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Coffee Drinks Illustrated Aug 20,2007 Side-by-side diagrams of afew common espresso drinks.97rib
I'm new to the world of fancy coffee drinks.With the vast number of ordering options and new words with accented characters to pronounce the coffee shop ordering experience can be
in esnceintimidating.I've created afew small illustrations to help mylf and others wrap their head around some of the small differences.
日语二级听力About Espresso Espresso is prepared by forcing pressurized steam through finely ground dark-roast coffee beans.Think of it is
strong,concentrated coffee.You can add extra'shots'of espresso to make your drink stronger.
Espresso Macchiato[ess-press-oh mock-e-ah-toe]
Espresso con Panna[ess-press-oh kon pawn-nah]
meantCafféLatte[caf-ay lah-tey]
Flat White Cafe Breve[caf-ay brev-ay]
CafféMocha[caf-ay moh-kuh]在线英译中
About the Diagrams Igathered most of my information from Wiki pedia and tidbits from other online sources.Know that drinks might be prepared abit differently coffee shop to coffee shop,and especially country to country.
二、美式咖啡/清咖啡/Americano 1份浓缩咖啡+2份水
三、白咖啡/Flat White 1份浓缩咖啡+1.5份热牛奶adults movies
四、玛琪雅朵/玛奇朵/Macchiato 1份浓缩咖啡+0.5份奶泡(牛奶中的脂肪)
五、康宝蓝/康巴纳/Con Panna 1份浓缩咖啡+0.5份鲜奶油
六、拿铁/Latte 1份浓缩咖啡+1.5份热牛奶+0.5份奶泡
七、布列夫/半拿铁/Breve 1份浓缩咖啡+0.75份热牛奶+0.75份鲜奶油
八、卡布奇诺/Cappuccino 1份浓缩咖啡+0.5份热牛奶+1.5份奶泡北京雅思学校
九、摩卡/Mocha 1份浓缩咖啡+1份热牛奶+0.5份巧克力酱+0.5份鲜奶油