Efficacy of retrowalking on strength and balance in patients with hamstring strain
新航道雅思期刊名称: British Journal of Sports Medicine黑领情侣鹦鹉
作者: Alabdelwahab, S. S.,John, S.
年份: 2010年agenda是什么意思
期号: 第Suppl_1期
摘要:BackgroundHamstring muscle strain is one of the most common injuries in sports. Retrowalking on treadmill is a common tool for lower extremity rehabilitation in the clinical ttings. However, minimal clinical rearch has been conducted on the effectiveness of retrowalking on hamstring strain rehabilitation. Hypothesis: (1) Hamstring strain patients may show improved lower extremity strength and balance when trained with retrowalking. (2) The longer duration of retrowalking will show significant improvement as compared to shorter duration training.Study designRandomid control trial.Methodology45 subjects all with hamstring strain were prospectively included in the study, all subje
cts were examined clinically for hamstring injury, and they were randomly assigned into three groups (groups A, B and C) of 15 subjects each.
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