Round 0: Chine national legislative bodies should rerve at least 50% delegate ats for women.
Round 1: China should make "human flesh arches" illegal.
Round 2: China should refu to permit the production and sale of genetically modified rice. Round 3: THW hold the pasngers of cars driven by a drunk drivers criminally liable.
Round 4: China should refu to permit the production and sale of genetically modified rice. Round 5: The Thai government should agree to immediate elelctions without preconditions. Round 6: The Chine Government should clo the little kingdom of dwarves tourist attraction in kunming.
Round 7: Teacher's pay should be bad on their students' academic performance.
Round 8: China should decriminalize "partner swapping"
partner swapping=orgy, group licentiousness
Octo-final: The Chine Government should block access to all google sites.if ever
Quater-final: the state should reduce criminal ntences in cas where the offender makes compensation to the victim's satisfaction.
Semi-Final 1: All the money currently spent on confucious institutions abroad should be spent instead on alleviating poverty.
Semi-Final 2: Major international cultural events should be awarded exclusively to less developed cities.洪恩幼儿英语视频
Grand-Final: The International Olympic Committee should remove any age requirements for Children to compete in the Olympics.
Round 0 – Ban
THW ban websites that do your assignments for you电源线英文
defenceTHBT that governments should totally ban smoking
THW ban hymen reconstruction surgery
Round 1 – Religion
THBT the right to free speech does not extend to offending religions
THBT religious organizations should pay taxes on donations received and
asts owned
THBT the Pope should be procuted for the crimes of Roman Catholic priests
Round 2 – Medical Ethics
THBT Doctors should be obligated to report suspected cas of domestic abu
THBT Doctors should not be forced to perform medical procedures that are
against their faith
THW Ban treatments that claim to cure homoxuality
Round 3 – Post Conflict
THBT post conflict societies should recruit rebel soldiers into state armies
THBT that it is justified to reprent fallen regimes as absolutely evil in
history textbooks
THW confiscate property of tho who cooperated with oppressive regimes
after the fall of the regime
Round 4 – Big Cities
THW pay youth to not move to urban centers
THW place a prohibitive tax on car ownership
THW impo curfews in high crimes areas
Round 5 – Media
THBT that western liberal democracies should ban online anonymity
THBT the willingness to participate in formal public election debates should be a pre-requisite for candidates running for national office
THW ban advertiments that u x to ll products
Round 6 – Pop Culture / Art
THBT Harry Potter has done more harm than good for literature
THBT that important characters in movies should be portrayed by actors of the same ethnicity
THW impo a minimum age for pop stars
Round 7 – International Relations
THBT it’s time the US recognize Hamas as a legitimate reprenta tive of Palestine
THBT the NLD should not boycott the elections in Burma
THBT the leaders of nations that stockpile agricultural products for economic gain while global hunger persists should be charged with crimes against humanity
Round 8 – Social Dilemmas
THW compel children to care for their parents
THW allow minors to apply to be recognid as adults before they reach they age of majority
THBT individuals who have undergone cosmetic surgery should be required to disclo it to anyone whom they want to have children with.
Pre-Octos - WTO
THBT Russia should be admitted as a full member into the WTO now
THBT the WTO should hold all countries to uniform labour standards
THBT the WTO dispute regulation mechanism should allow disregarding intellectual property as a form of retaliation to unfair trade practices
Octofinals - Environment
THW make environmental protection a legitimate defen in the procution of destruction of property
THBT The environmental movement should publish outright lies about the
extent of environment harm to promote their cau
THBT governments should only subcontract to environmentally friendly
Quarter-Finals and EFL Semi-finals – Immigration
THBT ASEAN nations should accept Burme refugees
THS accept migrants even if they do not respect laws banning polygamy
THW give asylum to xual minorities
Semi-Finals – Sexy Time
THBT gay parades do more harm than good to the gay community
THW fund x change operations
THBT women should withhold x with their partners to get them to end
violent rebellion against the state
EFL Grand-Finals – Crime and Punishment
THW create a DNA registry of all criminals
THW physically castrate rapists
THBT prisoners ntence to life without parole should be allowed to choo
the death penalty
Grand-Finals – Asia and Unity
lotroTHW Abolish parties bad on ethnicity
THW create an Asian Parliament
THBT China’s ri to power is in the best interest of Asia
Backup for Final
THBT Asia should have a common currency
THBT Asia should have the same electric socket configuration
THBT Asians should all drive on the same side of the road
0. Campus Life
a. China abolish English as a compulsory subject in postgraduate entrance examinations.
b. China make military training compulsory for all college students.
c. All major corporations operating in China should be required to offer student internships.
1. Culture
a. THW require study of the traditional style Chine writing.
b. TH oppos the private ownership of artifacts deemed to be national treasures.
c. THBT Shanzhai culture is bad for China.
2. Education
a. THW ba teachers? pay on their students? performance.
b. THW make community rvice compulsory for all college students.
c. THBT Chine compulsory education should be extended to 12 years
3. Economy
a. TH supports a new international trading currency.
b. THB that China should stop buying US debt.
c. China should issue consumption vouchers to stimulate the economy.
4. Global climate change
a. Developed nations should accept global warming refugees
b. Tho affected by global climate change should have the right to sue major carbon-emitting nations.
c. China should cap its carbon emissions.
5. East Asia
a. Immediate elections are in Thailand’s best interest.
庸人自扰翻译b. ASEAN should expel Myanmar
c. Direct negotiations between the US and North Korea are preferable to the Six-Party Talks.
6. Family & Population
a. THBT women should be allowed to ll their eggs
b. TH would require the father’s connt for abortions.
c. China should legalize marriage between homoxuals.
7. Crime & Punishment
a. Criminals ntenced to life imprisonment without parole should be allowed to choo death instead.
b. China should establish a national DNA databa of all citizens for the purpos of criminal investigations.
c. This hou would make parents liable for their children’s crimes.
8. Governing & Government
a. THW make one-year military rvice a qualification for public rvants.
b. TH would require government officials to make full financial disclosure to the publi
c. THW make all NPC reprentatives full-time, professional legislators.
Octofinals: Medical rvice
a. China should ban hymen reconstruction surgeries.
b. China should legalize physician-assisted suicide.
c. The World Health Organization (WHO) should have the authority to quarantine in times of health cris.
Quarterfinals: Judiciary
a. China should apply capital punishment only to homicide cas.
b. China should fully establish a jury-by-peers system.
c. Judges should be electe
Semifinals: International Issues
a. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization should admit Iran as a full member.
b. The United Nations should take control of Jerusalem.
忘记用英语怎么说c. NA TO should fully withdraw from Afghanistan before 2012.
a. The USA should stop promoting democracy as part of their foreign policy.
b. Pre-emptive strikes on Somalia to curb piracy are justified.
c. This hou supports Spain’s criminal procution of members of the Bush administration.
The PRC should ban the production, sale and consumption of all tobacco products.
=================Recommends Topics======================
1.This hou believes that bias fuels war.
2.This hou believes that media bias and distortion fuels war.
3.This hou believes that the public has no right to judge an individual’s moral deeds.
4.This hou believes that emotion is always in conflict with reason in making moral decisions.
5.This hou believes that people’s act of keeping pets interferes with the rights of animals.
6.This hou believes that factory farming should be banned becau it harms animals in a huge scale.
7.This hou believes that Chine entry of WTO affects more of the Chine government than of its general public.
8.This hou believes that existence precedes nature.
9.This hou believes that artificial intelligence will do more harm than good to the mankind in the long run.
10.This hou believes that our government should strive to promote the u of green energy at any cost for the sake of environmental protection.
=====================AP for leaning only============================
Mock Round
a. Beijing should ban ownership of pets
b. China should ban factory farming.
c. China should create standards for the ethical treatment of animals
Round 1
1. China should cancel the torch relay to victims of the earthquake.
2. Only amateur athletes should be allowed to compete in the Olympic Games.
3. The Olympic Games should add debating as an official contest.
Round 2