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| CHAPTER OBJECTIVES | 本章目标 | AN BRIEF INTRODUCTON TO PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL | 第一节 绩效考评概述 | | 1. The Significance of Performance Appraisal | | | | 2. Roles (作用) of Performance Appraisal | | | | 3. Principle of Performance Appraisal | | | | 4. Who Performance Appraisal | | | PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL PROCESS | 第二节 绩效考评的过程 | | 1. Preparation: To establish the criteria and standard for each position | | | | 2. Conducting Performance Appraisal | | 休息的意思 | | 3. To Coach | | (辅导阶段) | | 4. To improve | | | TYPES OF APPRAISAL INSTRUMENTS | 第三节 绩效考评的方法 | | 1.Alternation Ranking Scale | | | | 2.Forced Distribution Method. | | (强制分布法) | | 3.Paired comparison Method | | (配对比较法) | | 4.GRAPHIC RATING SCALES | | (量表法) | | 5.BEHAVIORALLY ANCHORED RATING SCALES | | (行为锚定法) | | 6.Critical Incident Method | | (关键事件法) | | 7.MANAGEMENT-BY-OBJECTIVES | | (目标管理法) | FEEDBACK INTERVIEW | 第四节 绩效考评的面谈 | EXERCISES | 作业 | Reference | 参考文献 | | | | | | | |
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After you learn this chapter, you should be able to:
1. To cite the various objectives of performance appraisal.
2. To identify the basic consideration in lecting standards for appraisal
3. To identify and discuss the major performance appraisal method.
4. To identify the different approaches to performance appraisal interview.
5.To describe the types of errors tho are commonly found in performance appraisal
CASE:“ Why did Zhang jump ship?”
After graduated from the college, Zhang was recruited to be a salesman in Company Z .In the first two years, his performance was not so satisfactory becau of lacking experience. But at the end of the third year, His performance was greatly improved.
Last year, Zhang did a very good job, and he accomplished his sale-volume at the end of September. But the sales manager didn’t show any respon to it, so Zhang felt quite disappointed. Zhang left the company in October since the company had no formal appraisal system. In the Company z, an HR professional appraid employees only bad on informal conversations between the HR professional and the employees’ supervisor. This system yields no information regarding employee strengths and weakness. To make matter wor, this system provided no information regarding company expectation, leaving the employees in the dark as to what they needed to do to achieve favorable performance.
In this chapter we turn to discuss performance appraisal programs, which are among the
most helpful tools an organization can u to maintain and enhance competitive advantage and facilitate progress toward organization goals.
Performance appraisal (绩效评估) refers to a formal, structured system for measuring, evaluating, an employee’s job-related attributes, behavior, and outcomes.
1. The Significance of Performance Appraisal
It may understand at first glance that performance appraisals are ud for evaluating who is doing a good job and who is doing a bad one. The significance of performance appraisals can be reviewed from the point of employees as well as the organization’s. The following are just a sample of tho significance.
For Employees a. Understand more clearly about their own duties, tasks and requirements.
b. Understand more about what the organization expects from them and their future goals for achieving high performance.
c. Employees who are performing well can receive formal recognition (认可) for their
d. To provide Employees with the opportunity to participate in performance appraisal.
For Organization
a. To provide the supervisor with a means of identifying the strengths and weakness of an employee’s performance.
b. To provide a format enabling managers and employees to jointly establish future development and growth plan for the employees.
c. To establish a communication channel between managers and employees.
d. To express what managers wish to expect from employees.
2. Roles (作用) of Performance Appraisal
In HRM activities, a lot decisions have to be bad on performance appraisal process, which implies that performance appraisal provides input into all aspects of HRM. The interrelationship between the performance appraisal function and other major HR functions is shown in following Figure:
Training: It can determined which employee needs more training and what should be trained (培训内容)
b. Administrative decisions: It helps the organization to decide who should be receive pay rais, promoted, laid off, transferred.
c. Rewards: It provides basis for judging Pay System (薪酬制度) and pay adjustment.
d. Motivation: It encourages initiative, develops a n of responsibilities, and stimulates efforts to perform better.
e. HR planning: Performance appraisal data can also be ud in HR planning, in determining the relative worth of jobs under a job evaluation program.
f. Selection: It can be ud to validate lection tool such as a testing program.
3. Principle of Performance Appraisal
a. Transparency (透明):
A supervisor should communicate appraisal criteria (评估项目)哈尔滨派特森 or dimension, appraisal procedures, results openly with employees.
b. Objectiveness(客观): Employees’ outcome must be assd by supervisors fairly without inrting their own Likes or dislikes.
c. Practical(实用): The appraisal scheme should be simple but practical.
d. Training(培训): Supervisor should be trained how to apply appraisal standards, when making judgments.
e. Clear performance standards: It must be so clear that employees know exactly when the company expects of them,
f. Relented: Appraisal form must exclude criteria that are irrelevant to job performance.
g. Difference (差别化): The result of appraisal must be able to reflect the difference between high and low performers.
4. Who Performance Appraisal
a. Appraisal by supervisor (主管评估) The superior knows the subordinate’s performance better. He knows his ability and behaviors and attitude. However, appraisal by supervisor has drawbacks. Supervisor appraisal has been the traditional approach to evaluating an employee’s performance. Supervisor has the power to reward and punish.
b. Peer Appraisals (同事评估) Some companies u it to replace or supplement the appraisal given by supervisor. The co-worker who is at an individual’s side all day has an excellent opportunity to obrve the individual’s behavior and even can obrve the other facets of the employee’s behavior that his supervisor can not becau employees often be have differently when the boss is prent.
c. Self-Appraisal (自评)A worker knows clearly what he has done. Self-appraisal can reduce the defensive of the employee and make the employee to evaluate his performance with his responsibility.
d. Subordinate Appraisal(下属评价)Subordinates are in a good position to evaluate
their managers since they are in frequent contact with many performance-related behaviors. Tho performance dimensions judged most appropriate for subordinate appraisals include leadership, oral communication, delegation of authority, coordination of team efforts, and interest in subordinates.
e. Customers (客户评估) Some companies like restaurants will ask the customers to asss their employees’ performance.
E. 360-Degree Feedback(360度评估)
Performance information is collected all round an employee, from his or her supervisors, subordinates, peers, and internal or external customers; this approach is increasingly popular. It is generally ud for management and career development. 牛津词典在线
1. Preparation: To establish the criteria and standard for each position
a.Types of Performance Criteria (考评项目)Criteria are dimensions against which the performance of an employee team or a work unit is evaluated.
Trait-bad criteria: They focus on the personal moral character, value and work attitude such as team-sprit, locality, initiative or creativity of an employee.
Behaviour-bad criteria: They focus on how the work is performed. With behaviour clearly defined, an employee is more likely to exhibit the acts that lead to peak performance. Behaviour is difficult to be measured in figures or amounts. As a matter of fact, an organization generally us frequency to describe the employees’ behavior.
Outcome-bad criteria: They focus on what was produced rather than on how it was produced. (focus on output and contribution which can be reflected in quality, quantity, efficiency). This kind of criteria can be easily measured. It doesn’t care how the result achieved. A result-at-all-cost may plague outcome-bad appraisal.
龙舌兰英文Unfortunately, when ud alone, any one of the performance criteria is deficient for accurately evaluating performance. Thus, many organizations u veral criteria in maki
ng judgments about an employee’s performance.
Realistic, measurable, clearly understood performance standards benefit both the organization and the employee. It is important to establish standards before the work is performed so that all involved will understand the level of accomplishment expected.
b.To t performance standard Ensure that the targets t are in the smart model.
Specific means that they are transparent and not open to dispute.
Targets should be measurable so that all sides can agree when they are achieved or not. Thirdly, Targets should be agreed and achievable. If employees disagree with the target becau they find them too difficult to achieve, then they may t out to prove this by determining to fail.
Fourthly, targets should be realistic and relevant, which makes them more attractive to all parties.
Finally, they should be time-related, so that it is clear at what point they should be achieved.
An organization may u three approaches to performance evaluations. The first evaluat
es employees against preestablished common criteria or standards, similar to the way many professors evaluate students’ performance.
The cond evaluation approach is bad on individualized performance criteria and standards. Performance goals for each individual are derived from the overall department’s performance requirements for a specified period. Each employee may have unique performance goals (criteria and standards), and each employee is evaluated on the basis of how well he or she meets tho goals.
A third evaluation approach entails ranking one employee’s performance against the performance of other employees.
2. Conducting Performance Appraisal
After an appraisal system is designed, must be properly implemented. Managers are chiefly responsible for implementation; they must complete the real ratings for employees and provide feedback to employees.
One of the key objectives of feedback is to improve employee performance by giving the
m constructive criticism, when necessary, to make them aware of their shortcomings.
3. To Coach (辅导阶段) After completing performance Appraisal, some employees’ result may turn out to be comparatively dissatisfactory which may be resulted from lacking knowledge or skills. In reality, it is supervisor’s responsibility to establish a performance improvement plan as follows.
Criteria | Standards | Whether Accomplish ornot | Reasons | Ways of Improvement | Time-table |
1 | | | | | |
2 | | | | | |
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4. To improve
The supervisor must evaluate whether the employees have improved their outcome or not after caring out the plan for some time.
1.Alternation Ranking Scale
For the trait you are measuring, list all the employees you want to rank. Put the highest-ranking employee’s name on line 1. Put the lowest-ranking employee’s mane on line 10. Then list the next highest ranking on line 2, the next lowest ranking on ling 9, and so on Continue all names are on the scale.
Highest-ranking employee
1.____________________________________ | 6._____________________________________ |
2.____________________________________ | 7._____________________________________ |
3.____________________________________ | 8._____________________________________ |
4.____________________________________ | 9._____________________________________ |
5.____________________________________ | 10.____________________________________ |
| |
Lowest –ranking employee
2..Forced Distribution Method.(强制分布法)
The forced distribution method is similar to grading on a curve. With this method, predetermined percentages of rates are placed in performance categories. For example, you may decide to distribute employees as follows:
5% high performers
20% high-average performers
50% average performers
20% low-average performers
5% low performers
3..Paired comparison Method(配对比较法)
The paired comparison method helps make the ranking method more preci. For every t
rait (quantity of work, quality o f work, and so on), every subordinate is paired with and compared to every other subordinate.
提出索赔 英文
For the trait “Quality of Work” | | For the Trait “Creativity” |
Employee Rated: | | Employee Rated: |
As Compared to: | A zhang | B Li | C Wang | D Hao | E Chen | | As Compared to: | A zhang | B Li | C Wang | D Hao | E Chen |
A zhang | | 成都会计+ | + | - | - | | A zhang | | - | - | - | - |
B Li | - | | - | - | - | | B Li | + | | - | + | + |
C Wang | - | + | | + | - | | C Wang | + | + | | - | + |
D Hao | + | + | - | | + | | D Hao | + | - | + | | - |
E Chen | + | + | + | - | | | E Chen | + | - | - | + | |
| | | | | | | | 工作分析方法 | | | clustered | |
A graphic rating scale (GRS) prents a list of traits (e.g., cooperativeness, adaptability, maturity, motivation). Each trait is accompanied by a five or ven-point rating scale. The points along the scale are defined by numbers and/or descriptive words or phras that indicate the level of performance.
Many organizations u graphic rating scales becau they are practical and cost little to develop.
But Graphic rating scales do prent a number of problems. Such scales do not effectively direct behavior; that is, the rating scale does not clearly indicate what a person must do to achieve a given rating. Another problem with GRS is the points on the rating scale are not clearly defined.
An example of GRS is showed as follows
Evaluate the worker on each quality using the following ratting scale:
5=Outstanding; one of the best workers you have known
4=Good; meets all job standards; exceeds some
3=Adequate; meets all job standards
2=Needs improvement; needs improvement in some way
1=Unsatisfactory; not acceptable
A. Dress and appearance
B. Self-confidence
C. Dependability
D. Tact and diplomacy
E. Attitude
F. Cooperation
G. Enthusiasm上海h7n9最新消息
H. Knowledge
A behaviorally anchored rating scale (BARS), is a combination of a graphic rating scale, and Critical Incident Method. It requires apprairs to rate employees on their traits. The typical BARS includes ven or eight traits, referred to as “dimensions,” each anchored by a ven-or nine-point scale.
Example of Critical Incidents for an Assistant Plant Manager