向主席示意希望发言。A piece of cardstock with a country’s name on it that a delegate rais in the air to answer the roll call or signal to the Chair that he or she wishes to speak.
Page –意向条。为了维持会场秩序,开会期间代表如有任何问题或者需要进行游说、沟通,
都要通过书写并传递意向条的方式向其他代表或主席团成员表达。意向条的书写需要符合该委员会的工作语言要求。In order to maintain the order of the conference, a delegate should write notes on pages to ask questions, lobby or negotiate with other delegates or a dais member during a ssion. Pages should be written in the official working language of the committee.
Pager – 传条的志愿者
Roll Callignorance – 点名。点名是模联委员会的第一个程序,其间会务报告人会大声读出委员会中每一个成员国的名称。当国家名被叫到的时候,代表需要回答“出席”或者“出席并投票”,回答“出席并投票”的代表在后面的实体性投票中不能弃权。Roll call is the first order of business in a Model UN committee, during which the Rapporteur reads aloud the names of each member state in the committee. When a delegate’s country’s name is called, he or she may respond “prent” or “prent and voting.” A delegate responding “prent and voting” may not abstain on a substantive vote.
Motion – 动议。由代表提出的改变现有会议进程的建议,需要全体代表投票表决。这些动
议的内容可以是进行磋商、休会、介绍决议草案或者进入投票阶段。A request made by a delegate that the committee as a whole do something. Some motions might be to go into a caucus, to adjourn, to introduce a draft resolution, or to move into voting bloc
Bloc – 国家集团。一组处于同一地理区域或者就某一议题有类似观点的国家。组成国家集团的决定性因素是具有共同的国家利益。A group of countries in a similar geographical region or with a similar opinion on a particular topic
Caucus – 磋商,休会讨论(A break in formal debate in which countries can more easily and informally discuss a topic. There are two types: moderated caucuss and unmoderated caucus)
Noteshiyang– 代表之间在开会期间向其他国家传递信息的纸条
后期是什么意思Rules of Procedure(ROP)外围设备 - 会议规则(The rules by which a Model UN committee is run)
Speakers' List – 发言名单(A list that determines the order in which delegates will spea
k. Whenever a new topic is opened for discussion, the Chair will create a speakers list by asking all delegates wishing to speak to rai their placards and calling on them one at a time. During debate, a delegate may indicate that he or she wishes to be added to the speakers' list by nding a note to the dais)
Sponsor – 起草国(One of the writers of a draft resolution. A friendly amendment can only be created if all sponsors agree)
Signatory – 签字国/附议国。希望一份决议草案能够被讨论并且签字支持此行为的国家。附议国并不一定支持此决议,而只是希望能够得到讨论。通常,模联会议对通过一个决议草案有最低起草国和附议国数量的要求。A country that wishes a draft resolution to be put on the floor and signs the draft resolution to accomplish this. A signatory need not support a resolution; it only wants it to be discusd. Usually, Model UN conferences require some minimum number of sponsors and signatories for a draft resolution to be approved.
Amendment– 修正案。修正案是用来对正在讨论的决议草案提出修改意见的文件。修正案分为两种:友好修正案与非友好修正案。Amendment is a form of document to amend a
draft resolution. The two types of amendments are friendly amendment and unfriendly amendment.
mba是什么意思Working Paper(WP)- (工作文件)A document in which the ideas of some delegates on how to resolve an issue are propod. Frequently the precursor to a draft resolution.
Draft Resolution(DR) - 决议草案。决议草案是由代表草拟、为委员会所讨论的议题寻求解决方案的一种文件格式。如果被投票通过,那么决议草案就成为正式决议。Written by the delegates, draft resolution is a form of document that eks to solve the issues addresd by a Model UN committee. If pasd by the committee, the draft resolution will become a resolution.
文明美德伴我行Resolution– 决议。联合国机构通过的用于解决一个特别的问题或争议的文件。在联合国相当于法律。A document that has been pasd by an organ of the UN that aims to address a particular problem or issue. To the UN, a resolution is the equivalent of a law