KISSsoft - Relea 10-2008F
KISSsoft evaluation评估
Name名称 : SUBWAY-2-SC
Changed by : 2159 on: 26.11.2009 at: 08:33:04
Important hint重要提示: At least one warning has occurred during the calculation计算过程中至少已出现一次警告:
1-> Notice通知:
Gear 齿轮2 :
Measuring the Ba tangent length is critical,
it is better to u measurement over rolls测量公法线长度是很重要的,最好是使用量棒间距!
Drawing or article number图号或件号:
Gear齿轮 1: 0.000.0
Gear齿轮 2: 0.000.0春季开学国旗下讲话
Calculation-method ISO 6336:2006 Method B
计算方法 ISO6336:2006方法B
------- GEAR齿轮 1 -------- GEAR齿轮 2 --dogv
Power功率never say goodbay (kW) [P] 300.000
Speed 速度(1/min) [n] 3400.0 442.0
Torque 扭矩(Nm) [T] 842.6 6481.4
fruitApplication factor使用系数 [KA] 1.25
Required rvice life所需的服务寿命 [H] 175000.00
Gear齿轮 driving主动 (+) / driven被动 (-) + -
(Geometry calculation according ISO 21771按ISO21771进行几何计算)
------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Centre distance中心距 (mm) [a] 362.000
Centre distance tolerance中心距公差 ISO 286 Measure js7
Normal module (mm)法向模数 [mn] 6.0000
Pressure angle at normal ction法向压力角heron (? [alfn] 20.0000
Helix angle at reference diameter分度圆螺旋角 (? [beta] 20.0000
Number of teeth齿数 [z] 13 100
Facewidth (mm)齿宽 [b] 90.00 90.00
Helix 旋向 left左 rightstandby是什么意思右
Accuracy grade精度等级 [Q-ISO1328标准] 6 6
Inside diameter (mm)wgn内径 [di] 0.00 0.00
Inside diameter of rim (mm)课程表英语齿圈内径 [dbi] 0.00 0.00
Gear齿轮 1: (Own input) 17NiCrMo6-4, Ca-carburized steel, ca-hardened渗碳表面硬化
ISO 6336-5 Figure图 9/10 (MQ), core strength心部硬度 >=30HRC Jominy顶端淬火 J=12mm<HRC28
Gear齿轮 2: (Own input) 17NiCrMo6-4, Ca-carburized steel, ca-hardened渗碳表面硬化
ISO 6336-5 Figureover flow图 9/10 (MQ), core strength心部硬度 >=30HRC Jominy顶端淬火 J=12mm<HRC28
------- GEAR 1 -------- GEAR 2 --
Surface hardness表面硬度 HRC 60 HRC 60
bring的过去式和过去分词Material treatment according to ISO 6336: Normal (Life faktors ZNT and YNT >=0.85)
Fatigue str. tooth root tension齿根疲劳强度 (N/mm? [sigFlim] 500.00 500.00
Fatigue str. Hertzian stress赫兹应力疲劳强度 (N/mm? [sigHlim] 1500.00 1500.00
Tensile strength抗拉强度 (N/mm? [Rm] 1200.00 1200.00
Yield point 屈服点(N/mm? [Rp] 850.00 850.00
Youngs modulus弹性模量 (N/mm? [E] 206000 206000
Poisson's ratio泊松比 [ny] 0.300 0.300
Average roughness, Ra, tooth flank平均粗糙度,齿面 (祄) [RAH] 0.60 0.60
Mean roughness height, Rz, flank峰谷平均值,齿面 (祄) [RZH] 4.80 4.80
Mean roughness height, Rz, root峰谷平均值,齿根 (祄) [RZF] 20.00 20.00
Tool or reference profile of gear 1齿轮1的刀具参数 :
Reference Profile
1.25 / 0.25 / 1.0 JIS
Addendum factor齿顶高系数 [haP*] 1.000
Dedendum coefficient齿根高系数 [hfP*] 1.250