2019外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit3 词汇训练(无答案)

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the ron clark story2019外研版高中英语必修第一册Unit3 词汇训练(无答案,共11 页)
训练一  根据句意写出单词的汉语意思
character /'kærɪktə/ n.  _______________
She played the character of Alexis for ven years on television.
I found it hard to like the main character. 我发现很难喜欢上这个主要角色。
cartoon character 卡通人物
approach /ə'prəʊtʃ/ v. _______________
Three people approached me, asking for money. 有三个人走近向我要钱。
When I approached, the deer immediately ran away. 我一靠近,鹿就马上跑开了。
chat /tʃæt/ n. _______________
Mr Lee wants to have a chat with me about my report. 李先生想和我聊聊我的报告。
focus /'fəʊkəs/ v. _______________
The discussion focud on three main problems. 讨论集中在三个主要问题上。
Each exerci focus on a different grammar point. 每个练习各有不同的语法重点。
career /kə'合法的rɪə/ n. 在线发音词典_______________
The win was the 250th in Andersons coaching career.
Tinas interested in a career in banking. 蒂娜很想从事银行业。
lawyer /'lɔ:jə/ n. _______________
The lawyer was paid a huge salary.  这个律师拿了很高的薪金。popularscience
assume /ə'sju:m/ v. _______________
Its reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve.
Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. 咱们暂时假设计划成功。
She would, he assumed, be home at the usual time. 他认为,她会在通常时间回到家的
respect /rɪ'spekt/ v. _______________
I respect Jack's opinion on most subjects. 在大多数事情上,我尊重杰克的意见。
She had always been honest with me, and I respect her for that. 
a much loved and highly respected teacher 备受爱戴和尊敬的老师
studio /'stju:diəʊ/ n. _______________
a television studiocore 014  电视演播室
studio audience  演播室现场的观(听)众
a recording studio  录音棚
court /kɔ:t/ n. _______________
Her lawyer made a statement outside the court. 她的律师在法庭外面发表了一份声明。
She will appear in courtbeowulf tomorrow. 她明天出庭。
ignore /ɪɡ'nɔ:/ v. _______________
He ignored all the ‘No Smoking’ signs and lit up a cigarette. 
I made a suggestion but they cho to ignore it.  我提了个建议,但他们不予理会。
professional /prə'feʃ(ə)nəl/ adj. _______________
If it's a legal matter you need to ek professional advice . 
Most of the people on the cour were professional women. 参加本课程的大多数人是职业女性。
suit /su:t/ v. _______________
This hot weather doesn't suit me. 天这么热,我真受不了。
I don't think this coat really suits me. 我觉得这件大衣不大适合我穿。 
talent /'tælənt/ n. _______________
to have great artistic talent  很有艺术天赋
She showed considerable talent for getting what she wanted.  她很有天资,能够心想事成。
注会综合阶段难吗option /'ɒpʃ(ə)n/ n. _______________
As I e it, we have two options... 据我看,我们有两种选择…
Going to college was not an option for me. 上大学不是我可以选择的道路。
sigh /s/ n. _______________
With a sigh of exhaustion, she let them leave. 她疲倦地叹了口气就让他们走了。
curtain /'kɜ:tn/ n. _______________
The audience was waiting for the curtain to ri (= for the play to begin) .  观众在等待开幕。
generation /,enə'reɪʃ(ə)n/ n. _______________
the younger/older generation 年轻的一代;老一辈
My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war. 
gap /ɡæp/ n. _______________
the gap between rich and poor  贫富之间的差距
the gap between theory and practice  理论与实践的脱节
currently /'kʌrəntli/ adv. _______________
The hourly charge is wpa是什么意思currently £35.  现在每小时收费是35英镑。
Currently, over 500 students are enrolled on the cour. 目前有500多名学生注册学习这门课程。
regularly /'reɡjʊləli/ adv. _______________
I go there quite regularly. 我经常去那儿。
He regularly watched our games from the stands. 他经常从看台上观看我们的比赛。
responsible /rɪ'spɒnsɪb(ə)l/ adj. _______________
Who's responsible for this mess? 是谁弄得这么乱? 
He was only partly responsible for the accident.  他对这次事故只负有部分责任。
memory /'mem(ə)ri/ n. _______________
childhood memories 童年的回忆
I have vivid memories of my grandparents. 我依然清楚地记得我的祖父母。
nowadays /'naʊədz/ adv. _______________
Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading. 
Men are doing more houwork nowadays. 现今男人正在承担越来越多的家务。
jaw /dʒɔ:/ n. _______________
the top/upper jaw 上颌
He has a strong square jaw. 他长着一副结实的方下巴。
beard /bɪəd/ n. _______________
a week's growth of beard  一星期未刮的胡子
a goat's beard  山羊的胡子
skin /skɪn/ n. _______________
His skin was dry.  他的皮肤干燥。
Sarah has typically Irish fair skin. 莎拉有着典型爱尔兰人的白皮肤。
jogging /'dʒɒɡɪŋ/ n. _______________
She tries to keep fit by jogging九年级英语听力下载 every day.  她每天慢跑以保持健康。

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