· 57 ·第28卷 第8期 中国现代医学杂志 Vol. 28 No.8 2018年3月 China Journal of Modern Medicine Mar . 2018
*基金项目:浙江省中管局科研基金(No :2016ZA059)
2020年拜年词DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1005-8982.2018.08.012
文章编号: 1005-8982(2018)08-0057-05
(浙江省中医院 神经外科,浙江 杭州 310006)
摘要:目的 探讨天麻钩藤饮对轻型颅脑损伤患者临床疗效的影响。方法 前瞻性收集2016年1月-
于血氧饱和度的功能磁共振成像显像结果。结果 两组患者入院时定位能力、瞬时记忆、标准化脑震荡评分
量表(SAC)总分、SCAT-2总分比较,差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)
。治疗2个月时与对照组比较,观察组定位能力评分、瞬时记忆评分、SAC 总分和SCAT-2总分提高(P <0.05)培养的英语
。2个月后观察组患者低频振幅(ALFF)值升高脑区主要位于双侧中央后回区域;观察组患者ALFF 值降低脑区主要位于上颞叶、下颞叶、旁海马区
和梭状回面孔区。在解剖自动贴标模版脑区层面,2个月后观察组患者ALFF 值升高脑区主要位于右边额下回
james taylor盖部、三角部、右边中央沟盖、左脑岛、右边中扣带回、左中央后回、右楔前叶、左侧颞横回、左上颞叶区
域;观察组患者ALFF 值降低脑区主要位于左右嗅球、左右旁海马区、右杏仁核、左右距状回及右侧豆状核。
结论 天麻钩藤饮可以提高SCAT-2评分,提升肢体协调和平衡能力,改善记忆力、头痛、眩晕及一些不稳
家眷的意思关键词: 天麻钩藤饮;轻型颅脑损伤;核磁共振成像
中图分类号: R244.1 文献标识码: A
Effect of Tianma Gouteng Decoction on clinical efficacy in patients with mild traumatic brain injury *
who says 歌词Xin Zhang
(Department of Neurosurgery, Zhejiang Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chine Medicine,
countryregionHangzhou, Zhejiang 310006, China)
Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of Tianma Gouteng Decoction on the clinical efficacy in
the touristpatients with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). Methods From January 2016 to January 2017, 36 patients with
mTBI were prospectively collected in our hospital. The patients were randomly divided into obrvation group and
control group. The patients in both groups received conventional treatment, and the obrvation group was given
Tianma Gouteng Decoction. The Sport Concussion Asssment Tool 2 (SCAT-2) score and BOLD-fMRI imaging of
the two groups were obrved. Results There was no significant difference in orientation ability, instant memory,
SAC total score or SCAT-2 total score on admission between the two groups (P > 0.05). Two months after treatment,
when compared with the control group, the patients in the obrvation group got higher scores of orientation ability
and instant memory, SAC total score and SCAT-2 total score (P < 0.05). Two months after admission, the patients
in the obrvation group got higher ALFF values in bilateral postcentral gyri; and lower ALFF in superior temporal
lobe, inferior temporal lobe, parahippocampal gyrus, and fusiform gyrus. In the anatomical automatic labeling