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I. Reading comprehension(35 40%)
Directions :there are four passages in this part ,each passage is followds by some question or unfinished statements for each of them there are four choice marked ABCD .you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.
Passage one:
Question 1-5 are bad on the following passage 空中英语
Last week I visited one of my ole neighborhoods in Washington D.C..I hade not been there for twenty years and as I walked along the street ,my mind was flooded by mentions of the past .I saw the old apartment building where I had lived and the playground where I h
ad played.(S1) As I viewed the once family surroundings .image of mylf as a child there came to mind .However ,what I saw and what I remembered were not the same I sadly realized that the best moments are tho left untouched.
My old apartment building ,as I remember ,was bright and alive. It was more than just a place to live .It was a movie hou ,a space station, or whatever my young mind could imagine .I would steal away with my friends and play in the bament .This is always exciting becau it was so cool and dark, and there were so many things there to hide among. There was a small river in the back of the building .We would go there to lie in the shade of trees and enjoy ourlves.
However, what I saw was completely different The apartment building was now in disrepair. What was once more than a place to live looked hardly worth living in. The windows were all broken. the once clean wall were covered with dirty marks. The river was hardly recognizable. The water was polluted and the trees and flowers were all dead. The once sweet smelling river now smelled terrible. It was really heartbreaking to e all this.
I do not regret having en my old neighborhood. However I do not think my innocent childhood memories can ever be the same. I suppo it is once they say: you can never go home again.
1. In the first two paragraphs of the passage the writer tries to tell us that------------
A) He had lived in Washington D.C. for twenty years
B) He was very imaginative when he was a child
C) He had had found memories of his old neighborhood
D) He had come from a very poor neighborhood
2. 英文翻译软件The write, as a child, was very fond of playing in the bament becau------------------
A) It was bright and alive
B) It contained a movie hou and a space station
C) It was ideal for playing hide and ek
D) It was surrounded by trees and flowers
3. 伊丽莎白镇插曲How did the write feel when he visited his old neighborhood in Washington D.C.?
中英翻译网站>pointguardA) Greatly surpri
B) Very regretful
C) Quite exited
D) Very sad
4. On his visit to his hometown, the write found the old apartment building--------------dre
A) Seemed unfit to live in
B) Had been repaired
C) Could hardly be recognized
D) Looked dirty and smell horrible
5.”You can never go home again” in the last ntence of this passage means that---------
A) One should never revisit his hometown after many years of abnce
B) One will never find his hometown the same as it was in his childhood memory
C) A visit to one’s hometown will bring back one’s fond memories of home.
D) A visit to one’s hometown will bring back many sad memories
Passage two
Questions to 6-10 are bad on the following passage:port是什么意思
Ever since I was very small, I’ve had the n that I ought to be some where el. I remember watching train flash by and wishing I was on board. I remember going to the airport with my parents when I was 13 and reading the destinations board, eing all the places that I would go to: Los Angeles, Chicago, and London.
so beautiful But the trains pasd by and the planes took off without me, so I wandered the world though books I went to Victorian England in the pages of Middlemarch and a little princess, and to St.Peterburg before the fall of the tsar with Anna Karenina.
write的同音词 My home was in a pleasant place outside Philadelphian. But I really lived, truly lived, somewhere el. I lived within the covers of books. In books I traveled, not only to other world, but into my town. I learned who I was and who I wanted to be, what I might achieve, and what I might dear to dream about my world and mylf.
I travel today in the way I once dreamed of traveling as a child ---on airplane and in train. And the irony is that I don’t care for it very much. I am the sort of person who prefers to stay at home, surrounding by family, friend, books. The only thing I do like about traveling is the time on airplanes spend reading.