1. I had finished my homework before my friends came over.
英文祝福语2. She had already eaten breakfast before she went to work.
3. They had watched the movie before it was relead in theaters.
4. He had visited Paris before he went to London.
5. We had completed the project before the deadline.
6. The train had left the station before we arrived.
7. She had read the book before the movie adaptation was relead.
8. They had already booked their flights before the travel restrictions were announced.
9. He had learned to play the guitar before he started singing.
10. We had visited the muum before it clod for renovations.
11. She had finished her workout before she took a shower.
12. They had already packed their bags before the trip was cancelled.
13. He had studied for the exam before the teacher announced it.
14. We had en the sunt before the storm arrived.
15. The restaurant had clod before we could make a rervation.
16. She had written the report before the meeting was scheduled.
17. They had already bought tickets before the concert was cancelled.
18. He had cooked dinner before his guests arrived.
19. We had finished the hike before it started raining.
20. The store had sold out of the product before we could buy it.
21. She had finished her book before the library clod.夯是什么意思
22. They had already made plans before the event was cancelled.
23. He had visited the city before the pandemic hit.
24. We had watched the game before the highlights were posted online.
25. The muum had clod before we could e the exhibit.
26. She had finished her work before the power outage.
27. They had already made rervations before the restaurant clod permanently.
28. He had learned to swim before he went to the beach.
29. We had finished our shopping before the store clod.
30. The movie had ended before we could e the post-credits scene.
31. She had finished her coffee before the meeting started.名著下载
32. They had already booked their hotel before the travel ban was announced.
33. He had visited the park before it was clod for renovations.
34. We had finished our meal before the restaurant ran out of food.
35. The concert had ended before we could meet the band.
36. She had finished her painting before the art show.珠海有哪些大学
37. They had already bought gifts before the holiday rush.haywire
38. He had learned to ski before he went to the mountains.
39. We had finished our work before the office clod.
40. The store had clod before we could return the item. 和创留学
41. She had finished her workout before the gym clod.
42. They had already made plans before the weather turned bad.
43. He had visited the beach before the hurricane hit.
44. We had finished our movie before the power outage.
45. The restaurant had clod before we could order desrt.
46. She had finished her book before the library opened.
47. They had already made rervations before the restaurant became popular.
48. He had learned to drive before he got his licen.
49. We had finished our hike before the trail was clod.
50. The muum had clod before we could e the new exhibit.
51. She had finished her coffee before the shop clod.
52. They had already booked their flights before the airline went bankrupt.
53. He had visited the city before the earthquake hit.
54. We had finished our shopping before the store ran out of stock.
55. The concert had ended before we could buy merchandi.
56. She had finished her painting before the art gallery opened.
57. They had already bought tickets before the play was cancelled.
58. He had learned to play basketball before he joined the team.
59. We had finished our work before the deadline was extended.
儿童英文歌曲大全60. The store had clod before we could exchange the item.
61. She had finished her workout before the gym opened.
62. They had already made plans before the flight was delayed.
63. He had visited the park before the snowstorm hit.
64. We had finished our meal before the restaurant ran out of drinks.
65. The movie had ended before we could e the bloopers.
bend66. She had finished her book before the library clod for the day.
67. They had already made rervations before the hotel became fully booked.
68. He had learned to play soccer before he joined the team.