Register Alipay Account连词
阿凡达英文名A. Register a Business Account on Taobao
Type of companies alipay account has to match with company bank account, ccount type can not be changed.
1. Open , and click【免费注册】;
海外游学2. Click the【注册】under the enterpri area;
3. Fill the email and verification code(Company account can only registered by mail);
4. Input cell phone number, click the【获取校验码】;(Kindly Reminder :Mobile phone calibration only support mainland area cell phone)
面朝大海春暖花开赏析5. Input cell phone check code, click【立即校验】;
6. System to receive email activation letter;
7. Enter e-mail, click the activate link in the activate mail;
8. Fill in the account basic information;
9. Succeed.达利通留学
B. Register alipay account
Register alipay account with mobile phone number. 挣脱读音是什么
1. Enter , click【新用户注册】;
2. Fill out the registration information;
3. Fill in the phone number, then lect 【同意《支付宝协议》,并同步创建支付宝账户】;
4. Input check code received on the mobile phone.
5. Register Taobao account succeed, alipay succeed in the same time;
6. Enter the alipay account, activate the alipay account.
Register alipay account with e-mail.
1. Enter , click 【新用户注册】;
2. Fill in the register information;
3. Click【使用邮箱验证】;
4. Fill in the e-mail address, lect 【同意《支付宝协议》,并同步创建支付宝账户】;
5. Input the mobile phone number;
6. Input check code received on the mobile phone;
7. Go to mail box and activate your account;
mkt8. Enter the mail box, click the e-mail ;
9. Click【完成注册】;
10. Register Taobao account succeed, alipay succeed in the same time;
11. Enter the alipay account, activate the alipay account.