幽默搞笑Magic Realism in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude
B.J Geetha
Periyar University, India
In his One Hundred Years of Solitude Gabriel Garcia Marquez through the arnal of magic realism,deals with war, suffering, and death in the mid-1960 of Colombia which had witnesd two hundred thousand politically motivated deaths. The purpo behind portraying the politics of the region is to comment on how the nature of Latin American politics is towards absurdity, denial, and never-ending repetitions of tragedy. His magical flair is to merge fantastic with reality by introducing to the reader his Colombia, where myths, portents, and legends exist side by side with technology and modernity. The myths, along with other elements and events in the novel recount a large portion of Colombian history. [Keywords: Colombia , Magic Realism; Marquez.]
Gabriel Garcia Marquez is rendered with a forte for blending the everyday with the miraculous, the historical with the fabulous, and psychological realism with surreal flights of fancy. He has proved hims
elf as one among the pioneers of magic realism. His One Hundred Years of Solitude is a revolutionary novel that provides a looking glass into the thoughts and beliefs of its author, who cho to give a literary voice to Latin America.
Magic realism is a literary form in which odd, eerie, and dreamlike tales are related as if the events were commonplace. Magic realism is the opposite of the "once-upon-a-time" style of story-telling in which the author emphasizes the fantastic quality of imaginary events. In the world of magic realism, the narrator speaks of the surreal so naturally it becomes real. Magic realism in its literary and artistic applications aimed to re-imagine the world and its reality. It is not an escapist venture but rather an opportunity to e the fantastic in the everyday. There are multiple stylistic traits of magic realism. The key, however, is rejection of subjectivity and emotionalism, simultaneity of past, prent and future and defamiliarisation. However, the traits distinguish magic realism from the fantasy genre. In fantasy novels, the created world must have an internal logic. Magic realism however, is not subject to natural or physical laws.
Gabriel us the form of magical realism and the content derived from history and politics to address some of the most difficult and meaningful themes. He address war, suffering, and death with clarity and political slant. By the mid-1960’s, Colombia had witnesd in excess of two hundred thou
sand politically motivated deaths. La Violencia, from 1946–66, can be Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (ISSN 0975-2935), Vol 2, No 3, 2010 URL of the Issue: /v2n3.php
URL of the article: /V2/n3/MagicRealisminMarquez.pdf
346Rupkatha Journal Vol 2 No 3 broken into five stages: the revival of political violence before and after the
presidential election of 1946, the popular urban upheavals generated by
Gaitan’s assassination, open guerrilla warfare, first against Conrvative
government of Ospina Perez, incomplete attempts at pacification and
negotiation resulting from the Rojas Pinilla (who had ousted Laureano
Gómez), and finally, disjointed fighting under the Liberal/Conrvative coalition of the “National Front,” from 1958 to 1975.
One Hundred Years of Solitude is an exemplary piece of magical
realism, in which the supernatural is prented as mundane, and the
mundane as supernatural or extraordinary. The novel prents a fictional
story in a fictional tting. He carefully balances realistic elements of life, like
poverty and houcleaning, with outrageous instances, like a levitating priest.
There are many purpos of this. One is to introduce the reader to Marquez's
Colombia, where myths, portents, and legends exist side by side with
technology and modernity. Another reason for this leads the reader to
question what is real and what is fantastic, especially in the realm of politics. It
is to force to question the absurdity of our everyday lives. The twisted and
meandering world of politics is under a great deal of scrutiny in this novel,
particularly the chapters that deal with Colonel Aureliano Buendia. The world
of politics is a gloomy one. There is little difference between the Liberals and
the Conrvatives; both parties kill and exploit the people. Although Marquez
has a definite anti-capitalist bent, his purpo in portraying the politics of the
region is not to be polemical. Instead, he comments on how the nature of
Latin American politics is towards absurdity, denial, and never-ending
repetitions of tragedy. The extraordinary events and characters are fabricated.
However the message that Marquez intends to deliver explains a true history.
The politically charged violence characteristic of Colombia’s history is
paralleled in Colonel Aureliano Buendia who wages war against the
Conrvative who are facilitating the ri of foreign imperialist to power. The
wealthy banana plantation t up their own dictatorial police force. The u of
real events and Colombian history by Garcia Marquez makes One Hundred
Years of Solitude an excellent example of magical realism. Not only are the
events of the story an interweaving of reality and fiction, but the novel as a
whole tells the history of Colombia from a critical perspective. In this way, the
novel compress veral centuries of Latin American history into a
manageable text.
The novel tells the story of 100 years in the lives of the Buendía family,
who live in the coastal jungles of an unnamed South American country. It
could equally be en as the story of the town they found, Macondo. Yet
another interpretation would be that it is the story of the life of Úrsula Buendía;
all the things are tied intrinsically together. Had it been not for the title, it
347Magic Realism in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude
might pass unnoticed that it also contains examples of almost every type of loneliness and isolation that it is possible for human beings to suffer, from literal incarceration through blindness to the spiritual emptiness of repeated xual conquests, or the happiness of isolation with the one you love. This is also the story of one hundred years in the life of Macondo and its inhabitants - the story of the town's birth, development and death. Civil war and natural calamities plague this vital place who populace fights to renew itlf and survive.
In One Hundred Years of Solitude myth and history inadvertently overlap. The myth acts as a vehicle to transmit history to the reader. Marquez’s novel can furthermore be referred to as anthropology, where truth is found in language and myth. There are three main mythical elements of the novel: classical stories alluding to foundations and origins, characters rembling mythical heroes, and supernatural elements. Magical realism is inherent in the novel is achieved by the constant intertwining of the ordinary with the extraordinary. This magical realism strikes at one's traditional n of naturalistic fiction. There is something clearly magical about the world of Macondo. It is a st
ate of mind as much as, or more than, a geographical place. For example, one learns very little about its actual physical layout. Furthermore, once in it, the reader must be prepared to meet whatever the imagination of the author prents to him or her.
Garcia Marquez blends real with the magical through the masterful u of tone and narration. He reinforces this effect through the unastonishing tone in which the book is written. This tone restricts the ability of the reader to question the events of the novel; however, it also caus the reader to call into question the limits of reality. Furthermore, maintaining the same narrator throughout the novel familiarizes the reader with his voice and makes the reader to become accustomed to the extraordinary events in the novel.
The inevitable and inescapable repetition of history is also dominant in Macondo. The protagonists are controlled by their pasts and the complexity of time. Throughout the novel the characters are visited by ghosts. The ghosts are symbols of the past and the haunting nature it has over Macondo. The ghosts and the displaced repetition that they evoke are, in fact, firmly grounded in the particular development of Latin American history. Ideological transfiguration ensured that Macondo and the Buendías always were ghosts to some extent, alienated and estranged from their own history, not only victims of the harsh reality of dependence and underdevelopment but also of the ideological illu
sions that haunt and reinforce such social conditions.
Garcia Marquez also illustrates magic realism with the description of his characters. In describing Melques, he says, "He is a fugitive from all
348Rupkatha Journal Vol 2 No 3 plagues and catastrophes that had ever lashed mankind" (6). This a very
difficult statement to believe, but Marquez continues: "He had survived
pellagra in Persia, scurvy in the Malaysian archipelago, leprosy in Alexandria,
beriberi in Japan, bubonic plague in Madagascar, an earthquake in Sicily, and
a disastrous shipwreck in the Strait of Magellan" (6). Once again, he is able to
make unbelievable ideas em possible.英语改错题
This novel never los its capacity to surpri and delight us. No matter
whom we meet, we quickly learn to expect the unexpected, the colourful, the
original--from moments of evocative beauty, like the trail of butterflies, to the
satiric, like the priest levitating to chocolate, to erotic scene of bawdy and
prodigious x, like characters who farts are so strong they kill all the
flowers in the hou or man who runs through the hou balancing beer
bottles on his penis. The comic energy here is justly famous. The characters,
for the most part, may be two-dimensional, and we may meet some of them
only for a couple of pages, but there is throughout a n of vitality and
wonder at the world which makes this story hard to put down.
Like everything Marquez writes, there is some truth and much fiction in
this tale. The truth in the tale is that One Hundred Years of Solitude is a very
personal book for the author. It would not have been written if he had not
experienced the kind of childhood he had. Marquez grew up with his maternal
grandparents in Aracataca, Colombia. His grandparents were cousins who
moved to Aracataca from Riohacha at the end of the War of a Thousand Days
(1899-1902), a few years before a leaf storm. Marquez's childhood anecdotes
tell of a big hou full of ghosts, conversations in code, and relatives who
could foretell their own deaths. It was also a hou filled with guests and文艺晚会开场白
social events, shaded by almond trees and bursting with flowers. When
Marquez's grandfather died, he was nt to live with his parents. In his
grandfather's abnce, his grandmother, who was blind, could no longer keep
up the hou. It fell into a state of ruin, and red ants destroyed the trees and
double shotflowers. Also early in his childhood, Marquez witnesd the massacre of
striking banana workers at a plantation named Macondo at a train station. The
government made every attempt to block information from the public and
pacify the foreign plantation owners. Marquez was horrified, and even more
horrified when he reached high school and learned that the event had been
deleted from his history textbook.
Though Garcia Marquez's esntially a unique artist in handling magic
realism. He also demonstrates that magical realism alone does not make a
writer great. Marquez's imagination, human insight and literary skill, more thanshine your way
his genre, provide the best explanation for his art and popularity. As obrved
by one critic, "The magic realism in Garcia Marquez's novel forms a broad
and diver spectrum ranging from the literally extraordinary though
349Magic Realism in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude nonetheless possible, to the farthest extremes of the physically fabulous and unlikely" (Bell-Villada 108). For example, Colonel Aureliano Buendia tries to commit suicide and shoots himlf in the chest, but the bullet exits out his back without injuring a single organ.
Throughout One Hundred Years of Solitude, Garcia Marquez exaggerates events to gain fantasy. However, the exaggeration is almost always numerically specific and gives each occurrence a n of reality, notes critic Bell-Villada (109). Examples of this are Colonel Buendia’s thirty-two defeated uprisings; the rainstorm that lasts four years, eleven months, and two days; and Fernanda’s criss-crosd calendar of x, containing exactly forty-two "available" days. Magic realism as a technique of transforming the fantastic into reality is reprented by Garcia Marquez. He has the ability to turn the unbelievable into the believable, as demonstrated in One Hundred Years of Solitude.
One Hundred Years of Solitude includes realism and magic which em at first to be opposites; they are, in fact, perfectly reconcilable. Both are necessary in order to convey Marquez’s particular conception of the world. Marquez’s novel reflects reality not as it is experienced by one obrver, but as it is individually experienced by tho with different backgrounds. The multiple perspectives are
especially appropriate to the unique reality of Latin America—caught between modernity and pre-industrialization; torn by civil war, and ravaged by imperialism—where the experiences of people vary much more than they might in a more homogenous society. Through magical realism he conveys a reality that incorporates magic, superstition, religion and history which are unquestionably infud into the world.
Bell-Villada, Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude: A Cabook Oxford: Oxford University, 2002.
Marquez, Gabrial Garcia. One Hundred Years of Solitude : Harper and Row Press, Colombia.
Martz. John D. Colombia A Contemporary Survey. The University of North Carolina Press: 1962
Rausch, Jane M. Colombia: Territorial Rule and Llanos Frontier. University Press of Florida: 1999.
Wood, Michael. Garcia Marquez 100 Years of Solitude. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990
B. J. Geetha is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Periyar University, India. Email: ********************.