得分 | 评卷人 | 一、Choo the answer that best completes the statement or answer the question (每题1分,共20分) |
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1 ___ once declared himlf a “a classicist in literature, royalist in politics and Anglo-Catholic in religion”
A. Walt Whitman B Emily Dickinson
C. Wallace Stevens D. T.S. Eliot
2 Three of the following writers are Nobel Prize winners. Which one is NOT?
A Ernest Hemingway B William Faulkner
C Pearl Buck D John Dos Passos
莫衷一是是什么意思3 ___ are not only poets but also literary critics.
① Edgar Allan Poe ② Carl Sandburg ③T.S. Eliot ④ Ezra Pound
A. ①③④ B. ①②③ C. ①②④ D. ①②③④
4 Which of the following writers does NOT belong to the Lost Generation.
A John Steinbeck B John Dos Passos
C Ernest Hemingway D F.Scott Fitzgerald
5 __ was regarded as America’s poet laureate and invited to read his poem at the inauguration of President Kennedy.
A. T.S. Eliot B. E.E. Cummings
C. Robert Frost D. Ezra Pound
6. three poets Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot and __ opened the way to Modern poetry.
A. O.Henry B. Henry David Thoreau
C. E.E. Cummings D. Robert Frost
7 Which of the following is NOT a southern writer in the USA?
A. Saul Bellow B. Tenne Williams
C. Eudora Welty D. Flannery O’Connor
8 In The Great Gatsby, Nick is the narrator who belongs to the type of ___.
A. participant B. non-participant
C. unreliable D. innocent eye
9 Among the following writers,__ is best known for his nsitive depiction of the American small-town life.
A. Henry James B. Sherwood Anderson
C Ernest Hemingway D John Dos Passos
10 Which of the following novels is a good illustration of the “Roaring 20s” and hence rves as a “cultural-history allegory” for the America?
A. A Farewell to Arms B.Treasure Island
C. The Great Gatsby D. The Portrait of a Lady
11 Ernest Hemingway is noted for the following EXCEPT___.
A. Lost Generation B. iceberg theory
C. American Dream D. grace under pressure.
12 The most popular and versatile of all the writers connected with the Harlem Renaisance is ___.
A. Richard Wright B. W.E.B. DuBbois
C. Langston Hughes D. James Baldwin
13 “American Shakespeare” refers to __.
A. Elmer Rice B. Edward Albee
C. Eugene O’Neill D. Tenne Williams
14. One of the most noticeable elements of Harlem Renaissance writing is its u of dialect and folklore and its identification with the spirit of ___.
A. rap B. jazz C. blues D. R&B
15 ___ is said to be a “historical novel” by Faulkner.
A. Go Down, Mos B. Light in August
C. The Sound and the Fury D. Absalom, Absalom
16 Which beat-poet wrote the work On the Road?
temperature怎么读A. Allen Ginsberg B. Jack Kerouac
C. Wlliam Burroughs D. Charles Bukowski
17 Which of the following novels is the masterpiece of Vladimir Nabokov?
A Lolita B On the Road
C The Lonesome Traveler D The Naked Lunch
18 Which of the following poets is NOT member of the Black Mountain poets?
A. Robert Creely B. Robert Duncan
C. Throdore Roethke D. Charles Olson
19 Who is the author of Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book?
A Jade Snow Wong B Maxine Hong Kingston
C Kai-yu Hsu D Elaine Kim
20 Death of a Salesman is written by __.
A. Tenne Williams B. Arthur Miller
C. Elmer Rice D. Clifford Odets
emme>平面设计培训基地得分 | scrivener评卷人 | 二、Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or fal (F). (每题1分,共30分) |
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1 Long Day’s Journey into Night is considered as Eugene O’Neill’s autobiographical play.
2 Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman keeps on dreaming of success and living in illusions and lies.
3 Baldwin’s common theme is to condemn racism, urge reform, and criticize evils of society.
4 The Crucible was written by Arthur Miller.
5 Tenne Williams is the one who dares to deal with themes such as violence, x, and homoxuality on the stage in the postwar period.
6.Beyond the Horizon is not written by Eugene O’Neill
7 American southern literature can date back to Edgar Allen Poe, and reach its summit with the appearance of the two “giants” – Faulkner and Wolfe.
8 The New Criticism as a school of poetry and criticism established itlf in the 1940s as an academic orthodoxy in the United States.
9 John Steinbeck was a significant Depression writer.
10.The Grapes of Wrath is a crisis novel.