A gentleman is, rather than does. He is interested in nothing in a professional way. He is allowed to cultivate hobbies, even eentricities, but must not practi a vocation. He must know how to ride and shoot and cast a fly. He should have relatives in the army and navy and at least one connection in the diplomatic rvice. But there are weakness in the English gentleman's ability to rule us today. He usually knows nothing of political economy and less about how foreign countries are governed. He does not respect learning and prefers 'sport '.The problem t for society is not the virtues of the type so much as its adequacy for its function, and here grave difficulties ari. He refus to consider sufficiently the wants of the customer, who must buy, not the thing he desires but the thing the English gentleman wants to ll. He attends anadequately to technological development. Disbelieving in the necessity of large-scale production in the modern world, he is
passionately devoted to excessive crecy, both in finance and method of production. He
金针菇的英文has an incurable and widespread nepotism in appointment, discounting ability and relying upon a mystic entity called 'character,' which means, in a gentleman's mouth, the qualities he traditionally posss himlf. His lack of imagination and the narrowness of his social loyal ties have ranged against him one of the fundamental estates of the realm. He is incapable of that imaginative realism
eco是什么意思 which admits that this is a new world to which he must adjust himlf and his institutions, that every privilege he formely took as of right he can now attain only by offering proof that it is directly relevant to social welfare.
professional n. 职业的
hobby n. 业余好
cast a fly 垂钓
govern vt. 治理
牛津高中英语模块九 grave a. 严重的
inadequately ad. 不充分地
devoted a. 热心的
incurable a. 不可救药的
discount vt. 看轻
entity n. 存在,本质
quality n. 品质
realm n. 王国 bye bye
privilege n. 特权
cultivate vt. 培养 mares
eentricity n. 怪癖
diplomatic rvice 外交部门
adequacy n. 适当
sufficiently ad. 充分地
disbelieve vt. 不相信
excessive a. 过分的
neotism n. 裙带关系
mystic a. 神秘的
narrowness n. 狭隘
estate n. 社会阶层
realism n. 现实主义adjust vt. 使适应
relevant a. 有关的difference n. 差异
1.professional n. 职业的 通常略写为 prof [反]amateur
[辨异]profession, oupation, job
profession “”,强调 highly skilled/highly educated, such as lawyer, doctor, IT engineer,
oupation: normal and general, everybody can have an oupation.
job 不仅指工作,还可以表示干活,例如家务活。
You did a good job.
好听的经典英文歌 [注意]technical/vocational school 职业学校
2.cultivate vt. 培养 [同]nurture, develop, foster
cultivate a hobby/habit
He is well cultivated/educated/bred/trained. 他很有教养。
3.hobby n. 业余爱好
[辨异]mania, hobby, pastime, diversion
mania 颠狂,狂热,癖好 hobby n. 业余爱好
pastime 消遣diversion 消遣,指转移注意力,换换脑筋。
4.eentricity n. 怪癖 [同]odd
eentric 乖僻的,怪癖的
concentric 同轴的,同心的
[辨异]eentric, outlandish, grotesqueeentric 乖僻的,怪癖的
outlandish 异国风味的,奇异的,乖僻的outlandish clothes 奇装异服
grotesque 怪诞的,艺术、美术、文学中的怪异派、怪异的作品
5.cast a fly 垂钓[同]go fishing, on the Fishing trip(悠闲垂钓)
狗狗秘闻 cast a 撒网,为了生存捕鱼
6.diplomatic rvice 外交部门
airline rvice 航空公司travel rvice/agency 旅行社
diplomacy 外交 diplomat 外交官
He is a diplomat. 他是一个左右逢源的人。He is a philosopher.
7ern vt. 治理
government/governing body 政府governor 州长
governess 女家教benevolent government 仁政
8.adequacy n. 适当 [同]sufficient [反]inadequate