签证准备材料英文翻译样本及翻译要求 根据英国使馆签证处关于签证材料需要翻译的最新政策,现提供以下的文件的翻译:股权证,企业法人营业执照,企业法人营业执照(副本),暂住证,房 产证,股票交割单(对账单),户口簿,常住人口登记卡,缴税单(企业完税单),大家可以针对自己的材料,参考学院提供的翻译样本进行翻译。翻译需要注意的 问题如下: 1) 所有的翻译须由A4纸单面打印,不可手写。 2) 样本中红色字体部分的内容,是需要对照你自己的材料内容如实进行翻译并替换的。 3) 每份中文材料必须要对照一份英文翻译件。递交材料时须一份中文复印件对应一份英文翻译件,按顺序排好上交。 4) 针对一些同学的材料的特殊情况,如单位出具的结算单、借款协议等材料,请大家自行翻译。 5) 不需要翻译的材料有:护照、签证申请表、雅思成绩单、银行存折。其他材料均需要翻译件。 股权证(开户确认) Confirmation on Opening of Account of Share B solbAccount No. of shares:C000000000 Date of open: April 4, 2001 Name of the account owner: ** ID card No.: 000000000000000 Communication address: 17 Zhichun Road, Beijing Name of the member opening account: Guotai Junan Securities Co., Ltd Code of the member opening account: *** Seal of the member opening account: Extra explanation: 1. This confirmation is a share account card that should be showed by the members who has opened account to the investor and shall be ud in the transaction of share B in Shanghai. 2. This confirmation showed by members who has opened account must be affixed with al. 工科和理科的区别 3. The name of members who opens account must be in full name. 4. Code of member who has opened account is its account ttlement code. 5. The investor shall contact with his designated member promptly if los of this confirmation. 6. Contact with its designated member promptly if the name, ID cards and communications of investor changes. 企业法人营业执照 Business Licen For Enterpri’s Legal Person Registration No.: 000000000000 Date of Establishment: June 26, 1996 Registration Office: TIANJIN ADMINISTRATION FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (SEAL) December 4, 2003 Indication for yearly check: Take yearly check between January 1 and April 30 every year. The operation qualification shall be lost if not check on time. Report the yearly check materials before March 15. Otherwi the enterpri shall undertake delay penalty. Jinqi, No. 0000000 Enterpri Name: Guangyang Decoration Work Co., Ltd in the Development Area, Tianjin Residence: Room 205 of Liantong Office Building, 3 Xiaoyuan, No. 1 Street, Development Area, Tianjin Legal Reprentative: *** Registered Capital: RMB Three Million and Eight Hundred Thousand yuan Type of Enterpri: Company of limited liability Scope of Business: Design for outdoor decoration work; home decoration; wholesale and retail of building and decoration materials, articles of artistic industry, general merchandi, hardware, electrical articles, chemical engineering goods (exclude inflammables, explosives, intoxicating goods and other dangerous goods), electrical appliances installation. If there is special rules for special items, execute in accordance with the rules; for tho involve the above-said approval, it shall follow the valid period of the approval. |