1. Introduction (1)
1.1 Rearch background (1)
1.2 Rearch significance (2)
2. Literature Review (3)绿帘石
2.1 Relevant rearch in foreign country (3)
2.2 Relevant rearches in China (5)
3. Analysis of the Female Image and Personality Characteristics of Olive Kittridge (7)
3.1 Analysis of Olive Kitteridge's Feminine Characteristics (7)
3.1.1 Indifference to others (7)
解释 英文3.1.2 Olive`s Independence (8)
wq是啥意思3.1.3 Olive`s Tenderness to the Children (9)
3.2 Olive`s Feminist Consciousness (11)
3.2.1 The Resistance to Tradition (11)
3.2.2 The Pursuit of Love (13)merry me中文意思
huddle3.2.3 The Concession to Family (14)
4. Conclusion (16)
Bibliography ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1 Rearch background
日本旅游攻略2013Elizabeth Strout (1956 -) won the Pulitzer Prize for literature in 2009 for her novel olive Kitteridge. Compared with his earlier works, this novel not only reflects the sincere humanistic feelings and delicate female consciousness, but also has a new breakthrough. First of all, it is unique in form. The New York Times commented that it successfully combines the continuous intertwining technique of novels with the brilliant insight of short stories. The 13 stories that em to be independent form a three-dimensional town style painting. Oliver Kittridge has aroud people's thinking about immortal propositions such as love, loneliness, sadness and death. It is no exaggeration to say that this novel has great potential in form and art. Not only that, through the delicate, feminine and slightly cruel stro
西安网页设计培训kes of the female writers, the heroines' living conditions are deplorable and helpless, and people can't help thinking: today, with the high economic development, women's road to ek dignity and happiness is still bumpy, and the industrial civilization and barbarism have changed nature, and also changed us in nature. The author us this work to re-examine the relationship between man and nature, men and women, which coincides with ecofeminism.
Oliver Kittridge is t in a small aside town in Maine, New England, USA. It tells the life of people of all walks of life and different ages in the small town of Klesby in delicate and plain words, "showing a beautiful and quiet but flowing New England town style painting". In Strauss's works, there is no big city noi, no ups and downs of life, but the calm "accumulated emotion is deeply shocking.". Her works do not have the absurdity, magic, black humor and trivial disorder highlighted in postmodernism literature, but u "elegant writing" to lead literary creation from modernism and Postmodernism to the return of realism, At the same time, the pluralistic theme and narrative structure integrate the elements of postmodernism, which reflects the literary tendency of Neo realism propod by Malcolm Bradbury.
1.2 Rearch significance
初中语文教学反思>公路运输发票The novel takes place in the author's hometown. There are 13 short stories in the novel, of which nearly half are starred by olive, and the rest are just "pasrs-by" of the story. But the 13 stories put together, readers can e a strong, poisonous tongue, nsitive, cynical, desperate for life olive, also can e a kind, gentle, in a n of hope for life olive. The duality of the heroine is the embodiment of the duality of the novel's theme. The novel has two themes: superficial despair and deep hope. When people understand this work, they are easily blinded by the negative emotions.
The first chapter of this paper introduces the rearch background of the article, and then makes a literature review on the rearch of the novel. The third chapter analyzes the heroine's female image and personality, including the heroine's indifference to others, the heroine's independence and her attitude towards her children. Then in the fourth chapter, it introduces the heroine's female consciousness, including her resistance to tradition, her pursuit of love, and finally her compromi to family.
2.Literature Review
2.1 Relevant rearch in foreign country
Ecofeminism is to put women and nature together for consideration, and to make an analogy betwee
n human beings' oppression of nature and men's oppression of women, so as to promote and improve their own theory. However, among the branches of his theory, different schools have their own views on whether to strengthen or weaken the connection between them. Both cultural and spiritual ecofeminism emphasize that the connection between them should be strengthened. For example, Susan Griffin, a cultural ecofeminist, believes in her works that nature also has intrinsic value, and it should be on an equal footing with human beings(Susan,2008). The value of nature can not only be reflected in being ud by people, just as the value of women cannot be reflected in men. Social ecofeminism emphasizes that the relationship between nature and women should be weakened. It advocates that nature and women should be considered in different social and historical relationships. Social ecofeminism thinks that the connection between the two is constructed by the society, and the root of the oppression and destruction of nature lies in the economic development mode under the patriarchal thinking. It should reduce the connection between women and nature and rebuild a benevolent society without hierarchy. Therefore, some people call it constructivist ecofeminism. The destruction of nature will eventually bring disaster to mankind(Griffin, 2010).
Women's social status depends on their ethical relationship in the society, which is determined by th
e social structure, and the basis of the decision is women's unique characteristics of pregnancy, childbirth, and the need to rai children. Becau the social status is at a lower level, both production and life are more in contact with nature, so women are clor to nature, while the corresponding men are far away from nature. Therefore, men hope to take women and nature as their ruling objects to compensate for their alienation from nature. Philosophical feminism also advocates weakening the natural connection between women and nature[]. It holds that men are