International ntinel site surveillance of patients with transfusional hemosiderosis treated with deferasirox in actual practice tting 期刊名称: Hematology/oncology & Stem Cell Therapy外甥英文>脸部皮肤美白
作者: El-Beshlawy, Amal,Inusa, Baba,Beneitez Pastor, David,Xicoy,
Blanca,Soledada Duran Nieto, Maria,Bruederle, Andreas,Azmon, Amin,Gilotti,
going down
Geralyn,Elalfy, Mohn
年份: 2019年
期号: 第1期
关键词: Deferasirox;iron overload;iron chelation therapy;safety
摘要:Objective: The study evaluates the long-term deferasirox treatment of adult and pediatric patients with chronic transfusional iron overload in clinical practice. Methods: In this non-interventional study, patients were obrved for up
investto 3 years from initiation of deferasirox treatment both prospectively and retrospectively for up to 1 year prior to enrollment. The primary end points were the proportion of patients with ≥1 notable increa in rum creatinine (SCr), and
≥1 notable increa in alanine aminotransfera (ALT). Results: Overall, 120 patients were enrolled and 51 completed the study, with a limited 3-year dropout rate of 12.5% due to adver events (AEs). Increa in SCr > 33% above baline and the age-adjusted ULN (upper limit of normal) was obrved in 14 patients (95%CI, 7.1–19.2). The ALT levels >5 ×