Coding of Barrett's oesophagus with high-grade dysplasia in national administrative databas: a population-bad cohort study 期刊名称: Bmj Open快递费 英文>委托行
作者: Chadwick, Georgina,Varagunam, Mira,Brand, Christian,Riley, Stuart
丹顶鹤的英文A,Maynard, Nick,Crosby, Tom,Michalowski, Julie,Cromwell, David A
年份: 2017年
期号: 第6期
关键词: Adult gastroenterology;Endoscopy;Gastrointestinaltruthfulness
tumours;Oesophageal dia托收行
摘要:The International Classification of Dias 10th Revision (ICD-10) system ud in the English hospital administrative databa (Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)) does not contain a specific code for oesophageal high-grade dysplasia (HGD). The aim of this paper was to examine how patients with 弋果美语
HGD were coded in HES and whether it was done consistently. National population-bad cohort study of patients with newly diagnod with HGD in England. The study ud data collected prospectively as part of the National Oesophago-Gastric Cancer Audit (NOGCA). The records were linked to HES to investigate the pattern of ICD-10 codes recorded for the patients at the time of diagnosis. All patients with a new diagnosis of HGD between 1 April 2013 and 31 March 2014 in England, who had data submitted to the NOGCA. The main outcome assd