32. What is the function of context in communication? Try to explain the following utterances rather than just state facts.
(1) The room is messy. (2) It would be good if she had a green skirt on.
Context is esntial to the pragmatic study of language. It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by both the speaker and the hearer, such as cultural background, situation (time, place, manner, etc.), the relationship between the speaker and the hearer, etc.
youngchina18 25
Context determines the speaker’s u of language and also hearer’s interpretation of what is said to him. The context often helps in understanding the particular meaning of the word, phra, etc. It may also be the broader social situation in which a linguistic item is ud.
(1) a. A mild criticism of someone who should have cleaned the room.
b. In a language class where a student made a mistake, for he intended to say “tidy.”
c. The room was wanted for a meeting.
(2) a. A mild way to express disagreement with someone who has complimented on a lady’s appearance.
b.A regret that the customer had not taken the dress.
c.That she wore a red shirt was not in agreement with the custom on the occasion.
Supragamental feature(definition, category)
Supragmental features are the phonemic features that occur above the level of the gments. They include stress, tone, intonation, pitch etc.
1 Stress: definition is the intensity or prominence given to a syllable
at the word level right (argument; Example; explain how)
at the ntence level peter left direction for mary to会计凭证怎么做 follow
peter left direction for mary to follow (argument; Example; explain how)
(The more important words such as nouns, verbs adjectives, adverbs, etc. are pronounced with greater force and made more prominent. But to give special emphasis to a certain notion, a word in ntence that is usually unstresd can be stresd to achieve different effect.(argument) Take the ntence “He is driving MY car.” for example. To emphasize the fact that the car he is driving is not his, or yours, but mine, the speaker can stress the posssive pronoun “my”, which under normal circumstances is not stresd. (explain how)
2 Pitch: cbest(definition;2014高考数学全国卷 argument; Example; explain how)
3 Tone: 贝乐英语Tones are pitch variations, which are caud by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords. (definition;rajon rondo argument; Example; explain how)
4 (definition; argument; Example; explain how)
5 Intonation:When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the ntence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation
The location of stress in English distinguishes meaning, such as `import and im`port. The similar alternation of stress also occurs between a compound noun and a phra consisting of the same elements. A phonological feature of the English compounds, is that the stress of the word always falls on the first element and the cond element receives condary stress, for example: `blackbird is a particular kind of bird, which is not necessarily black, but a black `bird is a bird that is black.
2) The more important words such as nouns, verbs adjectives , adverbs,etc are pronounced with greater force and made more prominent. But to give special emphasis to a certain notion, a word in ntence that is usually unstresd can be stresd to achieve different effect. Take the ntence “He is driving my car.” for example. To emphasize the fact that the car he is driving is not his, or yours, but mine, the speaker can stress the posssive pronoun bo xi lai99宿舍网准考证找回my, which under normal circumstances is not stresd.
3) English has four basic types of intonation, known as the four tones: When spoken i
n different tones, the same quence of words may have different meanings. Generally speaking, the falling tone indicates that what is said is a straight-forward, matter-of-fact statement, the rising tone often makes a question of what is said, and the fall-ri tone often indicates that there is an implied message in what is said.
. What are the main features of the English compounds?
Compound 定义 Compounding can be viewed as the combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new words.
Orthographically, a compound can be written as one word吉林大学录取查询,
two parate words with or without a hyphen in between.
Syntactically, the part of speech of a compound is determined by
the last element.
Semantically, the meaning of a compound is idiomatic, not
calculable from the meanings of all its components. French leave 不辞而别 spanish athlete 吹牛者 chine copy 中国的复制品(example)
Phonetically, the word stress of a compound usually falls on
the first element. (example)blackhor black hor
Discuss the types of morphemes with examples.
Morpheme定义It is the smallest meaningful unit of language
Free morphemes: They are the independent units of meaning and can be ud freely all by themlves, for example, “book-” in the word “bookish”.