In recent years the performance requirements for process plant have become increasingly difficult to satisfy. Stronger competition, tougher (更加严苛的) environmental and safety regulations (法规), and rapidly changing economic conditions have been key factors in the tightening of plant product quality specifications (产品质量规范).A further complication (复杂) is that modern process have become more difficult to operate becau of the trend toward larger, more highly integrated plants with smaller surge capacities (谐振能力) between the various processing units. Such plants give the operators little opportunity to prevent upts (扰乱) from propagating from one unit to other interconnected units. In view of (考虑到,由于) the incread emphasis placed on safe, efficient plant operation, it is only natural that the subject of process control has become increasingly important in recent years. In fact, without process control it would not be possible to operate most modern process safely and profitably (外教老师有利的), while satisfying plant quality standards.
近年来,对过程系统的性能改善需求变得越来越困难. 更为激烈的竞争,更加严格的环境和
安全规范,以及快速变化的经济条件都是加强工厂产品质量规范的关键因素更为复杂的情况是,由于现代制造业朝着规模更大,集成度更高的方向发展,而使不同的加工环节之间的应变能力更低, 所以加工过程更难控制近年来,考虑到工业制造逐渐加强的安全、高效需求,过程控制这个课题变得越来越受重视. 实际上,对于大多数现代工业,要满足安全、高效,产品质量的要求,没有控制系统是不可能的.
It is assumed that the inlet and outlet flow rates are identical (相同的) and that the liquid density ρ (rho) remains consant, that is, the temperature variations are small enough that the temperature dependence of ρ can be neglected. Under the conditions the volume V of liquid in the tank remains constant.
假设输入和输出流量是相等的,并且液体密度保持恒定,也就是说温度变化足够小,密度对温度的影响可以忽略不计. 在这些条件下,槽内液体的体积保持恒定
mind U a larger tank. If a larger tank is ud, fluctuations (波动) in Ti will tend to be damped out (阻尼,衰减) due to the larger thermal capacitance of the tank contents. However, incread volume of tankage would be an expensive solution for an industrial plant due to
the incread capital costs of the larger tank.Note that this approach is analogous to the u of water baths in chemistry laboratories where the large thermal capacitance of the bath rves as a heat sink (散热装置) and thus provides an isothermal (恒温的) environment for a small-scale rearch apparatus (仪器).
使用一个更大的槽. 如果使用更大的槽,因为更大的热容,Ti的波动会趋向于衰减. 然而,体积增加使得开支增加,会使工厂系统的解决方案变得更加昂贵.设计方案英文要指出的是这个方法类似于化学实验室中水缸的使用,水缸的大热容量可以看作散热装置,因此可以为小型研究仪器提供一个恒温环境.
choo的用法Note that in feedforward control, the controlled variable T is not measured.
The motivation of using feedback, illustrated (说明) by the examples in Section (1), is somewhat oversimplified.In the examples, the u of feedback is shown to be for the p
urpo of reducing the error between the reference input and the system output.However, the significance of the effects of feedback in control systems is more complex than is demonstrated by the simple examples.The reduction of system error is merely (仅仅) one of the many important effects that feedback may have upon a system. We show in the following ctions that feedback also has effects on such system performance characteristics as stability (稳定性), bandwidth (带宽), overall gain (总增益), disturbance (扰动), and nsitivity (灵敏度).
第1节事例中,应用反馈的动机有些过于简单。在这些例子中,应用反馈的目的是减小参考输入和系统输出间的误差。然而,在控制系统中应用反馈的重要性要比这些简单例子所示的复杂得多. 减少系统误差只是反馈对系统产生的重要作用之一. 搞笑的英文名在下面的章节里,反馈还能对系统的下列运行特性产生影响:稳定性,带宽,总增益,扰动和灵敏度。
In a practical control system, G and H are functions of frequency, so the magnitude of 1+GH may be greater than 1 in one frequency range but less than 1 in another.Therefore, feedback could increa the system gain in one frequency range but decrea it in another.
It can be demonstrated that one of the advantages of incorporating (包含) feedback is that it can stabilize an unstable system.
四级及格线An important conquence of feedback control is that it can cau oscillatory respons (振荡响应). If the oscillation has a small amplitude and damps out (衰减) quickly, then the control system performance is generally considered to be satisfactory.However, under certain circumstances the oscillations may be undamped (无衰减的) or even have an amplitude that increas with time until a physical limit is reached, such as a control valve being fully open or completely shut. In the situations, the clod-loop system is said to be unstable.
Before prenting various stability criteria, we introduce the following definition for unconstrained linear systems (无约束线性系统). We u the term "unconstrained" to refer to the ideal situation where there are no physical limits on the output variable.
Definition of stability. An unconstrained linear system is said to be stable if the output respon is bounded (有界的) for all bounded inputs. Otherwi it is said to be unstable.
room shareGeneral Stability Criterion. The feedback control system in Fig. 1.3.1 is stable if and only if all roots of the characteristic equation are negative or have negative real parts. Otherwi, the system is unstable.